Fact is,, the 10 Commandments are the Law of God! Anybody that decides to bring in the law of this and the law of that,, is somebody that desires to take away the sobering fact of what sin is,,,,,The transgression of the law of God. Now why would they do that? To take attention away from from that which shall judge all. Satan has tried since the beginning to take attention away from God's Commandments in any way possible. Thru confusion, and even altering them as we see today! So, while you are arguing about this law and that law,, Satan has already changed God's 10 Commandments thru deceived men and nearly the entire Christian world have fallen for these lies. Teaching as Commandments the Traditions of men. They have torn out the 2nd Commandment (Idolatry), changed the 4th Commandment (Sabbath, reduced it to 8 words and changed it to Sunday the 1st day of the week), and they split the 10th and made two separate commandments out of it. I suppose they had to because after tearing out the 2nd Commandment, they were left with only 9. So,, all this talk about anything other than the 10 Commandments is being done to take our minds away from that Law which all men are to be judged by,, the 10 Commandments.