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Sex or Love

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Don't be...... I was lonely for most of my days, and then bumped into Mrs B when I was 43yrs. I might not appreciate what we have now, so much, if I had not felt the alone-ness for so long.

Everybody needs to get to like themselves, and know themselves as much as possible....... first. ...... and to value their gifts.
Some are born with intelligence.
Some with great strength.
Some with amazing artistic ability.
Some are just naturally happy.
Some are considered beautiful.
Some have amazing initiative.
Some have common sense.
Some are born rich.
Some just bump into a 'lover'.

Count your blessings. On RF, we know that you already have many.

Thank you. I'll frubal you when I can. :)


So jealous of NobodyYouKnow and Oldbadger.
There's no need to be, but you are still young, there's plenty of time for that to happen....just remember this conversation for when it does...

I really want to go into all the ways to apply pressure and manipulate all the nerves and joints before and during sex to raise kundalini...but I feel I've already turned you guys on enough with all this and that's not my intention. lol

I'll write up a full guide to Tantric sex one day...in another place...

As for Kahlil Gibran on this...

And beauty is not a need but an ecstasy.

It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth,

But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.

It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear,

But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears.

It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw,

But rather a garden forever in bloom and a flock of angels forever in flight.

People of Orphalese, beauty is life when life unveils her holy face.

But you are life and you are the veil.

Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.

But you are eternity and you are the mirror.

I am eternity and I am the mirror...and I'm also bawling my eyes out again...I really gotta learn to detach my emotion from my spirituality. lol


Skanky Old Mongrel!
So true. Those who have honestly felt this, have really 'made love' and not just 'had sex'.

The love that a couple 'makes' goes way beyond their individual contribution.

....then again, I make guys like revolt go totally insane. ;)

I was saying earlier that my wife has close vision and stares into my right eye to watch what happens there. I wear tri-focal specs and if I wanted to look into her right eye in the 'the clouds' I would have to wear my specs and a pair of 'clip on' magnifiers. Well, if I put that lot on she would just collapse and wee herself with laughter, and no 'clouds' or anything.

So I can never watch what happens in her eyes. :sad4::sad4::sad4:


I was saying earlier that my wife has close vision and stares into my right eye to watch what happens there. I wear tri-focal specs and if I wanted to look into her right eye in the 'the clouds' I would have to wear my specs and a pair of 'clip on' magnifiers. Well, if I put that lot on she would just collapse and wee herself with laughter, and no 'clouds' or anything.

So I can never watch what happens in her eyes. :sad4::sad4::sad4:
That's fine, just place your hand on each other's heart and feel it beating...just do that anyway...feel her beating heart and know it does so for you...yeah, this is just such exquisite stuff...many people miss it in the rush to reach the end...without really reading/enjoying the book...


Skanky Old Mongrel!
...but I feel I've already turned you guys on enough with all this and that's not my intention. lol
I saw your pic in another thread...... yep, you will be able to turn the guys on, alright....:)

As for Kahlil Gibran on this...

I am eternity and I am the mirror...and I'm also bawling my eyes out again...I really gotta learn to detach my emotion from my spirituality. lol
Isn't it amazing that these folks who can write and paint the most wonderful 'things', and yet are so out of control with themselves.....?

Try Baha'u'allah:-
A lover is he who is chill in hellfire,
A knower is he who is dry in the sea.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
That's fine, just place your hand on each other's heart and feel it beating...just do that anyway...feel her beating heart and know it does so for you...yeah, this is just such exquisite stuff...many people miss it in the rush to reach the end...without really reading/enjoying the book...

You....... could make a very good living......... and provide a most valuable service to your community........... if you would be a therapist. Most definitely.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Uummmmm..... yeahhh...... ummm .....no.
In different languages, of course, but I don't think that many words can equal the experience...... there may be some others, but 'sex' rings more of 'we had a good sh-g', sort of description. (IMO!)
I love that description 'sleeping together'......... When we make love we do not sleep....:)
I don't see why people would get hung up on the words rather than the experience.

"Sex" rings to you to mean a certain thing, but it doesn't mean others will necessarily use those descriptions. Phrases like making love or sleeping together are euphemisms, which is okay. I don't have a problem with how other people describe it, but on the same token, one shouldn't assume that everyone else uses language like they do, with specific lines of difference like "sex" or "making love".

If I have a multi-hour experience with my partner, with massages and full body kissing all that leading up to more, I still use the word sex to refer to it. Or I'll just say, "really good sex". You can call it what you will.

I'm a lover not a poet. :shrug:


Skanky Old Mongrel!
The more insignificant the issue, the more I take it to heart.

My Old-Man (bless him) was like that. Bust a cup and he'd scream blue murder. Present him with the most dreadful situation (I presented him with many) and he'd be cool as a cucumber, figuring out all the possible options.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I don't see why people would get hung up on the words rather than the experience.

"Sex" rings to you to mean a certain thing, but it doesn't mean others will necessarily use those descriptions. Phrases like making love or sleeping together are euphemisms, which is okay. I don't have a problem with how other people describe it, but on the same token, one shouldn't assume that everyone else uses language like they do, with specific lines of difference like "sex" or "making love".

If I have a multi-hour experience with my partner, with massages and full body kissing all that leading up to more, I still use the word sex to refer to it. Or I'll just say, "really good sex". You can call it what you will.

I'm a lover not a poet. :shrug:

That's cool.
No probs.
A rose is a rose....... by any other name.
You describe your feelings as you please...... :)


I saw your pic in another thread...... yep, you will be able to turn the guys on, alright....:)
That's so kind of you to say so. It has been a very long time since a man has told me that....so long, I actually stopped believing it. I am...flattered (for the first time in years).

It is one of my faults. I am a bit too critical of myself in this regard, always comparing myself to those more aesthetically pleasing...more glamorous.

I haven't had any form of physical relationship in close-on 12 years now...and it's true what they say...if you don't use it, you lose it.

I used to be a spiritual healer/therapist...a long time ago...

Now, there's a 'massage parlor' on every corner, run by Asians...now, there are 'sex shops' everywhere...and most of them are fraudulent...most of them just feed on/off human desire and greed.

I would never want to charge money for what I 'do'...because I am not doing it...all this is a gift from God...all this, what I am capable of doing, we are all capable of doing...it's inside us, inside our heart!

Why should I charge money for that?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
That's so kind of you to say so. It has been a very long time since a man has told me that....so long, I actually stopped believing it. I am...flattered (for the first time in years).

It is one of my faults. I am a bit too critical of myself in this regard, always comparing myself to those more aesthetically pleasing...more glamorous.

I haven't had any form of physical relationship in close-on 12 years now...and it's true what they say...if you don't use it, you lose it.

I tell you..... there's this famous model (don't know her name) .... in an advert for perfume....... and she gets out of a limo, rushes into a studio, gets prepared and dressed by a crowd of specialists, and then struts along a walkway while crowds all around rave and cheer....... then she looks at the camera and says she's lost without her 'rhino's crotch' perfume, or whatever. That woman's long face and features exude....... ugliness. And yet none seem to recognise that.... they just see what they've been lead to see.

The woman that most men want to be seen in the restuarant with..... is not the woman they really really want to lay beside. No Ma'am. Sadly, such men are as shallow as their partnerships deserve to be. The trick is..... to find the right person.

I used to be a spiritual healer/therapist...a long time ago...

Now, there's a 'massage parlor' on every corner, run by Asians...now, there are 'sex shops' everywhere...and most of them are fraudulent...most of them just feed on/off human desire and greed.

I would never want to charge money for what I 'do'...because I am not doing it...all this is a gift from God...all this, what I am capable of doing, we are all capable of doing...it's inside us, inside our heart!

Why should I charge money for that?

The way you write, it had to be, that you were a therapist. That you were a spiritual healer is just wonderful...... that means that you still are. My first wife died, but in 1973 I took her to see Harry Edwards in Leatherhead, England. He stopped her hysterical fits for three years, and they did not recur until after his death in 76'. He was an incredible healer. I watched him.

Charge? Well...... Mr Edwards did not charge, but folks left money for him so that he could carry on, run his centre, eat, etc......

But most therapists today do earn a living for their service, and that is fair enough, for they need to live. But you don't have to charge....:)


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I would never want to charge money for what I 'do'...because I am not doing it...all this is a gift from God...all this, what I am capable of doing, we are all capable of doing...it's inside us, inside our heart!

Why should I charge money for that?

But some people are born with massive IQ and learning ability, and can gain degrees and doctorates..... and they earn hundreds of thousands of your dollars each year with these..... and think that they deserve all this wealth.

Others are born strong, some fashionably beautiful etc etc....... all gifts from God, and for those atheists who might be reading, from fate.

Now, should anybody think that you would not deserve to eat and cloth yourself from your gifts, that would be unfair' of them.

EDIT: It's 2.20am!! Goodnite all....:)
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The way you write, it had to be, that you were a therapist. That you were a spiritual healer is just wonderful...... that means that you still are.
I know it, my friend...I know it, but I am still coming to my own personal terms with this thing...a thing that really freaks me out a lot of the time.

I'm also sure that you guys have experienced/felt this on here through my words and my posts...they are almost tangible.

I know some of you have seen my 'God in action' through the words I write...behind the words I write...and I can only be humbled by it all...honest, yes...but still humbled.

I'm sorry to read what happened to your first love and may her beautiful soul find that eternal peace in His embrace. You were very fortunate to enjoy each other's company for that short time you did...then again, as Albert would say, 'time is relative'.

I'm still not sure what Siva wants me to do with the gift He has bestowed...a boon I didn't even ask for...but I have the feeling He doesn't want me to sit on my hiney for the rest of my life basking in His Glory though...

I may explore the options of letting His energy flow through me once more instead of containing it (which is impossible anyway...why I am on RF...).

Thanks for your advice and I shall explore my options in this regard.
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Skanky Old Mongrel!
I'm still not sure what Siva wants me to do with the gift He has bestowed...a boon I didn't even ask for...but I have the feeling He doesn't want me to sit on my hiney for the rest of my life basking in His Glory though...

I may explore the options of letting His energy flow through me once more instead of containing it (which is impossible anyway...why I am on RF...).

I missed this post, had gone off to bed...............

.........when you are ready....... go for it...... or... go back to it. :)

This ability goes outside of my comprehension, but I know that it exists.
Harry Edwards was truly amazing.


Well-Known Member
As for me, I won't have sex until after I am married and so in case it isn't already obvious, that means I'd have to love them first.