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Should Europe resist Islam?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Boil them with some kind of pig meat and load them up with salt and pepper and as much vinegar as you can stand. Which is basically the way all greens are prepared Southern style. Other vegetables are prepared the same but with butter instead of vinegar, and pig meat is optional.

When you make bacon, save the grease. If you're out of pig meat and you want to cook up a batch of greens (or any sort of vegetable for that matter) just scoop up a big ol' spoonful of that grease and throw it in the pot along with lots of salt and pepper.

Don't forget to serve them with a side of cornbread. Now - the best way to make that cornbread is to bake it in an iron skillet. Get that skillet good and hot in the oven. Then plop a big ol' spoonful of pig meat grease in there and let it melt. THEN pour the cornbread batter in and bake it at about 450. THEN serve hot with tons of butter.

A big glass of cold buttermilk goes pretty nicely with this.

Top it off with a slice of homemade buttermilk pie and then go take your Lipitor.

Sure beats the heck out of gyros.


Well-Known Member
They cant resist Islam what could they do?
They can the same way they can resist Bhuddism... but they shouldn´t. There is something called religious freedom. That said, if someone tries to pass Sharia, then it should not pass... that applies to all religions or movements, though (not the Sharia part, but from the little I have heard from those laws I do not like them, which is why I don´t think it should pass, I would do the same to any law(s) I dislike no matter the origin).

Islam alone has all the solution for mans problems, what solution has Darwinism
brought, how does it encourage man to help each other, on the contrary it tells
us to devour each other and tries to justify it.
Nope, assuming you mean the ToE, it does not try and justify any behaviour. To claim that would be like claiming what Einstein and Newton said about gravity justify when someone push someone else from the 15:th floor on some building. The ToE explains why reality looks the way it does, it does not try and justify our behaviour or create a specific kind of society.
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Re the emmigration thing, my sister lives in Libya, she doesn't get a high salary though because she is married to a Libyan. She wasn't able to get a job here for a year before she left and pretty much had her pick of jobs when she went over there. Her husband has a good job in Libya and they wouldn't have been able to have anywhere near the lifestyle they have over there here. So far apart from her dodgy Arabic she hasn't found any major problems.

Re Turnips, I like them, raw though and the yellow fleshed ones not the horrible white ones bleuh!


Done here.
Don't forget to serve them with a side of cornbread. Now - the best way to make that cornbread is to bake it in an iron skillet. Get that skillet good and hot in the oven. Then plop a big ol' spoonful of pig meat grease in there and let it melt. THEN pour the cornbread batter in and bake it at about 450. THEN serve hot with tons of butter.
I like to fry bacon in the skillet first. Remove the bacon, crumble it up and put it back in the hot grease, thenpour the batter in. Mmmm.


The Lost One
smoke said:
I like to fry bacon in the skillet first. Remove the bacon, crumble it up and put it back in the hot grease, thenpour the batter in. Mmmm.

I can just feel all my blood vessels clogging up as I read this. :thud:


God is the King
To say that any religious belief, in this case Islam, can magically cure the problems humans face, such as the economy problems, diseases, starvation and so forth is a complete joke. Show me a quote in the Qur'an where it says how it will restore the economy,
Islams Prevention and Cure for you points.
Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and SPEND (wealth) out of
what we have provided for them. Qur'an 2v3.
This is actually one of the Pillars of Islam, that is known to everyone,
through this means if everyone on earth submitted to there will be
No starvation, Homelessness, and a great impact will be see in the

So why should Europe resist Islam?

how it will cure cancer (specifically cancer, not another disease),
What Kind of Cancer, there are so many different types?

how it will reduce homelessness and poverty.
See most your problems are gone with ONLY 1 of the Pillars of
Islam, imagine the others.


God is the King
That's right I do but what's more important is what the Qur'an is. At the basic level, it's a book. Pointing out a random quote from a part of a book that is purely metaphorical and doesn't really relate to the issue being addressed isn't exactly a great way of debating. Suppose you asked me a question about, say, evolution. If I returned with a metaphorical response from a Dr. Pepper slogan, then that doesn't really help you out.
That may be the case, however, instead of having a book talk to us, let's have a person talk to us.
''Then is it other than God i should seek as judge while it is
He who has revealed to you the BOOK explained in detail?''
Islams Prevention and Cure for you points.
Who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and SPEND (wealth) out of
what we have provided for them. Qur'an 2v3.
This is actually one of the Pillars of Islam, that is known to everyone,
through this means if everyone on earth submitted to there will be
No starvation, Homelessness, and a great impact will be see in the

Just because a book says that does not make it apply to the real world. How do you know that what occurs in the real world is without a doubt due to what the Qur'an says, and in your argument, use objective evidence.

What Kind of Cancer, there are so many different types?

Does it really matter? If it can somehow cure lung cancer, I would assume it can do that for bone cancer, brain cancer, etc... . But answer the above statements first.

See most your problems are gone with ONLY 1 of the Pillars of
Islam, imagine the others.

Nope. You've only shown that in theory they will go away, you haven't shown me that they make the things go away in the modern world. So instead of imagining stuff, prove it.

''Then is it other than God i should seek as judge while it is
He who has revealed to you the BOOK explained in detail?''

I'm not talking to the Qur'an, I'm talking to you, so I prefer an answer from you. You can quote the Qur'an and analyze the quotes but tossing me a quote isn't an answer from you.


Well-Known Member
What Kind of Cancer, there are so many different types?
Are you saying the Quran speak of the different types of cancer? Because if it doesn´t, to ask what kind of cancer does not matter.
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God is the King
Just because a book says that does not make it apply to the real world. How do you know that what occurs in the real world is without a doubt due to what the Qur'an says, and in your argument, use objective evidence.
And whatever strikes you of disaster- it is for what
your hands(ourselves) have earned. Qur'an 42v30

Corruption and evil has appeared on the land
due to the evil of the hands of man. Qur'an.

This is self evident all the catastrophe that has befallen man
is from himself.

Does it really matter? If it can somehow cure lung cancer, I would assume it can do that for bone cancer, brain cancer, etc... . But answer the above statements first.
There is a cure for every illness, man is just not aware of it
at this stage. The existence of these are due to our own selves, ie a person
smokes cigarettes and gets different types of cancer, we say prevention
is better then cure, he should blame his own hands(self). If they obeyed
the messengers it would never have happened. What ever is harmful to
you is prohibited. Muhammad's(pbuh) Statement.

Nope. You've only shown that in theory they will go away, you haven't shown me that they make the things go away in the modern world. So instead of imagining stuff, prove it. .
Live it and prove it to yourself, you prove that I'm wrong.

I'm not talking to the Qur'an, I'm talking to you, so I prefer an answer from you. You can quote the Qur'an and analyze the quotes but tossing me a quote isn't an answer from you.
Indeed, God orders JUSTICE and GOOD conduct and GIVING to
relatives and FORBIDS immorality and BAD conduct and OPPRESSION.
He WARNS you that perhaps you will be reminded. 16v90

So why should Europe resist Islam?.


Well-Known Member
There is a cure for every illness, man is just not aware of it
at this stage. The existence of these are due to our own selves, ie a person
smokes cigarettes and gets different types of cancer, we say prevention
is better then cure, he should blame his own hands(self). If they obeyed
the messengers it would never have happened. What ever is harmful to
you is prohibited. Muhammad's(pbuh) Statement.
We cannot live in fear. Not that I think that people should smoke, I don´t like or approve of smoking (even though I´m not a jerk about it, if you want to smoke that is your choice, I will maybe just say what I think and then leave it there), but if we are to keep ourselves safe from everything that can cause cancer, then we probably have to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, and even then we still have a risk of catching cancer due to genetic factors... besides, isolation is dangerous as well, so... the most dangerous thing you can do is living.
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