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Should Europe resist Islam?


Well-Known Member
What ever is harmful to
you is prohibited. Muhammad's(pbuh) Statement.
Since electricity is harmful, is it prohibited? Are martial arts prohibited? Are TV and computer games prohibited? Since they can all be harmful in the right situations, are they prohibited?


Well-Known Member
And whatever strikes you of disaster- it is for what
your hands(ourselves) have earned. Qur'an 42v30

Corruption and evil has appeared on the land
due to the evil of the hands of man. Qur'an.

This is self evident all the catastrophe that has befallen man
is from himself.
That is not objective, and it is false anyway.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
Islams Prevention and Cure for you points.
Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and SPEND (wealth) out of
what we have provided for them. Qur'an 2v3.
This is actually one of the Pillars of Islam, that is known to everyone,
through this means if everyone on earth submitted to there will be
No starvation, Homelessness, and a great impact will be see in the

Why do Islam alone will solve the problems of the world?Why dot you think that Christianity which is the most prevalent religion in the world would not solve it.
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Well-Known Member
First off,
I was not alluding to the worship of God as a nuisance. Only that true freedom of religion includes the rights and safety of all, including those for whom a practice affects negatively.

There is a big difference between peaceful protest (freedom of speech, freedom to redress the government for grievances) and religious practice (freedom of religion).
But nice attempt at a strawman anyway....

Freedom of religion is not in anyway inferior to freedom of speech. So, if you find a particular practice of any religion a nuisance, then I'm only reminding you that there are practices of freedom of speech which are just as bothersome.

The reality that I might suggest is that freedom of speech (whether secular or religious in nature) are no different. And one might say that religion is covered by both...

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and SPEND (wealth) out of
what we have provided for them. Qur'an 2v3.

Amin,read the link and then tell me what was provided for the Children


God is the King
Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and SPEND (wealth) out of
what we have provided for them. Qur'an 2v3.
Amin,read the link and then tell me what was provided for the Children
If people LIVE by what is revealed, there will be no problems, how can
you judge Islam due to what people do? how do you know that these
people are actually adhering to the injunctions of God? Its like me
going in a capital city, and i come across prostitution, gangsters,
homeless, thieves etc, can i blame the government? this post of
yours doesn't mean anything.

Fasting is prescribed on you as it was prescribed on those before
you that you may attain self restraint(Through recognising the Greatness
of God). Qur'an.

Benefits. You learn not to be a servant to you animal desires, rather
you choose to be a servant of God.
A person through experiencing hunger, has compassion and concern
for people around the world, which he lives, and is not artificial
There is a great deal of books written by non Muslin writes speaking
of the benefits of fasting from a secular perspective, whoever does
the research will find this to be true.

And eat of the good and lawful things we have provided
for you. Qur'an.

Not much commentary is needed for this, we know of the
long term harms of unhealthy foods, sicknesses, and diseases,
which people complain of such as heart disease, liver failure,
clogged arteries, diabetes just to name a few.

So why should Europe resist Islam?


God is the King
Why do Islam alone will solve the problems of the world?Why dot you think that Christianity which is the most prevalent religion in the world would not solve it.
As a matter of fact if you look at the teachings of all the Messengers
there all the same, and the prophets were all Muslims, so all there
teachings are a cure for mankind, from the material perspective
and the spiritual dimension, which is only offered through revelation,
so to say Christianity(Which is not the name Christ named it) is predominant
is incorrect, the correct way to put it would be to say, the Abrahamic faith,
which, in its complete form is only taught through the Last Messenger.

So the Religion predominant today is the belief in the Oneness of God,
brought through the Prophets.

It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance(Cure for man)
and the Religion of truth to MANIFEST it OVER all religion.
And Sufficient is Allah as Witness. Qur'an 48v 28.


Devoid of Ettiquette
If people LIVE by what is revealed, there will be no problems, how can you judge Islam due to what people do?
The real teachings of a religion are found in how its adherents behave. It is not scriptures but people who are the real messengers of a religion's truth.
And whatever strikes you of disaster- it is for what
your hands(ourselves) have earned. Qur'an 42v30

Corruption and evil has appeared on the land
due to the evil of the hands of man. Qur'an.

This is self evident all the catastrophe that has befallen man
is from himself.

How very nice, a circular argument and a bare assertion fallacy. Care to give an argument that isn't so pathetically weak?

There is a cure for every illness, man is just not aware of it
at this stage. The existence of these are due to our own selves, ie a person
smokes cigarettes and gets different types of cancer, we say prevention
is better then cure, he should blame his own hands(self). If they obeyed
the messengers it would never have happened. What ever is harmful to
you is prohibited. Muhammad's(pbuh) Statement.

Fine with me, blame the smoker but how does that lead us to curing the disease once it has progressed? Furthermore, if we are to ban ourselves from everything harmful, then we might as well coop ourselves up into a little plastic ball to ensure we have our own clean as possible environment. That's not practical.

I also mentioned cancer for another reason, one which you kindly ignored. Cancer has a heavy influence from genetics, so let's suppose the person lives in a plastic ball in an idealized, clean environment. They can still get cancer and now your assertion has been shown to be false.

Live it and prove it to yourself, you prove that I'm wrong.

It doesn't matter if I am to try to prove it to myself or if another person is, the same problem remains as I mentioned before. You're simply trying to re-direct the problems as opposed to face and acknowledge them.

Indeed, God orders JUSTICE and GOOD conduct and GIVING to
relatives and FORBIDS immorality and BAD conduct and OPPRESSION.
He WARNS you that perhaps you will be reminded. 16v90

So why should Europe resist Islam?.

I think Europe should try to resist the very devoted believers because they tend to be the dangerous ones, while the less devout ones would be discriminated against due to what others did. When the people of the belief are seen as dangerous due to their belief, then the belief should be resisted as well as the people, however, only the more dangerous ones or ones who refuse to adhere to various European laws and immigration policies. Ideally, I'd say to modify the points-system so as to have it to avoid any dangerous religious believers regardless of their faith.