Sometimes people see a threat that comes from inside themselves. Being a "Tranny", even post op carries all sorts of dangers regarding future employment, church membership, family, friends... and so on. When the sun goes down, unless you are suicidal or stupid you are IN your home. Even those who 'pass' sometimes get read. I don't go to any clubs or dance halls, and have to remain very aware of who is around.
These fears about women being attacked by them are just nuts.
I'm of the opinion that the Psychological Community and the Drug companies were shameless in the pseudo treatment of those with Gender Identity Disorder.
Life for a "T" person is hard enough, why would anyone who expects to face God to be judged treat one badly? Suicide rate remains over 40% even after surgery. With what trump and his minions are doing, life feels more threatening every day, and perhaps the events of one day will be enough and I will suicide. I've been resisting it but bigots do not make it easier.
As to separating them from women in shelters, I can't argue with that, though the danger is nil. One must take into consideration how a woman who has been abused will see things, even the ones that are not real.
I suspicion that the OP was derived from someone's imagined fears, and they don't particularly care if they hurt another person.