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Servants - yes or no?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Perhaps there are some who can't possibly know the gentry mindset when it comes to such issues.

It's probably safe to assume that these domestic workers do these kind of jobs not for a hobby or for the sake of knowing their place in society. They are not all part time workers doing these jobs for extra spending cash and I doubt they get to spend more time with their own families. However I can see some of the 'out of touch with reality' gentry class entertaining these falsehoods when regarding domestic workers. I'm really expecting one of them to say - 'Let them eat cake'

Let the gentry eat cake. Who gives a rat's *** what they're thinking if they and another person have entered into a mutually agreeable employment contract and they don't behave illegally?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Perhaps there are some who can't possibly know the gentry mindset when it comes to such issues.

It's probably safe to assume that these domestic workers do these kind of jobs not for a hobby or for the sake of knowing their place in society. They are not all part time workers doing these jobs for extra spending cash and I doubt they get to spend more time with their own families. However I can see some of the 'out of touch with reality' gentry class entertaining these falsehoods when regarding domestic workers. I'm really expecting one of them to say - 'Let them eat cake'
Foul! I decree that you are guilty of anti-gentry bigotry!
Is this "gentryphobia"?
Anyway, the landed gentry are people too.
If you prick them, do they not hire someone to bleed for them?


Let the gentry eat cake. Who gives a rat's *** what they're thinking if they and another person have entered into a mutually agreeable employment contract and they don't behave illegally?

Lords, Ladies, heel hounds and lap dogs. they cannot exist without one another.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Lords, Ladies, heel hounds and lap dogs. they cannot exist without one another.

Living as I do in the great state of Texas, I don't see much evidence of either lords, ladies, or lap dogs - though I do see a fair amount of hounds. Mostly some mixture of blue heeler and/or pit though.

Most of the people I see around here look something like this:

Some of these guys probably have housekeepers too - considering the hours they put in at work.
Wow. I want and I want. 500 years ago we all had wants the difference is now with today's tech you have found ways to make your wants real at the expense of others and now are justifying that expense you impose on the world really to yourself and then asking us to endorse...

I get the motivation dear but not every want needs to be met and not every met want is a good thing for everyone else despite how important you might feel every want you have is.

I guess I should also mention bragging about your salary and taxes paid does little for the United states whose ACTUAL rich people are making people like you mouth pieces for their take over and how ignorant you seem to be what is actually is going on in your own country. (And you seem to support it like maxwell house.... to the last drop...) Every minute my daughter spends at daycare weighs on me and her mother like a millstone.... (I wish my family lived closer) Servants and slaves are for the people who think they are entitled to such and they will justify that every day in vain attempts to live the lie they tell.

Rationalization is their life. Just ask them.
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In addition as I know you are all waiting with bated breath for someone to reply and dash my response I will add this...

If having personal servants is so good why not pay more taxes and let everyone have personal servants? After all people maintain the roads for you and police them for safety and make sure your drugs, food and doctors are all safe why not also pay a bit more so no one has to clean their toilets or mow and fertilize their lawns?

Why should just some have the privilege? Are they somehow better for society? If the argument is well I am a good boss and I pay them appropriately and listen to them than why not let every family who lives in a house of X size have 1 or 2 or maybe even more servants and free as the public pays for it? Every person is entitled to public healthcare by heading to emergency room or watching firemen save their residence from burning down so why not make everyone entitled to cleaning? (I imagine you are probably also against everyone having access to public healthcare and that they must first be gainfully employed full time by an employer who garnishes the wages of their employed in order to provide healthcare because god forbid we allow public health care on a personal basis and not for profit.... People who have the power should choose who they employ full time and thus who gets healthcare... the rest should just pray for better lives or something....)

But waaaaah I was poor once... Good so you should know how silly you sound. :)


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Insurgo - who are you talking to?

Looks like you need a servant to help you figure out how to use this forum.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I support the right of people who disapprove of servants to not hire them.
But geeze.....it seems that they fret too much that someone somewhere might just be enjoying little too much luxury.


Empirical Curmudgeon
As I mentioned earlier in this thread; the problem is not about servants.
Everyone who puts in a decent days work is someone's servant in my view.

The scientists who recently discovered the Higgs boson (probably) are our servants as they put in the work to let us understand more about the universe.
A fireman is your servant when he puts out the fire in your house or teaches kids about fire hazards.
A doctor is a servant when she uses her education and experience to treat your illness or injury.
I am a servant to the pupils in my class and to their parents when I teach the children math and how to read or write.
And all who contribute to society in some way through their knowledge and work is ultimately servants of society.

The problem is about having access to choice.
And that's where the issue of the distribution of wealth comes in.

There are ways to fix this however.
In Norway all levels of education is available to those who are willing to put in the work and has the necessary skills.
Here you can take a Phd in any field you like without it costing you a dime in tuition.
That is, if a Phd is what you want. :)


Well-Known Member
But geeze.....it seems that they fret too much that someone somewhere might just be enjoying little too much luxury.

It is because luxury comes at the expense of the working man, and his family, children, dependents etc..

Why don't we just re-introduce slavery?

hell, that provides the worker with food , so can't be that bad surely:sarcastic
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Well-Known Member
Wow. I want and I want. 500 years ago we all had wants the difference is now with today's tech you have found ways to make your wants real at the expense of others and now are justifying that expense you impose on the world really to yourself and then asking us to endorse...

fair play for bumping the thread, I'm ready to have another bash at it:yes:

just waiting for all the hypocrites to come out of their lies of spirituality, religion, love of man and God and the rest , to justify their exploitation yet again.

having servants = hypocrisy, exploitation, laziness


Well-Known Member
As I mentioned earlier in this thread; the problem is not about servants.
Everyone who puts in a decent days work is someone's servant in my view.

you may have mentioned that, but you are wrong - as has been pointed out to you.

A scientist being a servant in an allegorical sense is not the same as a person tending to another's basic daily needs.

and since when is a teacher a servant to their students?

sounds like you are working at some kind of cowboy outfit to me!


Well-Known Member
Insurgo - who are you talking to?

Looks like you need a servant to help you figure out how to use this forum.

not sure, but I think he may be talking to you...;)

anyway, where does Jesus and the brotherhood of man come into this - do you really think that His message is for us to grovel over each other?


Jehovah our God is One
What do you think of the idea of having servants?

If you could afford it , would you have them?

I am thinking of servants such as butlers, cleaners, chefs, door openers etc..

Would you really want to have these people in your home attending to your every need, and what do you think of those people that have such staff?

another question, should they be allowed at all in the first place?

aren't we all servant to someone? I work for a company who provides personal services to the disabled. when i'm working, im acting as a servant to the disabled person and i have to cater to them.

And when i pay someone to come to my home and perform a service such as plumbing work or gardening, they are acting as a servant to me.

i dont see anything wrong with it. Its what makes the world go round.


Well-Known Member
sure, just like I am a servant to my slave, because come dinner time I have to order one of my other slaves to cook and clean the dishes - and that's a hassle.

I could be relaxing in my champagne bath instead.:sarcastic

so how does Jesus and the spirit of love fit into this sham of groveling over those that have money.

and why would you think this is correct?

the love of mammon and all that.


Empirical Curmudgeon
you may have mentioned that, but you are wrong - as has been pointed out to you.

I obviously disagree, so why don't you explain it to me?

A scientist being a servant in an allegorical sense is not the same as a person tending to another's basic daily needs.

All of us pay people to do things that we can't, won't or don't have the time to do ourselves.
I have the education, experience and skills to be a teacher, and so that is how I get paid.
I do not have the education, experience and skills to be a doctor, an electrician, or a baker for that matter, so when I need those services, I pay for them, in effect making those people my servants for an agreed upon price, just as I educate the pupils in my class, thus being their servant in a sense, for an agreed upon price.

Could I bake my own bread?
Probably, but it is less time-consuming for me to just buy it from a baker, and I probably end up with a better product as well.

Could the parents of my pupils teach their children to read, write and do math?
A lot of them probably could, but it is less time-consuming for them to have a teacher do it instead, and the end result is likely to be better as well.

and since when is a teacher a servant to their students?

Any teacher who does not, in some sense, see themselves as a servant of their students, i.e. feels that they have a calling, should not be a teacher in my opinion.

sounds like you are working at some kind of cowboy outfit to me!

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean... :shrug:
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