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Servants - yes or no?


"you are only whatever your wallet will support after all"

Perhaps in the circles you know. When it is your time that wallet cannot support life. Betwixt then and now we all serve someone or something on some scale.

The domestic cleaning someone's toilet
The opportunist pledging his or her soul to something while moving up the ladder

When the heart ceases to pump both shall pass and paths fork off to other places.


Active Member
how much do you pay your cleaner in China? (per hour)

I pay her a fixed rate of 400RMB a month for her to come once a week - each time she comes she stays for about 2-3 hours I think. My place is pretty big, but it's just me there, and a dog. 400RMB is about $63. Local Chinese (and likely other expats too) would pay her about 260-280RMB for the same service.

She doesn't come if it's a public holiday. And likewise if there were some other occasion or urgent personal matter she had, I wouldn't mind her not coming that time either. When the time comes for me to leave Beijing I will pay her 6 months salary in her final month as a thank you.

You see what kind of sick exploiter I am? I'm clearly just the worst man in the world aren't I for accepting this lady's application to work for me and then PAY her for it. I mean, damn! What is the world coming to?


If I knew what this meant, I might think it was clever. But I am totally confused by this statement!

I was referring to the video circling around again.

Ain't it just amazing when two cultures meet where paths cross and exchange a word or two ?


Active Member
that sure is true.
What I have noticed in this thread (and others), is that once the Lords and Ladies realise they cannot convert you to their exploitative way of thinking then they do one of these things:
1. Name calling
2. Have a hissy fit
3. Leave the thread in a huff
4. Assert that you have no idea about things

What I have noticed is that people who do present you with actual reasoned argument get faced with more of your assumptions and ignorance. I'd wager more people have in fact resorted to name calling but their posts got pulled by the admins.

I certainly do assert that you have no idea because, as with other posts from you, you make MASSIVELY presumptuous statements with absolutely no evidence or backing at all. It's ok to have opinions on things, but damn, make sure you make it clear that it's only what YOU think. Presenting opinion as hard cold fact will undoubtedly incur the verbal wrath of others.

I stand by my point that you haven't yet addressed the issue of fair employment. You've only branded everyone as slave drivers, and despite all the evidence presented against you, you've only answered with sarcastic statements and other nonsense. Here's a straight question for you. I hope you'll answer it.

What is so inherently wrong with one person hiring another to do a job that both have agreed upon?


Well-Known Member
It seems as though you are saying that it would be alright for government officials (Kings and Queens) to have servants, just not regular folk.

I'm not saying that, but there are times when staff could be needed.

for instance, in the workplace - cleaning of offices, serving at official functions and the like.
It sure sounds like you want to be King of the World, and are taking the position that your ideas of how it should be are more important than how things actually work, and what actually benefits or harms real human beings.

a touch of sensationalism there I think.:rolleyes:

You advocate a system that would force people who are now caring for themselves, to starve -- in order to serve your agenda -- and you seem to feel morally superior while doing so. How very noble!

let's keep it real - no one is talking about making others starve.

Those who are now servants will just have to do other jobs instead.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by nnmartin
What I have noticed in this thread (and others), is that once the Lords and Ladies realise they cannot convert you to their exploitative way of thinking then they do one of these things:

1. Name calling
2. Have a hissy fit
3. Leave the thread in a huff
4. Assert that you have no idea about things
This Lady hasn't done a single one of these things.

that is true and I commend you for it;)


Well-Known Member
Exchanging a reasonable sum of money that both parties are happy enough with, does. A third party coming in and telling two people they can't make an agreed-upon economic exchange is harmful, annoying, and unjustified.

does that mean you don't support the notion of a minimum wage then?


Wonder Woman
Those who are now servants will just have to do other jobs instead.

Whoa whoa whoa now. :facepalm: Aren't you the one who was going on earlier about how servants are "trapped" in their jobs because it's too hard to just go out and find other jobs? Now suddenly you casually throw out that they "will just have to do other jobs instead"??? But...but...I thought finding other jobs was too hard according to you. Where are all these other jobs that are just going to magically open up for all the displaced maids, butlers, groundskeepers and so on when their jobs are destroyed that weren't there before for them to have? If people are doing these jobs because there are no other jobs to do (according to you) then what magical jobs will get created just for them when you take away the jobs they have now?


Active Member
because peoples' actions shouldn't just be based on the rate of financial exchange.

Dude, get real! Goods and services for money, money for goods and services, that's how the world operates. And it's only by this miracle of consumer capitalism that you're not living in your own filth in a cave somewhere.

You still haven't explained properly what is truly wrong with the concept of someone working for someone else. I mean, do you have a job? Who are you enslaved by?