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Should Pornography Be Banned To Protect Children?

Should pornography be banned to protect children from viewing it?

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A fool
Welcome to the site PyroPathos :)!

Einstein said:
If my thought was to ban pornograohy "not just" for children, then by logic, my answer is to certainly "ban it for protecting children!"..That's logic dude
I don't think your logic holds here.

There might be a huge number of reasons why we should ban pornography. This thread asks if protecting children is amongst those reasons. That there are other reasons does not entail that protecting children must be a reason. Therefore, other reasons are irrelevant to this thread.

Penguino said:
Porn gives IDEAS. Ideas lead to action.
If that is the case then we should be able to test that claim.

Do you agree that if science fails to support this claim with evidence then the claim should not be upheld and that until such an attempt is made, we should reserve judgement?

My views: If there is a link between pornography and harm to children then this needs to be demonstrated by testing before I would consider banning pornography. It would then also need to be demonstrated that banning is the most efficient and reasonable approach to the problem.

Having said that, I think there are far stronger reasons to ban pornography than protecting children and so focusing on that aspect is counterproductive for both sides.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Porn gives IDEAS.

The ideas porn gives are not intrinsic, penguino, but culturally determined.

I can look at a picture of a woman in shorts or bathing attire completely dispassionately -- but I doubt if my great grandfather could.

Men in some tropical regions can look at a topless or even naked woman with no more arousal than we would have viewing a woman in a business suit.
It all comes down to what we were exposed to in early childhood.

Raise a child in an open, unrepressed environment and he'll grow up to find pornography a yawn.
Welcome to the site PyroPathos :)!

I don't think your logic holds here.

There might be a huge number of reasons why we should ban pornography. This thread asks if protecting children is amongst those reasons. That there are other reasons does not entail that protecting children must be a reason. Therefore, other reasons are irrelevant to this thread.

If that is the case then we should be able to test that claim.

Do you agree that if science fails to support this claim with evidence then the claim should not be upheld and that until such an attempt is made, we should reserve judgement?

My views: If there is a link between pornography and harm to children then this needs to be demonstrated by testing before I would consider banning pornography. It would then also need to be demonstrated that banning is the most efficient and reasonable approach to the problem.

Having said that, I think there are far stronger reasons to ban pornography than protecting children and so focusing on that aspect is counterproductive for both sides.

If you can't see that people use porn for sexual insparation, and ideas, then your confused.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
Raise a child in an open, unrepressed environment and he'll grow up to find pornography a yawn.

Again, I wouldn't ban pornography for any reason, and I voted as much.

But you're comment above is exactly why I raised my children Biblically.

I didn't want them looking at pornography with a yawn!


I don't think your logic holds here.

There might be a huge number of reasons why we should ban pornography. This thread asks if protecting children is amongst those reasons. That there are other reasons does not entail that protecting children must be a reason. Therefore, other reasons are irrelevant to this thread.
You got me!
But as a defence, I would like to say that I mentioned my reasons after then, other than "banning porn for everyone"..

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
But lets see "the Egyptian and Middle Eastern men have no self control", this is sweet...but it's not the middle eastern men who usually have 5, 10, 14 or maybe more than 20, who knows, different sexual partners (opposite sex, the same sex, animals...
And here we go, with the old slippery slope of 'Anything sexual that I don't agree with must eventually lead to a goat'.:rolleyes:
Frankly I find it disturbing that so many people who are apparently so much more sexually moral than I am (and apparently a goodly proportion of other people) seem to be so obsessed by bestaility. It's like all roads leading to Rome...same sex marriage, more than one sexual partner in your life, pornography = sex with animals.
No doubt there are people out there who do all the things you describe - from all over the world, not just the 'Decadent West' - but there are also plenty who don't. It would be no more fair to say that Islam leads irrevocably to a personal explosion - assuming you're not shot in the street for not being properly supervised by a male relative - than to declare that a morality different to your own will irrevocably lead to any of the things you've mentioned.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
Porn isn't worth it. To an immature kid, it can spark of all sorts of feelings and wants. It can lead to diseases...
:sarcastic Now if you'd said paper cuts, maybe...
You don't get STD's from pornography. You get them from unsafe sexual practices that are more likely to be a result of being totally uneducated of the consequences of sex beyond,'Sex before marriage is bad, M'kay.'
Of course, if you bypass all the other stuff and just go straight for the inevitable goat, the worst you'll probably get is a nasty bite.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm rather surprised there aren't more people who think that at least some kinds of porn should be banned for the sake of children. For instance, what about porn depicting sexualized violence? Should that be banned for the sake of children?


Veteran Member
I'm rather surprised there aren't more people who think that at least some kinds of porn should be banned for the sake of children. For instance, what about porn depicting sexualized violence? Should that be banned for the sake of children?

I can't think of a situation where banning anything has worked. I don't condone any type of exploitative porn but banning it won't stop it. I think we would be better served by looking at what draws people to this type of material and dealing with the causes.


Oldest Heretic
I'm rather surprised there aren't more people who think that at least some kinds of porn should be banned for the sake of children. For instance, what about porn depicting sexualized violence? Should that be banned for the sake of children?

Sexual violence is banned here, as is porn involving animals... However it can be seen, as it is mostly posted from foreign countries.
The government is investigating ways to filter it at ISP level.
:sarcastic Now if you'd said paper cuts, maybe...
You don't get STD's from pornography. You get them from unsafe sexual practices that are more likely to be a result of being totally uneducated of the consequences of sex beyond,'Sex before marriage is bad, M'kay.'
Of course, if you bypass all the other stuff and just go straight for the inevitable goat, the worst you'll probably get is a nasty bite.

I meant, porn gives the ideas to do unsafe sexual practices, i thought u got it.


A fool
Sunstone said:
I'm rather surprised there aren't more people who think that at least some kinds of porn should be banned for the sake of children. For instance, what about porn depicting sexualized violence? Should that be banned for the sake of children?

Should murder be banned for the sake of children? Should rape be banned for the sake of children?

There are far more compelling argument for banning sexualised violence than the protection of children that it is counterproductive to resort to such a reason.

penguino said:
I meant, porn gives the ideas to do unsafe sexual practices, i thought u got it.
Therefore, porn depicting safe sexual practices should be encouraged as this will give children the idea to practice safe sex.
Should murder be banned for the sake of children? Should rape be banned for the sake of children?

There are far more compelling argument for banning sexualised violence than the protection of children that it is counterproductive to resort to such a reason.

Therefore, porn depicting safe sexual practices should be encouraged as this will give children the idea to practice safe sex.

At the age of 10 years old, one girl got preagnant at 11. The reason was PORN.


A fool
penguino said:
At the age of 10 years old, one girl got preagnant at 11. The reason was PORN.
Right. So if porn only depicted safe sex then the 11 year old would not have gotten pregnant.

Your argument means that porn depicting safe sex should be encouraged and only porn depicting unsafe sex should be banned.