A patriarchy/matriarchy refers to when one sex has more cultural power than the other, having the central roles of authority.I've often gotten confused on this one, if historical "Matriarchies" tended not to be mirror-opposites of "Patriarchies", and were more Egalitarian, then wouldn't they *not* be "Matriarchies" - and instead be Egalitarian societies that happened to have more female leadership?
What I mean is, isn't Mat/Patriarchy where one Sex has an unfair advantage a hierarchy over the other?
Patriarchal examples are common, and probably don't need much elaboration here.
Matriarchal examples tend to be more nuanced, less clearly defined. Examples include societies where property descends through the maternal line, with the women owning the property, but with an otherwise fairly equal society with positions of authority for both men and women. Another example is that in some societies, a group of elder women select the chief, often a male, to lead the group, and can dismiss him if he does not perform it well. Kind of like a board of directors / CEO type of relationship.