Hi Limo,
You can do research on your own. You have the internet. I don't know where you live, but I would hope that your country allows you full access to the internet. I can tell you this. "The West" is better educated than the Muslim world. This is a statistical claim that I'm making. "The West" has more universities per person. We translate more books into more languages than the Muslim world. "The West" has more scientists per person than the Muslim world. And so on.
I believe in mathematics and statistics. For every history book written by Muslims, there are probably 100 history books written by non-Muslims, from all over the world. In order for those 100 authors to be lying, there would have to be a vast conspiracy that has lasted over the centuries. That's an extremely unlikely possibility.
I really thank you for your comments.
I hate to talk about my personal info.
Let me tell you something.
We don't have doubt that west is the center of knowledge, since, and technology and free thoughts. This is not questioned.
I'll tell you a secret, most of my knowledge about Christianity, gospels history, modern religious studies are from American and specifically American scholars professors in the greatest universities.
I've a plan to attend courses taught by these great professors in top American universities in Abraham religions studies.
I'm very connected to west, I'm working in high tech. I reached the top in my field.
I can provide you with fair western sources but my experience in debate tells me, you will not accept it.
You know there was a movie about Jesus-Christ is coming back to life these days but the Churches don't accept him and tries to kill him I don't remember if they succeeded to kill him or not. Same story, prejudge is the governor on debate. Islam is bad/terror/bloody/closed mind//// nobody hears even western fair resources
When we demonstrate the real Islam and our historical perspective, the answer is your historians are lying.
When we demonstrate the Quran which says clearly "No compulsion in religion", the answer is you're not applying
And son on.....