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Sexual Acceptance

I find sexuality to be a very complicated issue, and too many hypocrites abound. I know one bisexual woman who, along with all of her friends, made fun of her ex-husband because he is also bi, and asked her if she would use a dildo on him.
As a bisexual transwoman, I find sexuality to be an odd concept when society is involved. It's not socially ok for a guy to have sexual fantasies with men, but it's normal for women to have them about guys, and for women to have sexual thoughts about other women. So, people will redicule me for saying another guy is attractive, but once I start to transition, and appear to be female, then my same sexual thoughts of men won't be seen as out of place....damn social double standards is all I can say.

Trust me I know a lot about double standards, most people attempt to puff themselves up as the morally right in the bedroom affairs of OTHER people. What is the point of telling someone that they are disgusting. Long as no one is getting hurt abused or killed, I could care less. Men who like anal stimulation aren't any less of a man, Prostate is often referred to as the male G-spot for a reason. Why make someone feel bad because they like that stimulation? His wife should have been proud that he would share that with her, not many guys would confess that with their significant other. I feel sorry for the guy.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Trust me I know a lot about double standards, most people attempt to puff themselves up as the morally right in the bedroom affairs of OTHER people. What is the point of telling someone that they are disgusting. Long as no one is getting hurt abused or killed, I could care less. Men who like anal stimulation aren't any less of a man, Prostate is often referred to as the male G-spot for a reason. Why make someone feel bad because they like that stimulation? His wife should have been proud that he would share that with her, not many guys would confess that with their significant other. I feel sorry for the guy.

I dont think there is anything wrong with a guy (personally) that likes and admits he likes his prostrate stimulated...

I do think however if he feels he needs to have a HORSE stimulate his prostrate then something has gone awry.

And if he dies from it for obvious reasons I dont sit around and think how horrible and sad that is he died that way and what a shame it is.If someone purposely has anal sex with a HORSE on purpose and has it tape recorded and then the inevitable happens I don't sit there and say thats "sexual preference" and people need to stop being so "judgmental".

The only thing I think that is sad about that is that anyone around him thouhgt that was O.K and took part in it..Dying in two hours from one voluntary sexual encounter is pretty out of the realm..


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Well-Known Member
I dont think there is anything wrong with a guy (personally) that likes and admits he likes his prostrate stimulated...

I do think however if he feels he needs to have a HORSE stimulate his prostrate then something has gone awry.

Exactly. Butt stuff owns. Everybody should love butt stuff. Butt stuff with animals is terrible. Please don't rape animals. Save the butt stuff for with people.


Premium Member
Sexual expression between consenting adults in the bedroom is prefectly acceptable. My problem is with sexual expression in public but it doesn't matter if it is Homosexual or Heterosexual. This is where I believe the problem resides. Most people are uncomfortable with other peoples sexual expression but tolorate what they consider normal sexual expression in public (like a light kiss). There is no tolorance of abnormal sexual expression(each person has there own definition). Unfortunately a portion of the Homosexual community flaunts there sexual abnormality in public creating a backlash that goes against homosexuality completely.

Its kinda like kids dressing in goth clothes in public. They are looked upon differently and all of them are grouped the same.

If it was toned down and treated as a private act it would be accepted by the public.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately a portion of the Homosexual community flaunts there sexual abnormality in public creating a backlash that goes against homosexuality completely.

For what it's worth, I see a hell of a lot more heterosexuality flaunted about than homosexuality. It's just that doing so is so normalized that nobody notices when it happens.
I dont think there is anything wrong with a guy (personally) that likes and admits he likes his prostrate stimulated...

I do think however if he feels he needs to have a HORSE stimulate his prostrate then something has gone awry.

And if he dies from it for obvious reasons I dont sit around and think how horrible and sad that is he died that way and what a shame it is.If someone purposely has anal sex with a HORSE on purpose and has it tape recorded and then the inevitable happens I don't sit there and say thats "sexual preference" and people need to stop being so "judgmental".

The only thing I think that is sad about that is that anyone around him thouhgt that was O.K and took part in it..Dying in two hours from one voluntary sexual encounter is pretty out of the realm..



Sorry That made me laugh a lot when I read it, Mr. Pinyan died of his own fault, he could of survived. I think he should have went to the doctor and just said he got that injury and didn't want to explain how. The part that makes me sad about his death is the backlash from it, The fact that they had to create a law to even say that he did a crime and the fact they were upset that they couldn't charge the two people with him with nothing more than trespassing. Kenneth's actions lead to a law being created where there was previously none for that state. I believe its best for people to save sexual expression for the bed room but I don't think harmless sexuality should be discriminated against, If I see two men groping each other in public, that is hot but I still think they should save that for an appropriate time in place, same for two women, man and woman, etc etc etc, All hot but at the wrong place. Overly erotic PDA's are annoying.


Well-Known Member
Its kinda like kids dressing in goth clothes in public. They are looked upon differently and all of them are grouped the same.

If it was toned down and treated as a private act it would be accepted by the public.

You shouldn't be castigated just because you aren't conforming to social norms. If what you do isn't illegal for a "normal" person like kissing, holding hands in public etc then it shouldn't matter how you dress or act. Making people uncomfortable isn't a crime.

As for bestiality well it's an interesting but difficult debate because you are put into a position of defending people that want to have sex with animals. I can't even imagine what it must be like to actually be into it and try to defend your position.
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Depends Upon My Mood..
For what it's worth, I see a hell of a lot more heterosexuality flaunted about than homosexuality. It's just that doing so is so normalized that nobody notices when it happens.

To be fair thats most likely (mostly anyway) due to the fact there is a much higher percentage of hetero sexuals walking around than any other "group".

It really doesnt bother me to see people showing affection in public though unless it "crosses" the line to full blown what I would consider foreplay..LOL!!

I really think its refereshing actually with all the negativatey in the world to see examples of love and affection around you..

And not just with grown ups showing 'eros" love to each other.Parent to child is another example.


As for bestiality well it's an interesting but difficult debate because you are put into a position of defending people that want to have sex with animals. I can't even imagine what it must be like to actually be into it and try to defend your position.

Yeah it is a difficult position to defend, It is a hated position, I've just took into account the facts on both sides and read a little of what people who are experts in the field say on it, What the different religious texts say on it, couple with my own feelings and just weigh what is what. I've learned that the biggest hurdle to the issue is many religions and people thinking of animal as furry dumb children that are incapable of consent. I could care less what people think its more of just the legal side of it that annoys me.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Yeah it is a difficult position to defend, It is a hated position, I've just took into account the facts on both sides and read a little of what people who are experts in the field say on it, What the different religious texts say on it, couple with my own feelings and just weigh what is what. I've learned that the biggest hurdle to the issue is many religions and people thinking of animal as furry dumb children that are incapable of consent. I could care less what people think its more of just the legal side of it that annoys me.

Then dont start whining and crying when someone dies from having sex with a horse dude.And talk about how "unfortunate and sad " it is that the person dies a painful death.

If you want to significantly reduce your risk of dying from your bowels being spilled into your abdomen then DO NOT HAVE SEX with a HORSE.(anal or otherwise)

Its pretty simple.Make it legal all you want but dont WHINE and complain that its "unfortunate" that someone died due to emabarrasment..If it only took two hours from "sex" to death that was pretty stupid.I guess you would have less a problem if he got kicked in the head so hard he died instantly?

No one will EVER appreciate that he CHOSE to have a horse honk up his rear for "fun" and that teams of medical people could have concentrated on to save his life after he recieved an obvious injury that you can COUNT on if a horse honk goes up your butt.. (that they probably could not have saved him anyway) and then feel "sorry for him" that he died a "painful death..

The moral of the story..you want to screw a horse? Be prepared to die.If you are too ignorant to realize that can kill you almost instantly then you need to be classified as mentally impaired.

I grew up (part of my life) around horses ..I wouldnt even stand on the wrong side of one or make certain noises around them let alone try to have sex with one..

Try and kiss one on the lips..I dare you.YOU will LOSE a LIP!(or half your face)

No they arent fluffy and stupid..They just arent here to fulfill a humans sexual needs.They certaintly dont need you.They need other horses for that.And its not another humans fault that you died that way.


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Depends Upon My Mood..
My mother owned horses .

His(the ungelded ) trainers recieved concussions and fractured facial bones just trying to keep him in "order"..

I just think its a JOKE knowing what I know about horses that you would act like it was HUMANS that was his "cause of death"..

The only human that was his "cause of death" was HIM.(the human that died)




Active Member
I don't care if people hate me, and I don't even care if people don't want me to get married, but to seeing me in public holding hands with another woman is "disturbing" to them is the most ignorant, closed-minded thing I've ever heard. If I think that it's disturbing to see you and someone of the opposite sex holding hands, do I have the right to prohibit you from doing so?


Well-Known Member
Ugh...just no. Just don't rape animals. Those laws are in place for a reason. It's bad enough that we kill animals all the time, we shouldn't tolerate raping them as well.

If animals deserve any rights, I'm sure freedom from sexual assault is one of them.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I don't care if people hate me, and I don't even care if people don't want me to get married, but to seeing me in public holding hands with another woman is "disturbing" to them is the most ignorant, closed-minded thing I've ever heard. If I think that it's disturbing to see you and someone of the opposite sex holding hands, do I have the right to prohibit you from doing so?

Last time I heard NO one here is talking about you holding hands with your girlfriend and makign that "ILLEGAL"..


Then dont start whining and crying when someone dies from having sex with a horse dude.And talk about how "unfortunate and sad " it is that the person dies a painful death.

If you want to significantly reduce your risk of dying from your bowels being spilled into your abdomen then DO NOT HAVE SEX with a HORSE.(anal or otherwise)

Its pretty simple.Make it legal all you want but dont WHINE and complain that its "unfortunate" that someone died due to emabarrasment..If it only took two hours from "sex" to death that was pretty stupid.I guess you would have less a problem if he got kicked in the head so hard he died instantly?

No one will EVER appreciate that he CHOSE to have a horse honk up his rear for "fun" and that teams of medical people could have concentrated on to save his life after he recieved an obvious injury that you can COUNT on if a horse honk goes up your butt.. (that they probably could not have saved him anyway) and then feel "sorry for him" that he died a "painful death..

The moral of the story..you want to screw a horse? Be prepared to die.If you are too ignorant to realize that can kill you almost instantly then you need to be classified as mentally impaired.

I grew up (part of my life) around horses ..I wouldnt even stand on the wrong side of one or make certain noises around them let alone try to have sex with one..

Try and kiss one on the lips..I dare you.YOU will LOSE a LIP!(or half your face)

No they arent fluffy and stupid..They just arent here to fulfill a humans sexual needs.They certaintly dont need you.They need other horses for that.And its not another humans fault that you died that way.



I apologize if I came across as whining or crying, Am I sad he died? A little just because of the backlash but I didn't know Mr. Pinyan personally so his death doesn't really have much of a personal stake.

I do think that his death was entirely his fault, I stated that in my last post, he should have went to the doctor, enough said.

I can't say I know very much on horses, I am not a horse person so I couldn't say much to the subject. Am I going to go around attempting to kiss a horse? No, Sir, I quite like my homely face where it is.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
For what it's worth, I see a hell of a lot more heterosexuality flaunted about than homosexuality. It's just that doing so is so normalized that nobody notices when it happens.
I too have seen more inappropriate PDA's comming from hetero couples who grope anything that can be in places where it shouldn't happen, such as at work, shopping malls, and other places where I don't care to see other people's pre-foreplay.

I apologize if I came across as whining or crying, Am I sad he died? A little just because of the backlash but I didn't know Mr. Pinyan personally so his death doesn't really have much of a personal stake.
He deserved the backlash. Humans are not designed to have sex with a horse and vice versa. Each species have developed there own reproductive organs to be with members of there own species. Ducks for example have developed what was termed "elegant vaginas" that are more difficult to penetrate by males. Some reptiles are designed to not need a mate. And, animals cannot consent and are only driven by a primitive animal instinct to have sex for reproductive purposes. Humans and very few other animals have sex for fun.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I too have seen more inappropriate PDA's comming from hetero couples who grope anything that can be in places where it shouldn't happen, such as at work, shopping malls, and other places where I don't care to see other people's pre-foreplay.
I agree...but in all fairness the majority of people are hetrosexual.Therefore you are likely to see more hetero PDA's..Just by sheer #'s more are out there..

Im not saying there isnt a "double standard"..Just the fact there are MORE examples of over the top PDA"s would be statisitcally innevitable..IMHO..Because by far there are more heterosexuals.

If that makes sense..


Note that this is not a license to boink dolphins and chimps.
LOL Naaa you have to be a breeder for that. (Kidding Kidding.) Regardless, your views are your views but let me ask you something if it was legal and your neighbor was boinking a critter, would you do something about it?


Well-Known Member
LOL Naaa you have to be a breeder for that. (Kidding Kidding.) Regardless, your views are your views but let me ask you something if it was legal and your neighbor was boinking a critter, would you do something about it?

Yes. It is still rape, and if our laws won't defend the rights of rape victims, I would be willing to do so. I normally oppose vigilantism, but when we're dealing with rape in a situation where the law refuses to step in, there's no real choice. Rape is one of my berserk buttons.