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Should we fear Islam?


Muhammad was a man influenced by his day and time. This must be taken into account when speaking of him. He could have claimed to have been a prophet and done things we in today's world consider bad. Remember the society he came from. Moses wasn't sunshine and daisies either, in fact, if Moses really existed, I'd say he was the most evil man who ever lived.

I thought Mohamed was a man influenced by god?

"and Another thing about his life is that it is most comprehensive and perfect and can serve as an ideal for men and women of all ages"

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala describes the personality of Hazrat Sayyidina Muhammad Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim in these words: "And you stand on an exalted standard of character" (Holy Qur'an 68: ayat 4). Thus in the words of Allah Ta'ala, the standard of his character and personality is far above that of any other creation. He possessed the best and noblest qualities of the perfect man and was like a jewel illuminating the dark environment with his radiant personality, ideal example and glorious message.



Old-School Member
Two points I brought up that were never answered.

Well, here's an issue. If god is omniscient (all-knowing) then he would have seen the shift in the moral zeitgeist coming. He would have known that, one day, Muhammed's actions (and thus the man himself) would be looked on with disgust. Why allow the marriage to go through then, knowing that it would be a stumbling block for a multitude of potential converts?

Well, then look at the Salem Witch Trials. Many innocent women endured horrific deaths in the name of god.
Look at the early aztec and mayan civilizations, routinely practiced human sacrifice, again in the name of (a) god.
How about Jepthah in the Old Testament book of Judges (11th Chapter). He won a great victory for Israel and told god that he'd sacrifice the first thing he saw when he returned home. The first thing he saw was his daughter and he obediently roasted her.

Are we to look at these events, shrug our shoulders, and say, "Oh, you know, that's just their way." or should we view them for the atrocities they really are.

Now, look at Muhammed. He married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her at age 9. You can try to justify it by saying that it was the tradition of the time. It doesn't change a single thing. It was a crime then (regardless of their traditions) and it is still a crime today.


Well-Known Member
I think a prophet should have known it was wrong and been a shining example that would lead to ending such a practice. Aren't prophets supposed to be role models?
Yes, I would like to see this answered too. It is like the above questions and no one has addressed this at all.


Well-Known Member
Should we fear Islam?

Let’s not forget that it was Bush and Blair who, some say, prayed together before invading Iraq: http://www.spinwatch.org/-articles-by-category-mainmenu-8/70-british-politics/226-blairs-biopolarity

And Bush even thought he heard God tell him to do so: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/1007-03.htm

The three stooges were united when Howard, the Australian Prime Minister, joined them. Had the present Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, been in power at the time, there would have been four: http://mikewatkins.ca/2005/12/04/harper-would-have-sent-canada-to-war-with-iraq/

So let’s not forget that in the past the Christians were not only worse than the Muslims, but presently, at least some of their leaders, don’t do much better.

By the way, over four thousand young men lost their lives on the invading side, while the “collateral damage” is around half a million Iraqis.


Old-School Member
Well, here's an issue. If god is omniscient (all-knowing) then he would have seen the shift in the moral zeitgeist coming. He would have known that, one day, Muhammed's actions (and thus the man himself) would be looked on with disgust. Why allow the marriage to go through then, knowing that it would be a stumbling block for a multitude of potential converts?


Well, then look at the Salem Witch Trials. Many innocent women endured horrific deaths in the name of god.
Look at the early aztec and mayan civilizations, routinely practiced human sacrifice, again in the name of (a) god.
How about Jepthah in the Old Testament book of Judges (11th Chapter). He won a great victory for Israel and told god that he'd sacrifice the first thing he saw when he returned home. The first thing he saw was his daughter and he obediently roasted her.

Are we to look at these events, shrug our shoulders, and say, "Oh, you know, that's just their way." or should we view them for the atrocities they really are.

Now, look at Muhammed. He married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her at age 9. You can try to justify it by saying that it was the tradition of the time. It doesn't change a single thing. It was a crime then (regardless of their traditions) and it is still a crime today.


Admiral Obvious
Should we fear Islam?

Let’s not forget that it was Bush and Blair who, some say, prayed together before invading Iraq: http://www.spinwatch.org/-articles-by-category-mainmenu-8/70-british-politics/226-blairs-biopolarity

And Bush even thought he heard God tell him to do so: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/1007-03.htm

The three stooges were united when Howard, the Australian Prime Minister, joined them. Had the present Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, been in power at the time, there would have been four: http://mikewatkins.ca/2005/12/04/harper-would-have-sent-canada-to-war-with-iraq/

So let’s not forget that in the past the Christians were not only worse than the Muslims, but presently, at least some of their leaders, don’t do much better.

By the way, over four thousand young men lost their lives on the invading side, while the “collateral damage” is around half a million Iraqis.
Nice little rant.
To bad you forgot the answer the questions you opened your post with....
So what did this little rant have to do with fearing Islam?


Intentionally Blank
Should we fear Islam?

Let’s not forget that it was Bush and Blair who, some say, prayed together before invading Iraq: http://www.spinwatch.org/-articles-by-category-mainmenu-8/70-british-politics/226-blairs-biopolarity

And Bush even thought he heard God tell him to do so: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/1007-03.htm

The three stooges were united when Howard, the Australian Prime Minister, joined them. Had the present Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, been in power at the time, there would have been four: http://mikewatkins.ca/2005/12/04/harper-would-have-sent-canada-to-war-with-iraq/
Yes, I do think a certain type of Christianity played a role--several roles, in that disaster.

So let’s not forget that in the past the Christians were not only worse than the Muslims, but presently, at least some of their leaders, don’t do much better.
By the way, over four thousand young men lost their lives on the invading side, while the “collateral damage” is around half a million Iraqis.
Yes, I think the difference is not so much in the theology, as in the fact that secularism now restrains Christianity. Obviously, Islam, Judaism and Christianity share a common heritage. There are common features of all 3 religions that tend to warmongering and other problems. All three need to be restrained by secularism.

One distinction is that there are Muslim countries that share the values and tendencies of Islam in their government, and so do not restrain these tendencies. I think this is one of the main reasons that Islam remains more dangerous than Christianity today.


It is what it is
Fear Islam AND fear Christianity... especially if your a 6-year-old girl in an Islamic country, or a Catholic alter boy. Have you guys seen what's coming out about the Pope protecting and covering up child abuse by his priests... and that's in modern times... I feel another thread coming on. What's with religious leaders and sex with children?
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Well-Known Member
Although the OP asks a question about Islam, let’s not forget this:

'"My point is not that religion itself is the motivation for wars, murders and terrorist attacks, but that religion is the principal label, and the most dangerous one, by which a 'they' as opposed to a 'we' can be identified at all".
-- Richard Dawkins, The Devil's Chaplain (2004)


Well-Known Member

You just found that out now..

I mean common those innocent deaths in Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan and other countries didn't rang any bells?

Anyway yes lets all fear Islam i mean my neighbour who is a 89 old guy in a wheelchair has certainly some rocket launchers aiming at you right now. You made a claim that the Taliban's mission was to take over the world that is a big assumption and a wrong one its mission is to protect ''Islamic land'' from non-Muslims by attacking Military personal. Al-Qaeda is the one that does International attacks it has many enemies not only of the US but the whole world included ''Islamic countries'' my own country Morocco had over 50attacks in the past 10year or even more and of my knowledge Turkey and Iran had some big ones also or just take a look to Pakistan. Lets not forget that the Taliban was paid, sponsored and trained by America and was recognized as the ruling faction in Afghanistan.

I think the west's foreign policy contributes allot towards the hatred to the West it self. If the West found a solution to stop these mad things and actually took there troops out of these land then i am pretty sure we will find a decline in these attacks and extremist. Heck even 9/11 was the reason because of America's foreign policy as said by the attackers and cia themselves.
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