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Signs of the Times - What’s happening to our world?


Veteran Member
List of predictions of end times....just add this one to the list.....List of predictions of the end of the world - RationalWiki
I was taught in school and in a so-called church that the end of the world meant the end of the Earth.
So, I was happy to read at Ecclesiastes 1:4 B that ' Earth abides forever '. No end of Earth, just wickedness on Earth.
Earth will never totter as per Psalms 104:5,35.
So, on the biblical list, so to speak, we are waiting for the ' final signal ' as found at 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3.
The powers that be will be saying, " Peace and Security..." as the precursor to the coming great tribulation of Revelation 7:14, 9 in which there will be a great crowd of people who will survive, be delivered, rescued to be here on Earth to see calendar Day One of Jesus' coming 1,000-year reign over Earth. The Earth that exists forever.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
I was taught in school and in a so-called church that the end of the world meant the end of the Earth.
So, I was happy to read at Ecclesiastes 1:4 B that ' Earth abides forever '. No end of Earth, just wickedness on Earth.
Earth will never totter as per Psalms 104:5,35.
So, on the biblical list, so to speak, we are waiting for the ' final signal ' as found at 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3.
The powers that be will be saying, " Peace and Security..." as the precursor to the coming great tribulation of Revelation 7:14, 9 in which there will be a great crowd of people who will survive, be delivered, rescued to be here on Earth to see calendar Day One of Jesus' coming 1,000-year reign over Earth. The Earth that exists forever.

And the predictions will continue to pile up.......


Veteran Member
The process that gives us a realisation we are One, is a direct result of a change of mind that begins in one's own self.
I see this change happening in many people on RF and it is that change that brings forth the fruits of action in implementing the change.
Oneness is like watching the sun rise over a vast ocean on a day when all hopes are yours for the taking.
View attachment 38307 Regards Tony

Tony, I find what some see as a sun rise others might see as a sun setting.
It is a 'setting sun' for the wicked - Psalms 92:7
Whereas, it is a 'rising sun' for the figurative humble ' sheep ' of Matthew 25:37.
They can look forward to a millennial dawn to see a bright clear world filled with righteousness.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Wrong guesses or wrong calculations does Not make the Bible as wrong, just the calculations as wrong.
Instead of the dead past, the present will Not disappoint Bible believers - www.jw.org

The key here is that the future does not have to disappoint any person, all the choices have always been available. Choosing One Name that is not inclusive of all Names, may be just a simple change in ones Frame of Reference, from the Name being the Flesh Body called Jesus to the being the Name of Christ where unto all are saved.

Likewise if we stick to the Flesh bodies of any of the Messengers and get caught up on a single Name and not the 'Christ' that is their reality, then it is possible we have not embraced all that God is.

Regards Tony


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Tony, I find what some see as a sun rise others might see as a sun setting.
It is a 'setting sun' for the wicked - Psalms 92:7
Whereas, it is a 'rising sun' for the figurative humble ' sheep ' of Matthew 25:37.
They can look forward to a millennial dawn to see a bright clear world filled with righteousness.

That is this life @URAVIP2ME, a life of choices to which Christs tells us the sure signs of what is from God and what is not.

James 1:17 Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same.

So who are we, to see all the good, that is also of Christ' in other Faiths and other people, is not of God?

Who are we to say their goodness is evil, but only the perception of the person, that chooses to see evil in what is good?

Regards Tony


Nets of Wonder
Words and agreement are meaningful only in action Jim. What needs to happen is consultation on the required actions supported by the words we offer, then implementing the agreed actions, but I suspect you already know that answer.

Regards Tony
I like that, but it isn’t what I was fishing for. I feel like there is something missing in your message, like sending an email without including the attachment that was the whole reason for sending it.


Nets of Wonder
Words and agreement are meaningful only in action Jim. What needs to happen is consultation on the required actions supported by the words we offer, then implementing the agreed actions, but I suspect you already know that answer.

Regards Tony
Are you thinking that if more people would look in Baha’i writings for answers to the world’s problems, and have discussions with each other about how to apply them, that would eventually bring peace, justice and prosperity to all the people of the world? Do you see anything else that might be needed?


Nets of Wonder
Words and agreement are meaningful only in action Jim. What needs to happen is consultation on the required actions supported by the words we offer, then implementing the agreed actions, but I suspect you already know that answer.

Regards Tony
Just now I had another thought. Is there anything in your message about what anyone who wants to can do to help improve the lives of all people everywhere now, in our time, in the current conditions of the world?


Veteran Member
The key here is that the future does not have to disappoint any person, all the choices have always been available. Choosing One Name that is not inclusive of all Names, may be just a simple change in ones Frame of Reference, from the Name being the Flesh Body called Jesus to the being the Name of Christ where unto all are saved. Regards Tony

In Scripture ALL are Not saved ( delivered / rescued ).
Jesus' ransom covers MANY according to Matthew 20:28 it does Not say all or everyone.
At the soon coming ' time of separation ' on Earth as per Matthew 25:31-33,37,40 all are Not saved.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
In Scripture ALL are Not saved ( delivered / rescued ).
Jesus' ransom covers MANY according to Matthew 20:28 it does Not say all or everyone.
At the soon coming ' time of separation ' on Earth as per Matthew 25:31-33,37,40 all are Not saved.

We all have our choices, it is not guaranteed that we will make the right ones, even when we embrace it as the Truth.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
That is this life @URAVIP2ME, a life of choices to which Christs tells us the sure signs of what is from God and what is not.
James 1:17 Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky. But God never changes like the shadows from those lights. He is always the same.
So who are we, to see all the good, that is also of Christ' in other Faiths and other people, is not of God?
Who are we to say their goodness is evil, but only the perception of the person, that chooses to see evil in what is good? Regards Tony

Many say they believe, however with No impact on daily life choices.
They say they don't steal, lie, etc. but with God-oriented people much more is involved.
After all, the demons believe and know God but the demons do Not serve God - James 2:19.
I hear many crimes are being committed by people who say they believe.
But they are disowning God by their bad works - see Titus 1:16.
Some 'so-called believers' have their life filled with immorality, celebrities as idols, greed, etc.
In other words, what is put in the first place of worship. Halls of Fame for sport figures, singers, etc.
What is missing is the doing of God's will (His purpose) as Jesus taught to do - Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8.
The Bible book of Micah lets us know about the connection not only to listen but to obey.
So, one must obey so as Not to put oneself in jeopardy with the world's thinking outside of Scripture.
What God is asking of us is found at Micah 6:8.
Thus, we can make No mistake as to who is the one walking away from God.
So, we are Not the ones that have the say about others, but what Christ taught has the say.


Veteran Member
We all have our choices, it is not guaranteed that we will make the right ones, even when we embrace it as the Truth. Regards Tony
Yes, because of inherited human imperfection from sinner Adam we will make choices, right or wrong choices.
I suppose one line of reasoning is whether sin is: intentional or not, deliberate or not, willful or not, on purpose or not.


Nets of Wonder
@Tony Bristow-Stagg I’ll be posting some thoughts about where we might agree and disagree, so that you can correct me if you want to, if you think that I’m misunderstanding you.


Nets of Wonder
Especially if we do not know who the Son of man in the clouds was. ;)
Am I right in thinking that you want to help spread the message of Bahá’u’lláh? If so, that’s one thing that we agree on, even if we disagree about what the message is and how to help spread it. Also, I think we might agree in some of the virtues we’re trying to practice.


Nets of Wonder
Especially if we do not know who the Son of man in the clouds was. ;)
I have another question about where our agreement breaks down. I’m trying to learn to understand Bahá’u’lláh’s purposes and follow all of His prescriptions for living as well as I can, in every part of my life, including when I’m reading and posting in Internet discussions. I see that as part of the message of Bahá’u’lláh. Are we in agreement there?
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rational experiences

Veteran Member
The term to be involved in a UFO EXTRA radiation war, was the history owned by planet Earth O God the stone. And God won over Hell. By remaining fused, and stone, as the sealed body.

God was in origin form before the Sun attack on it, sealed.

Which is what science does not even refer to. Origin of God...being the physical natural mass history of the stone.

Seeing science was the PHILOSOPHY of the STONE.

Body of the AIN he says...meaning knowledge of a multi gas form, burning in Hell, as the Angel of God sent to Hell. Cooled in cold spatial expansion...became stone, sealed Hell.

The Sun does not own any seal.

Origin of Earth a sealed fused held body attacked. O the fall out ground hits, SINK HOLES.

Now if science on modern day Earth believe in original SIN, then the SIN of God falling was due to the Satanic Sun alienation of it.

So we called those types of human thinkers Satanists, who do not love God, support God or support Nature living on Earth.

They only support their gains from removal of the physical mass of God, which in conditions, caused life living on the ground mass to be attacked and sacrificed.

Why the theme I am a star, I am elite, I am with a special group became a condition of secrecy and cult group statuses and speciality as compared to everyone else.

When the story of life said every BODY is equal. Not just human beings are equal...every BODY is equal sharing the exact same natural living conditions.

Oxygenation of the water of life...the Tree of Life support our Nature Garden and our Holy water...the condition that removed Sin...being in our heavens the spirit of burning gases...the origin of it. Burning gases get interacted with evaporating ground water, to cool the burning. So that natural light remains holy.

Star science, radiation metal mass took that away from us.

The Holy star is found in a vibrating water droplet...as the real star, a water star.

Therefore there was not any crops on the ground of original Earth attack. The radiation made sink holes for it unsealed the body of God...what extra UFO radiation did. Just as taught.

The attack on the ground of a crop circle therefore stated that the seal of God, fusion was being changed...and Holy dust is being converted....and the ground had not stopped being irradiated by the UFO landing, since science in the past changed the natural ICE mass. Moses Event.

We have been witnessing the break of the seal...and then the hole is in the nuclear power plant reactor, instead of being in the ground mass.