The first time I saw some strippers, I was 18 or 19 years old, and their performances were so bad that I became prejudiced against strippers and didn't go back for twenty years. What made their performances that bad? In hindsight, it's clear to me that they were not expressing their own sexuality through dance, but were rather pandering to the crowd. A mistake most lousy strippers make.
When a friend of mine heard the story of my bad experience with strippers, he decided to educate me a bit. He took me out to both some lousy strip clubs and some decent ones, in order to point out the differences. And since he was an artist, he showed me how to view stripping as an art. It made a world of difference in how I came to regard stripping.
In my opinion, only about 15% to 20% of strippers know what they're doing. The rest are hacks.