Scenario: I open my house windows because it's a beautiful day, and instead of getting a nice, fresh breeze, the construction worker building the house next door lights up and now my house smells like an ashtray.
I'm all for personal choice, but where do his rights to smoke end and my husbands, children's, and my rights to fresh air in my own smoke-free home begin?
Edit: I forgot to mention that my neighbor across the street smokes cigars and we get that smell in our house too. So what do you think?
Like Ymir, i'm struggling to imagine how did that happen. Was he standing in their own lawn, but still too close to your window?
If thats the case then of course you could tell him about it and perhaps he can stand as far as he could. I'm pretty sure its not that simple though, according to your other example. So, if he wasn't standing at all close to your window, and in fact is as far as its possible to be (without leaving the other house entirely), i'm not sure what else he can do. If he can't smoke inside the other house as to not bother other workers, and he can't smoke in the open neither, where is he going to smoke?
He won't obviously. Perhaps if this is just a case of the wind being strong in certain times, he could refrain from smoking then. But if its supposed to be the normal condition, there'd be pretty much nowhere left for a person to smoke. Except in their own house (inside)
if they happen to either live with people who don't mind, or live alone.
So, i'll assume this is not the normal condition. In that case, you can close the window in those times, and open it all the rest. In other words, i'm sure he doesn't spend all day smoking, and that its not always breezy, so whenever you're aware of him smoking (either through the smell or whatever), you can close the window. Or you can also tell him about it, and he should refrain from smoking in those times.
If its the normal condition, i'm simply astounded by that, and not sure whats left. All i'm thinking of is that there has to be a place for him to smoke without anybody being bothered. Is there another area around the house, where it would be less likely for the smoke to come over to your house or anybody else's?