Do the 'benefits' need to be financial?
Isn't the purpose of a university education to increase one's appreciation of the world?
Schools teaching remunerative skills like medicine, computer science, or auto mechanics are not universities, they're trade schools.
It students don't benefit financially enuf to pay the
taxes cover the cost of their education, then this
imposes a burden upon the rest of society.
Where's the link for modern, authoritarian, socialistic liberals? That's what I was asking.
No link needed to contrast modern liberals vs classical liberals.
The former...
More economic regulation, bigger government,
more speech regulation, more of a police state,
more foreign adventurism (ie, policing the world),
massive intrusive social programs, group identity
tends to supersede individual rights.
The latter....
Smaller government, less regulation, more free
speech, minding our own business around the
world, supremacy of the individual.