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Should Christian churches be allowed in Muslim lands?

Should Christian churches be allowed in Muslim lands?

  • No -- and they shouldn't allow any masajid, either.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Depends Upon My Mood..
Not a melting pot, Dallas. A melting pot suggests that everything merges together into one homogenous mush. We're more like a tossed salad, retaining our different zesty flavors but all tied together by the salad dressing of tolerance. :p

Well I prefer fresh pepper and strawberries in my salad...O>K!!!!!!!! :)

Run out and get me some fresh spinach while your at it!(plus I like sharp white cheddar) ...Got it?????




Depends Upon My Mood..
Yes, wetsern society is like that, but do you think a country such as Saudi Arabia or Iran would be able to cope having spent generations as Islamic states only to have to accept Christians. What i'm saying is it might not work as well as everyone thinks it will. Sure we get along fine with every kind of culture, but we were born in multicultural environments. These countries aren't very multicultural at all, and it might take some getting used to.

I agree...But they need to open up their minds and hearts...As others have..do not demonize those who are not like you...Do not HATE...




Depends Upon My Mood..
Have you had strawberries, goat cheese in your salad with a balsamic vinaigrette??! :drool:

No...but I would...just strawberries...sharp white cheddar (or Feta) and some hard salami..In fact my salad last night was just that with balsamic...and a little sugar...

I love Goat cheese...my favorite pizza ??? Thin crusted goat cheese pizza with artichokes...SLOBBER!



Oh and one time (at band camp) I made twice stuffed goat cheese potatoes...(YUMMMMMMMYYYY)



Please stay on topic ....




the trouble is religions esecially in the middle east are not just reigions ,they tend to be in governent ,these governments are for the most part despotic so is no wonder they dont want anyone on their patch. there may be christians in Iran or Saudi, but they re not equals in society so no churches these types of governments are frightened of outside influences, and christians reprsent outside influences.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I missed something lil.... that's just Qatar.... Saudi Arabia, for instance, is a TOTALLY different story:

In an exclusive interview with AsiaNews, Fr. Babu Joseph, spokesperson for the Catholic Bishops Conference of India, clarified the position of the Catholic Bishops Conference in regard to Brian O'Connor, the Indian Roman Catholic who has been held and tortured for the last 6 months in Saudi Arabia, on charges of preaching Christianity and drug use and alcohol-selling.

INDIA - SAUDI ARABIA No Saudi reply to Bishops' information request on O'Connor case - Asia News


That still doesn't justify his sweeping statement.

it wasnt a sweeping statement,

the trouble is religions esecially in the middle east are not just reigions ,they tend to be in governent ,these governments are for the most part despotic so is no wonder they dont want anyone on their patch.

churches are allowed in muslim lands ,there just are not any truly muslim lands

do you dissagree then?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Dude dont say that mate, these people will say again that i am taking thier Freedom of speach away but when i give my comments they dont talk about freedom of speech.
double standards

Anyway about UK, They do let us build Mosques but there have been many churches alotted to Muslims to convert to Mosques because those churches were basically desserted. becase the UK government do not want to provide new land to muslims.

By the way, dont you think there are churches in Saudi Arabia, middle east the history of these churches are older than of those in UK & US and even europe. BTW Christians or Churches are not allien to Islam or Muslims

From:- The Voice of the Martyrs - News (this is just an extract)

Christian Detained, Fined and Given a Suspended Prison Sentence
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]May 19, 2008

ALGERIA – On April 29, a court in Djilfa, south of Algiers, charged a 33-year-old Muslim convert to Christianity with “printing, storing and distributing” illegal religious material. According to Compass Direct News, “An Algerian Christian detained five days for carrying a Bible and personal Bible study books was handed a 300-Euro (US $460) fine and a one-year suspended prison sentence.”
Compass reported this conviction was the latest in numerous detentions and court cases against Algerian Christians. “Since January, police and provincial officials have ordered the closure of up to half of the country’s estimated 50 Protestant congregations,” Compass Direct said.
The 33-year-old Algerian Christian converted from Islam to Christianity eight years ago. On April 25, he was stopped at a police road block while riding in a shared taxi. Compass Direct added, “Officials took the convert into custody upon finding a Bible and several religious study books in his luggage. Police appear to have previous knowledge of the Christian’s connections. Officers refused to let the convert call friends to let them know of his detention, naming a church member in Tiaret whom they claimed he would contact.”

Iranian Police Arrest 12 Christian Converts, Four Remain in Prison
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]May 28, 2008

IRAN – On May 12, Iranian police arrested 12 known Muslim converts to Christianity and confiscated their books, computers and printers in the southern Iranian city of Shiraz.
According to Compass Direct News, “The arrests began at 5 a.m. on May 11, when two couples were taken into custody before boarding their flights at the Shiraz International Airport and sent directly to jail. All four were subjected to hours of interrogation, questioning them solely ‘just about their faith and house church activities.’”
Compass Direct News added that the detained Christians had been identified as: Homayon Shokohie Gholamzadeh, 48; his wife, Fariba Nazemiyan Pur, 40; Amir Hussein Bab Anari, 25; and his wife, Fatemeh Shenasa, 25. Although the two wives were released the same day, Anari was detained until May 14, and Gholamzadeh remains in jail.
“Two hours after the early arrests of May 11, police authorities invaded the home of Hamid Allaedin Hussein, 58, arresting him and his three adult children: Fatemah, 28; Muhammed Ali, 27; and Mojtaba, 21. All the family’s books, CDs and computers were hauled off as well. Hussein, his daughter and one son were released later the same day, but son Mojtaba remains in prison,” Compass Direct added.

PHILIPPINES – Attacker Shoots Two Pastors, Wife; One Pastor Killed
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]April 28, 2008

On April 15, Pastor Vic Vicera, his wife, Beth; and Pastor were shot at when an unknown assailant stormed Pastor Vicera’s home in Mindanao, Philippines, and started shooting. Pastor Vicera was killed in the attack.
According to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts, “Pastor Vic and his wife, Beth, and Pastor Noli were having a conversation early that evening. They were talking about their plans to minister in a Muslim tribal area, when suddenly the killer came in and started firing at them.”
VOM contacts added, “Pastor Vic got four gunshots, two at the upper part of the knees that went through his navel and two shots to the lower part of his knees, the bullets remained in his stomach. Beth, his wife, got two gunshots, one in her palm and one in her leg. Pastor Saturnino got one shot in his leg; the bullet went through his leg.” Pastor Vic was killed, and Beth and Saturnino are being treated by doctors.
Even though VOM contacts could not confirm the reason for the attack, they reported that Pastor Vic lived among Muslims who wanted him to join Islam, but he refused. “Earlier in the week, my wife and I went to their [Pastor Vic’s] house and talked about the ministry. Their house is surrounded by Muslim houses. I heard before that there were Muslims wanting Pastor Vic to join the Islam faith, but he refused. [At] this time we still don’t know those responsible for his death, but some said that Muslims are responsible,” a VOM contact said.

from:-Mission Network News

Eritrea (MNN) ― In yet another show of force, Eritrea is launching another assault against the church.
Voice of the Martyrs Canada's Bernie Daniel says a sharp rise in harassment began right around Eritrea's Independence Day at the end of May. Since then, "25 Christians were put in prison in the town of Adi-Kuala. And then we heard these unconfirmed reports that some of the key leaders of the evangelical church movement in Eritrea may be accused of treason. That is a serious concern, of course. "
It has been difficult to get confirmation on the future of Full Gospel Church leaders Dr. Kifle Gebremeskel and Haile Naizghi and Pastor Tesfatsion Hagos of the Rema Evangelical Church. They've been imprisoned and isolated since May 2004. The government has already gone after churches and religious groups on "grounds that they allegedly encouraged insurrection and supported networks of deserters".
Eritrean police also arrested 34 evangelical Christians in Keren, according to a recent Compass Direct report. The Christians, members of the Light of Life Church, were meeting in a private home for prayer and fellowship. The women prisoners have since been transferred to the Adi-Abeyto Military Confinement facility outside of Asmara.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Maybe I missed something lil.... that's just Qatar.... Saudi Arabia, for instance, is a TOTALLY different story:

In an exclusive interview with AsiaNews, Fr. Babu Joseph, spokesperson for the Catholic Bishops Conference of India, clarified the position of the Catholic Bishops Conference in regard to Brian O'Connor, the Indian Roman Catholic who has been held and tortured for the last 6 months in Saudi Arabia, on charges of preaching Christianity and drug use and alcohol-selling.

INDIA - SAUDI ARABIA No Saudi reply to Bishops' information request on O'Connor case - Asia News

What is the point behind this story about Saudi Arabia?

From the same source:

How is the Church in India standing in solidarity with one of its members who is suffering for the faith?

Excusem me?! suffering for the faith?

If this story is true, then he is suffering for breaking the law in saudi arabia intentionally, and he deserve it. If i went to any country and i wasn't allowed to talk about Islam or build a mosque, i wouldn't do so. In Islam, we highly respect the law of the land whatever it was, unlike yours, appreantly.

Even if some muslims did break any law, so it never was an offecial stance like the one you presented. lol, suffering for the faith by selling alcohol and drugs, amazing!


Veteran Member
Premium Member
From:- The Voice of the Martyrs - News (this is just an extract)

Christian Detained, Fined and Given a Suspended Prison Sentence

Iranian Police Arrest 12 Christian Converts, Four Remain in Prison

PHILIPPINES – Attacker Shoots Two Pastors, Wife; One Pastor Killed

Eritrea (MNN) ― In yet another show of force, Eritrea is launching another assault against the church.

What does this have to do with the OP?

This thread is about churches being allowed in muslims land or not, not about the suffering of the christians in the world. Do you want me to show you places where muslims are suffering?


P.S. some of the governmets you mentioned like the philippines and Eritrea are not muslim governments. I don't know about the philippines, but the Eritrean one is a christian government.

P.P.S thank God there is no Christian countries on earth today except the vatican. The world wouldn't have handle a new crusades being sent in the name of God unto the world to spread the blood, ops, i mean the word of Jesus.
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Premium Member
If this story is true, then he is suffering for breaking the law in saudi arabia intentionally, and he deserve it. If i went to any country and i wasn't allowed to talk about Islam or build a mosque, i wouldn't do so. In Islam, we highly respect the law of the land whatever it was, unlike yours, appreantly.

So you would be ok then if I made a country where even mentioning Allah is punishable by death you would be ok with that?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So you would be ok then if I made a country where even mentioning Allah is punishable by death you would be ok with that?

If i wasn't a citizen in that country, like the catholic indian in that story who went to saudi arabia, so i don't have any problem with it. If i don't like it, i'll just leave the country. It's YOUR country, not mine.


Well-Known Member
reason 1) well building a church isn't such a bad idee but if it is illigal don't go poking around just to get your way, the only use for a church then would be to round up all the "criminals" in 1 go

reason 2 )churches are pretty useless if there are not enough people to worship there, and muslim land doesn't sound like a place where loads a cristians are.

reason 3 ) there is no reason you need a church to practice your faith, its just a usefull addition but not a must

even though we have right to religious freedom its still no reason to be rude, if they don't want it and you don't need it your not helping anyone by forcing your point


Well-Known Member

if there are a group of _______ within a nation and that group just wants to build a place where they can peacefully worship and the government prevents them from doing so,

then that government sucks.


Premium Member
If i wasn't a citizen in that country, like the catholic indian in that story who went to saudi arabia, so i don't have any problem with it. If i don't like it, i'll just leave the country. It's YOUR country, not mine.

So you are not a supporter of basic human rights?