Oh dear....you don't think that culture had anything to do with what happened in every day Israelite life?
Plonked into todays world it seems ridiculous....but in that time period, its the way things were....no one expected anything different. Go back to the way things were even at the turn of last century and plonk them into today's world....they'd be horrified....it would be like living on a different planet.
The shrimp were subject to a very virulent form of bacteria that could kill you. It was a hygiene issue, which is why food was divided into "clean" and "unclean" categories.
They knew about quarantine too......I'm sure that if you saw what shrimp feed on, you'd never eat them.
The reason for not mixing the threads is unknown, but perhaps it had something to do with the wearability of the fabric, making the garment lose shape or wear out too quickly. There was a rule about putting new wine in old wineskins too....no one wanted the skins to burst and lose their contents.
Women knew their place and survived in spite of their somewhat inferior status in those times....In Israelite society, their women were valued according to Proverbs 31:10-31.....they were not just chattels in the kitchen, put on earth to serve their husbands and bear them children....but to complement them as part of a team, fulfilling many roles and directing a large family, teaching them to become self-sufficient adults.
Also, I think you will find that it was a seduction, not a rape. If the woman failed to fight off her attacker or to scream, she was assumed to be a willing party. The moral of the story is if you don't want to marry this woman keep your hand off her.
That still applies in my religion....no sex before marriage. It makes for longer lasting relationships.