Hostis humani generis
What is some basic Sikh theology?
Can be summed up in the Mūl Mantar (mantra):
One God, Truth (or Existence) is His Name. The Creator. No fear, no hate. Beyond time. Unborn, self-existent, the teacher of grace (sometimes translated as "By Guru's Grace", but I don't feel that reflects the message right).
Yes. Panentheism sums up Sikhism's view on God perfectly.Is Waheguru panentheistic like Brahman?
No incarnations.Monistic, with emanations?
God is present in all, but no finite form can be worshipped as God.
Yes.Is God gender-less?
Gurū Granth Sāhib and Sikh Gurūs have referred to him as the male, and the soul is the bride - however, God has no gender. The Gurū Granth Sāhib is clear on this.
As God is beyond "Divine Masculine", and "Divine Femine", these don't really apply.Either way, is the Divine Feminine expressed in Sikhism?
ਇਕੋ ਭਾਈ ਮਿਤੁ ਇਕੁ ਇਕੋ ਮਾਤ ਪਿਤਾ ॥
The One is my Brother, the One is my Friend. The One is my Mother and Father.
ਭੂਲਹਿ ਚੂਕਹਿ ਬਾਰਿਕ ਤੂੰ ਹਰਿ ਪਿਤਾ ਮਾਇਆ ॥੧॥
Like a foolish child, I have made mistakes. O Lord, You are my Father and Mother. ||1||
Two, of many verses, on God being both our Mother and Father in the Gurū Granth Sāhib.
Additionally, women in Sikhism are seen as equal in every way to men. Women can pray, lead prayer, etc - even whilst on their periods, unlike in some religions.
How do Sikhs get around theodicy?
No original sin, no Satan.
Humans are prone to weakness due to the ability to make choices and having free will. People generally do evil from ignorance, fanaticism, selfishness, or other reasons. Humans aren't evil. Generally, suffering can occur for natural, or karmic reasons. Most people believe it is God's Will for something to happen, and take it in their stride. Bad things happen, good things happen. Perhaps it was a test, or karma, or just because of disease. Suffering is an ingredient of life.
Some of the Sikh Gurūs suffered terribly under the cruel actions of fanatic Moghuls, and accepted it as Wahegurū's Will.
Ultimately, though, all pain is an illusion of duality that the ego-mind cooks up.
I found this online for you, regarding Sikhism and theodicy.
Sikhs believe that one of the causes of evil & suffering in the world is due to people turning from God & bringing about evil with their self-interest, egotism, & greed.
People become caught up in the world of maya (illusion) by becoming preoccupied with satisfying their own desires the end result is suffering.
In Sikhism, the world is transitory and a passing phase. However, it is viewed as relatively real. God is viewed as the only reality, but within God exist both conscious souls and unconscious objects; these created objects are also real.
Ignorance & selfishness is know as haumai in the Sikh religion.
In the Sikh religion, humility (or Nimrata) is considered a great virtue. Humility is developed by erasing its opposite, which Sikhs call haumai or self-centered pride, or ego. It is this ego which stands in the way of God realization. It can be erased by seva, or selfless service, and complete submission to Waheguru, or God. A Sikh serves God by serving other people.
Not all suffering can be explained, but Sikhs believe that there is a reason for everything, & that faith in God enables people to endure hardship. Suffering on behalf of others by defending them or alleviating their situation is seen as right & necessary. - accessed 28th July at 3:31pm GMT