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Shaivism - Discussion Thread


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Abhisheka with 1008 consecrated vessels for Lord Shiva and Sri Devi







Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Wonderful photos of Chidambaram Temple, Bhadr. I would like to share a couple as well, these you are not going to find on the internet. But first, here is a graphic of the temple grounds, actually an architectural diagram of the temple grounds, this is the location of the famous Nataraj deity and is located about 235 kilometers south of Madras (Chennai) on the Eastern part of Tamil Nadu:


For those not familiar:

Chidambaram has always been the center for the worship of Nataraj, also known as Sabhanayaka or Lord of the Sabha going back to the olden times. This site has been important since the Pallava time, even before that actually.

In Tamil Nadu, a temple is called koyil.

The site has other names, such as Tillai since here was first a forest of tillai trees (Excoecaria agallocha). It has also been known as Pulliyur or the place of the tiger-footed Vyaghrapada. This is a mystical sage from long, long ago in ancient India, this Rishi would pick flowers untouched even by honeybees to offer Nataraj but because his feet would be often pricked by thorns of the area, Lord Shiva gave him the feet of tigers.

“Chirrambalam” means “little hall”. Shiva danced here to celebrate his victory over ritualistic minded ascetics. You will see images of the “four Tamil saints” in locations of the temple complex, who composed hymns of rapture upon seeing the dance of Shiva. In fact, some of the hymns which come from the Tevaram are sung by laymen during the “sayan kalam” or second prayers of the evening.

Singing is an established feature of this temple since the time of the Chola King Rajaraja the 1st, even before that. The 63 Nayanmars or Shaiva Saints who are commemorated in the “Periya Puranam” have their images set out in one long row against the North Wall of the second prakara or corridor.

To the Chola Kings, Nataraj was their family deity or kulanayaka, and many Kings have been crowned in Chidambaram.

The gopuras or gates to the complex are very elaborate. Some aspects of the temple had to be restored after the Delhi armies caused destruction.

Here is the location of the “akasha” Lingam (space). The formless Linga is in the Chit Sabha beside the image of Lord Nataraj.

The four gopuras are each 42 metres high. The largest building is known as the Raja Sabha or also known as the “Thousand-Pillared Hall”.

Here is a view of the Nataraj Temple showing the Shivaganga Tank and the North Gopura:


Here we see the Nataraj Temple looking towards the West Gopura:


As part of worship, there is a form of Shiva here as Shiva’s Sandals or padukas. These are golden, in the past it is believed there were ivory ones. In the morning, the padukas are escorted by palanquin to the Chit Sabha, the house or Sabha where within wooden walls and wooden pillars and copper-plated doors is found the Mukhalinga or the Linga of Brahma’s chopped off head, paraded with the sounds of reed horns and drums.

There is also a crystal Lingam found here, and a ruby Nataraja 15 centimetres high. A camphor puja lamp is specially used to shine the light of the flame through the ruby. Yantra is also worshipped called Shri Chakra with nine interlaced triangles with Nataraj and Shivakamasundari living in it. Shivakamasundari is the beautiful Green Goddess who is partnered with Lord Nataraj and a manifestation of Uma. I am particular to all manifestations of the green-complexioned Devi, this is another reason my dream is one day to go to this temple.

It is said all the Devas come here to worship.

Here is a photo of the beautiful pillared entrance to the Shivakamasundari Shrine of the Nataraj Temple:


Here is one of the many roof panels, in this case in the Shivakamasundari Temple (painted ceiling panel) depicting the story of Bhikshatana or the “mendicant” form of Shiva:


Lord Shiva is also of a manifestation of a bhikshu, or mendicant, who wanders about for alms like a beggar. This is also considered an aspect of Bhairava, and Lord Shiva took to the practice of Bhikshu after he cut off Lord Brahma’s fifth head. Here He is considered a Kapali Bhikshu, carrying Brahma’s Skullcap or Kapala as His begging bowl. I am particularly attracted to this form of Lord Shiva. Upon reaching His own City Never Foresaken by Shiva, known as Varanasi Kashi, He completed His example of Bhikshu. We must honor and respect the true bhikshus.

And here is a beauty! Painted ceiling panels illustrating Kamasundari’s story from the Shivakamasundari Shrine of the Nataraj Temple:


Kamasundari took the form a Kamakshi in order to get Shiva to notice Her while he was meditating. She then took the bow and arrows of Lord Kama Dev. She approached Shiva thus adorned.

Upon seeing Her, Shiva’s love was true. So She was to be known as Shivakamasundari. The Lord is seen as Nataraj, the Lord of Dance in this case, who Resides in Chidambaram with His Goddess Shivakamasundari.

The story and meaning of this dance, and what each sacred possession He holds in His hands as Nataraj is a long explanation.


Active Member
ShivaFan Ji,
Thank you for sharing.:)

Mukhalinga or the Linga of Brahma’s chopped off head

I don't want to nitpick or disagree,just want to say a few things.

The Mukhalinga doesn't denote Brahma; it is a representation of Lord Shiva Himself.If you notice the Sri Mukhalingam closely,we can see all the unique attributes that Lord Shiva alone has.In this aspect there is the moon in His matted locks (the Lord placed His devotee Soma on His own head to save him from the curse of Daksha at Somnath Jyotirlingam),the Trinetra (overlord of Surya,Chandra and Agni) and the round earrings of Sri Devi(signifies that Goddess Uma Parvati and Shiva are always inseparable and in unity)...


There are distinctions in the various manifestations of Lord Shiva given in the shastras.

Bhairava is an aspect of Lord Shiva and not the other way round.Lord Bhairava chopped off the head of Brahma with the tip of the nail of His left hand finger and sportively roamed around the universe bestowing grace and finally reached Sri Varanasi Kshetra.


The other manifestation took place when Lord Shiva playfully went to seek alms from the sages but it was actually to enlighten them.



Active Member

Everywhere is the Holy Form;
Everywhere is Siva-Sakti;
Everywhere is Chidambaram;
Everywhere is Divine Dance;
As everywhere Siva is,
Everywhere Siva's Grace is
All, all, His Sport Divine.

The Tattvas danced; Sadasiva danced;
The Thought danced; Siva-Sakti danced;
The creation vast danced; the Vedas danced;
The Lord too danced,
The Dance of Ananda (Divine Bliss).

In the splendorous Temple (of Chidambaram)
He danced,
For the two Rishis (Patanjali and Vyagrapada) to witness
He danced, Form, Formless and as Cosmic Form,
Within the Divine Grace of Sakti He danced,
He the Siddha, the Ananda;
As Form of Grace
He stood and danced.

Siva danced, Sakti danced,
The worldly desires danced;
The space that dances not danced.

Hara's drum is creation (Srishti);
Hara's hand gesturing protection is preservation (Sthithi);
Hara's fire is dissolution (Laya);
Hara's foot planted down is obfuscation (Tirodayi)
Hara's foot, raised in dance, is Grace (Moksha) abiding.

The Lord is in our heart,
As Pranava is He there,
The Sakti of youthful eyes saw Him dance;
She saw the three gods merge
Into the One Primal Being Siva;
In rapture She sang Vedas all.

- Sri Mantramala (Tirumantram)


Active Member
Śiva Jñāna

Neither by learning the huge collection of the Vedas nor by performing penances nor by frequenting places does the perfect knowledge of Siva dawn upon, but it occurs with the blessings of Lord Siva Himself.

Even when the wings are shattered,when the limbs become feeble and benumbed,the mind still yearns for nurturing its arrogance.Fie upon the mind overwhelmed by arrogance and not realized the strength of Atman(Siva)!

Therefore, know and realize Siva,the own cause(the source of birth). All the devas are endowed with prosperity and magnificence acquired therefrom.His grace will thereby continuously subdue their enemies.

I seek refuge in Shambhu alone,whose ultimate truth the Vedas along with the great Agamas ,do not understand.I devoutly resort to the moon-crested Lord Siva.

Those persons whose perpetual devotion to the calm and unagitated Sadasiva increases,sanctify the entire universe by means of their own conduct.

Perpetual obeisance to the Siddhas who have dedicated their mind to Siva.The mind becomes purified by the power of penance acquired by the contact with those Siddhas.

Talking to,living with,mingling and mixing with,seeing and remembering devotees of Siva is destructive of sins.

-Sri Skanda Mahapurana

That Self cannot be attained by the Vedas, or by intelligence, or by much hearing of sacred books. It is attained by him alone whom It chooses.He whom the Atman(Siva) chooses, by him the Self can be can gained. To such a one Self reveals Its own form.

- Sri Katha Upanishad


Active Member
Vagarthaviva sampriktau Vagarthah pratipattaye
Jagatah pitarau vande Parvathiparameshwarau

(Like) a word and its meaning are connected,
(Like) a word and its meaning establish one another,
We salute Parvati and Parameswara,the Parents of the universe,
who are joined together like a word and its meaning.

Without a word there is no meaning,without a meaning there is no word,
similarly Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are as inseparable as a speech and its meaning and exist always as Ardhanarishvara.













Sri Durga Ardhanarishvara (Slayer of the demon Mahishasura)


Sri Ashtabhuja Ardhanarishvara


Sri Nataraja Ardhanarishvara



Sri Shivalinga Ardhanarishvara




Kalabhyam choodalankrutha sasi kalabhyam nija thapa
Phalabhyam bhaktheshu prakatitha phalabhyam bhavathu me
Shivabham sthoka thri bhuvana shivabhyam hridhi punar
Bhavaabhyam ananda sphura dhanubhavabhyam natheeriyam .1

Let my salutations be dedicated,
To those who are dedicated to art,
To them who wear the moon on their head,
To them who are the personification of mutual penance,
To them who teach devotees about the results of penance,
To them who grant only good to the three worlds,
To them whose every memory becomes newer and newer,
To them who are supremely happy due to their great knowledge,
And to the result of mystic union of Shiva and Sakthi.

- Sri Shivananda Lahari


Active Member

With Sakti as the cause Siva presides over everything.She is the acme of Siva's Lordship never swerving.By means of sensations She is of the same traits as He.

With Her alone He is a householder and with Him alone She is a housewife always.As a result of their union the universe is the offspring.

Their difference is specified in this that He is the maker and She is the cause.The single Siva Himself stands two-fold (as Ardhanarishvara).

Some declare that their difference consists in their genders:man and woman.Others say that She is undetachably attached to Him as the sun light of the sun.The arrangement is that Siva is the great cause and His behest is the Great Goddess.

- Srimat Siva Mahapurana


She is Siva's Half,
Parasakti is the Half of Him,
Who sports golden matted locks,
Who peels the elephant demon gajasura,
And dances in triumph.

She is the Beginning,
She is the Beginningless,
She is the Para Sakti,
She is Parapara,
That Lord Siva's Form shares Half,
She is the bejeweled Lady Supreme,
She is the End of Samadhi,
Manonmani, the Jewel of Inmost Thought,
In my prayerful heart,
She blossomed exuberant.

She is the Cause, She is the Uncaused,
She taught Vedas to Vedic Sages.
She is abiding Light Divine,
She is the Self-Manifest Light
She that became Half of Siva's Form

The Lady Benevolent with Her Spouse remained,
Sharing Her Half with Supreme God
Follow that Lady of Divine Light
And gain Her support;
All sorrows will see their end;
And you'll become blemishless Pure.

- Sri Mantramala (Tirumantram)


Active Member

The five gods were born,
Brahma, Vishnu,Kala(-rudra),Isa(Mahesha) and Sadasiva.
For the five acts to perform--
Creation, preservation, dissolution, obscuration and grace.
And all this in the Creative play of Parasiva, the Ultimate.

Sadasiva that stood as One
Animated Isa;
And then Kala, Vishnu and Brahma,
Thus did the One become the familial Five.

In the Center He is, Sadasiva,
The Four below are the formed,
(Brahma, Vishnu, Kala, Isa)
The Four above are the Formless
(Bindu, Nada, Sakti, Siva)
Thus are His parts
He, the Parasiva.

He is the Lord of the Immortals,
He is the Lord with Faces in directions all,
He is the Lord of Four (Brahma, Vishnu, Kala and Isa)
He is Siva that central stands;
They who adore Him as their Lord
Themselves His ways attain;
Do you, so, seek the Lord's Holy Feet.

The first Four (Siva, Sakti, Nada, Bindu) are His Form-less ones;
The un-moving Form-Formless is the Sadasiva;
The abiding last four (Brahma, Vishnu, Kala, Isa)
Are the formed ones;
All these and the One beyond too are He.

The divine Fire, Sun and Moon,
The earth, water, fire, wind and space
And the creation countless
These the abodes ancient of Siva are;
The five gods, (Brahma, Vishnu, Kala, Isa, Sadasiva)
Are in the Vedas that has Angas six.

The three gods, Brahma, Vishnu, Kala
Are of the Primal One;
Yet is He from them separate;
Unto it, the Lord stands
In the Turiyas triple-
Jiva, Para and Siva
(One and yet separate,)
Thus say the scriptures sacred.

The ignorant know not, from the First did leap
The Light that flamed into three and five gods;

Form He has none,
Yet Form He assumes;
Birth He has none;
Yet is He the seed of all births;
Beyond Formlessness, too, He is,
The elusive Lord;
Unless Himself as holy Guru reveals.

As Light and Darkness He pervaded,
As Fame and Blemish He pervaded,
As Body and Life He pervaded,
As my constant thought He pervaded.

As body, life, and world,
As sea, cloud and cloud-laden sky,
Permeating all, indestructible and continuous
The Lord Siva stands in Majesty

As love, wisdom and meekness He stands,
As pleasure and pleasurable union He stands,
As Time's Beginning and End He stands,
As Five elements filled He stands in love divine.

He is the Wind that Blows in Directions Eight
He is the wavy ocean that girdles the earth,
He is fire, earth and sky;
Know this:
He is the One that binds and unbinds
The body that holds life precious.

He is Life within; He is the body corporeal;
He is Spirit Pure; He is space Infinite;
He is Light Radiant; He is Consciousness inside;
Animating life in the body
He supports me; He is Siva.

The Lord is the light of our eyes
He loves us
He is the Primal One
-Male, Female and Neuter is He;

He is the One within; He is the Light within;
He moves not a wee bit from within
He and your heart are thus together,
Though, the heart His Form knows not.

The infinite spaces of the Seven worlds
He filled in oneness, expanding limitless
Yet is He not easy of reach;
Siva Himself into myriad Jivas pervaded
In this worlds as well, He our Lord.

He is the light within, He is the body without,
The precious object, beloved of immortals above,
The Holy Form, adored of saintly beings below,
He is the pupil of your eyes;
He the Object of all Knowledge.

His is the Cosmic Form that none know
He is the infinite space that fills the universe;
He is the space in the tiny pot too;
Inseparable as water in milk
He, Siva, pervades all in union close;
Impartial indeed His Goodness;
Unwearied His bliss--I knew.

- Sri Mantramala (Tirumantram)


Active Member

The five gods were born,
Brahma, Vishnu,Kala(-rudra),Isa(Mahesha) and Sadasiva.
For the five acts to perform--
Creation, preservation, dissolution, obscuration and grace.
And all this in the Creative play of Parasiva, the Ultimate.

Sadasiva that stood as One
Animated Isa;
And then Kala, Vishnu and Brahma,
Thus did the One become the familial Five.

In the Center He is, Sadasiva,
The Four below are the formed,
(Brahma, Vishnu, Kala, Isa)
The Four above are the Formless
(Bindu, Nada, Sakti, Siva)
Thus are His parts
He, the Parasiva.

He is the Lord of the Immortals,
He is the Lord with Faces in directions all,
He is the Lord of Four (Brahma, Vishnu, Kala and Isa)
He is Siva that central stands;
They who adore Him as their Lord
Themselves His ways attain;
Do you, so, seek the Lord's Holy Feet.

The first Four (Siva, Sakti, Nada, Bindu) are His Form-less ones;
The un-moving Form-Formless is the Sadasiva;
The abiding last four (Brahma, Vishnu, Kala, Isa)
Are the formed ones;
All these and the One beyond too are He.

The divine Fire, Sun and Moon,
The earth, water, fire, wind and space
And the creation countless
These the abodes ancient of Siva are;
The five gods, (Brahma, Vishnu, Kala, Isa, Sadasiva)
Are in the Vedas that has Angas six.

The three gods, Brahma, Vishnu, Kala
Are of the Primal One;
Yet is He from them separate;
Unto it, the Lord stands
In the Turiyas triple-
Jiva, Para and Siva
(One and yet separate,)
Thus say the scriptures sacred.

The ignorant know not, from the First did leap
The Light that flamed into three and five gods;

Form He has none,
Yet Form He assumes;
Birth He has none;
Yet is He the seed of all births;
Beyond Formlessness, too, He is,
The elusive Lord;
Unless Himself as holy Guru reveals.

As Light and Darkness He pervaded,
As Fame and Blemish He pervaded,
As Body and Life He pervaded,
As my constant thought He pervaded.

As body, life, and world,
As sea, cloud and cloud-laden sky,
Permeating all, indestructible and continuous
The Lord Siva stands in Majesty

As love, wisdom and meekness He stands,
As pleasure and pleasurable union He stands,
As Time's Beginning and End He stands,
As Five elements filled He stands in love divine.

He is the Wind that Blows in Directions Eight
He is the wavy ocean that girdles the earth,
He is fire, earth and sky;
Know this:
He is the One that binds and unbinds
The body that holds life precious.

He is Life within; He is the body corporeal;
He is Spirit Pure; He is space Infinite;
He is Light Radiant; He is Consciousness inside;
Animating life in the body
He supports me; He is Siva.

The Lord is the light of our eyes
He loves us
He is the Primal One
-Male, Female and Neuter is He;

He is the One within; He is the Light within;
He moves not a wee bit from within
He and your heart are thus together,
Though, the heart His Form knows not.

The infinite spaces of the Seven worlds
He filled in oneness, expanding limitless
Yet is He not easy of reach;
Siva Himself into myriad Jivas pervaded
In this worlds as well, He our Lord.

He is the light within, He is the body without,
The precious object, beloved of immortals above,
The Holy Form, adored of saintly beings below,
He is the pupil of your eyes;
He the Object of all Knowledge.

His is the Cosmic Form that none know
He is the infinite space that fills the universe;
He is the space in the tiny pot too;
Inseparable as water in milk
He, Siva, pervades all in union close;
Impartial indeed His Goodness;
Unwearied His bliss--I knew.

- Sri Mantramala (Tirumantram)
Can I get an Hindi version or transliteration ( Hindi , English) of this.


Active Member
Can I get an Hindi version or transliteration ( Hindi , English) of this.

The Sanskrit text is lost, however,it seems that some shlokas survived as quotations in other texts.Much wisdom,both oral and written,vanished but I'm grateful that many scriptures are extant.Since some fifteen hundred or more years earlier it is being preserved carefully in Tamil by venerable Saivas.It is due of the blessings of those Siva bhaktas who lived in the past and protected the ancient Saiva scriptures,us Shaivas are fortunate to have it today.I prostrate myself at the feet of the Saiva community,which is always engaged in following Siva dharma and Siva Sasana.

I shared just a few from 3000 shlokas,if you want reference numbers of the above ones only,I'll provide them.

You can get the complete Tamil text and its transliteration in multiple languages in this site:


Select the language you want to browse in and click Thirumurai 10 on the left column.


Active Member
The Sanskrit text is lost, however,it seems that some shlokas survived as quotations in other texts.Much wisdom,both oral and written,vanished but I'm grateful that many scriptures are extant.Since some fifteen hundred or more years earlier it is being preserved carefully in Tamil by venerable Saivas.It is due of the blessings of those Siva bhaktas who lived in the past and protected the ancient Saiva scriptures,us Shaivas are fortunate to have it today.I prostrate myself at the feet of the Saiva community,which is always engaged in following Siva dharma and Siva Sasana.

I shared just a few from 3000 shlokas,if you want reference numbers of the above ones only,I'll provide them.

You can get the complete Tamil text and its transliteration in multiple languages in this site:


Select the language you want to browse in and click Thirumurai 10 on the left column.
True , the very ancient texts mention worship of incorporeal Shiv, and the shlokas above are absolutely beautiful and have great depth in their meanings.
Though I can understand the spoken Tamil , I am absolutely clueless when it comes to the literary language.
Satyam Shivam Sunderam


Active Member
Pancha Bhoota Sthalas are five temples dedicated to Lord Shiva,each representing the manifestation of the five prime elements of nature- earth, water, air, sky, fire.
Pancha indicates Five, Bhoota means elements and Sthala means place.


Element : Earth Lingam : Prithivi Lingam
Siva : Sri Ekambareswara
Sakti : Sri Kamakshi Devi
Location : Kanchipuram

Element : Water Lingam : Jala Lingam
Siva : Sri Jambukeshwara
Sakti : Sri Akhilandeshwari Devi
Location : Thiruvanaikaval

Element : Fire Lingam : Agni Lingam
Siva : Sri Arunachaleshwara
Sakti : Sri Apitakuchambika Devi
Location : Thiruvannamalai

Element : Air Lingam : Vayu Lingam
Siva : Sri Kalahasthishwara
Sakti : Sri JnanaPrasunamba Devi
Location : SriKalahasthi

Element : Space Lingam : Akasha Lingam
Siva : Sri Ananda Nataraja Svami
Sakti : Sri SivakamaSundari Devi
Location : Chidambaram


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Sri Ammani Amman was the great female sadhaka responsible for the construction of the North Gopuram of Sri Arunachaleswara Temple.


Ammani Amman was a great devotee of Lord Siva,she had paripurna bhakti and vishwasa in Siva.
She was born in a small village called Chennasamudram.Ammani Amman reached Tiruvannamalai,earlier she resided in a forest and performed Siva dhyana.Always contemplating on Lord Siva by doing Siva nama smarana she participated in the sevas of Sri Arunachaleshwara.

Seeing the North Gopura was incomplete she started to raise money for it. One way she financed the work was by visiting the homes of devotees and requesting them for dana towards the cost of the Temple tower. If they lied that they had no money she would make them vow to give a cash donation if she was able to tell them exactly how much money they had in their homes. She would always tell the exact amount, and the devotees understood Ammani Amman had Divine grace for the work,would ask her to forgive them for lying and would invariably donate wholeheartedly towards the development of the North Gopuram.

Later with a group of devotees Ammani Amman went to the Mysore Maharaja seeking a donation towards the Temple work. The Mysore King agreed to help and gave her money laden on seven camels and a valuable pearl necklace.While returning with the donation to Tiruvannamalai on the forested mountain path of Manjavadi Kaanavai a group of thieves attacked her encampment in order to steal. Ammani Amman allowed the thieves to take the money saying that it belonged to Lord Shiva. As the robbers touched the riches they lost sight. In great remorse and realising their mistake they fell down before Ammani Amman in worship and asked her to restore their vision. As their sight returned, the band of reformed thieves accompanied her to her village Chennasamuthram where they made a pond for forest animals and planted many trees brought from Mysore. They then accompanied her to Tiruvannamalai and continued with the work on the North Gopuram.

Ammani Amman built up till the seventh stage of the Gopuram by using specialist masons but by the eighth stage (of the Gopuram) money had once again run out and thus she worshipped Lord Shiva by performing japa and called for His support. Lord Shiva told her in a dream to continue. With her strong resolve the work continued until the Gopuram was completed.It has nine storeys and is 171 feet in height.

The North Gopuram of Arunachaleswara Temple is known as Sri Ammani Amman Gopuram in her honour.


The samadhi of this great Siva devotee is next to the Eshanya Math across from Eshanya Lingam in Tiruvannamalai.

Mahaniya Sri Ammani Amma Samadhi


Sri Arunachaleshwara Temple,Tiruvannamalai


Sri Arunachaleshwara and Sri Apitakuchambika Devi


More pics of the holy temple in this post:


Be your own guru
Sehwan (Shivasthana), Sindh, Pakistan

Katasraj Shiva temple, Chakwal, Punjab, Pakistan

Sharada Peetha, North of Line of Control, Kashmir


Active Member
The Unique Nataraja of Madurai

Sri Rajasekara Pandya ruled the country from Madurai efficiently and was an expert in various arts.Once a poet from the Chola kingdom came to the Pandya kingdom.He remarked that while the King knew many arts he did not know the Natya Shastra pertaining to dance.

So the Pandian king secured the services of a teacher and started learning dance.While practicing the various dance postures prescribed in the shastra he felt pain in his legs.He remembered that Lord Nataraja is in an eternal dance posture.The king thought that the Lord also might experience pain as he danced continuously and Lord Shiva has been standing on his right leg for eons of time.Having this belief he felt concerned and he prayed to Nataraja to shift his stance and change his posture.


Lord Nataraja appeared before Rajasekara Pandya who was a sincere devotee and according to his request shifted His legs. He stood on His left leg, lifted His right leg and danced thus the Paramananda Tandava.


In other holy places, the Lord appears in the dancing posture with his right leg on the ground. But in the Madurai temple, He is seen with His left leg on the ground.The dancing posture of 'Ambalavanan' (Lord Shiva) with ten hands can be seen only in Rajatha Sabha (Silver hall) or Velli Ambalam.

The Tamil word Velli means silver and Ambalam means stage or altar.This massive Nataraja shrine is covered entirely in silver and hence called "Velli Ambalam" (silver abode).


Lord Siva and Goddess Parvati reside in Madurai as Sri Meenakshi & Sri Sundareshwara.Lord Soma Sundara is also called as Chokkanatha Peruman so the dance He performed in Madurai came to be known as Chokka Thandavam.This is one of 64 ancient leelas(divine sports) the Lord performed in this Sivasthalam.

The presiding deity shrines are located in the middle of the 17 acre temple.After crossing the outer prakaras and mandapas such as Vasantha(Spring festival) Mandapa, Kilikoondu Mandapa(corridor of parrots), Meenakshi Nayakkar mandapa(hall of Thousand pillars), Kalyana Mandapa, Kambathadi Mandapa..etc. we reach the central shrine.
This inner sanctum comprises of three enclosures.Velli Ambalam is located in the first enclosure,to the right side as one enters it.After worshiping Lord Nataraja, devotees go through the mandapa which leads to the innermost shrine,here is the huge Ashtagaja Maha Garbhagriha of Lord Soma Sundareshwara under the golden Indra Vimana.

Sanctums of Lord Siva and His consort Sri Meenakshi Devi

Processional Deities of Lord Siva and Goddess


Active Member
Pancha Sabha Sthalas are the temples of Lord Siva Nataraja where He performed the Cosmic Dance.
Pancha indicates Five, Sabha means hall and Sthala means place.


Chitra Sabha - Artistic hall
: Tripura Tandava
Location : Sri Kutralanatha Swami Temple, Courtallam

Tamra Sabha - Copper hall
: Muni Tandava
Location: Sri Venunatha Swami (Nellaiappar)Temple, Tirunelveli

Rajatha Sabha - Silver hall
: Sandhya Tandava
Location : Sri Meenakshi Sundareshwara Temple, Madurai

Rathna Sabha - Emerald hall
: Kali Tandava
Location : Sri Vadaranyeswara Temple, Thiruvalangadu-Chennai

Kanaka Sabha
- Golden hall
: Ananda Tandava
Location : Sri Ananda Nataraja Svami Temple, Chidambaram


Jai Ambe Gauri
Premium Member
Pancha Sabha Sthalas are the temples of Lord Siva Nataraja where He performed the Cosmic Dance.
Pancha indicates Five, Sabha means hall and Sthala means place.


Chitra Sabha - Artistic hall
: Tripura Tandava
Location : Sri Kutralanatha Swami Temple, Courtallam

Tamra Sabha - Copper hall
: Muni Tandava
Location: Sri Venunatha Swami (Nellaiappar)Temple, Tirunelveli

Rajatha Sabha - Silver hall
: Sandhya Tandava
Location : Sri Meenakshi Sundareshwara Temple, Madurai

Rathna Sabha - Emerald hall
: Kali Tandava
Location : Sri Vadaranyeswara Temple, Thiruvalangadu-Chennai

Kanaka Sabha
- Golden hall
: Ananda Tandava
Location : Sri Ananda Nataraja Svami Temple, Chidambaram

Please @Bhadr ji can you explain the differences between the dances that were performed?