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Smoker's Rights vs. Everyone Else's Rights


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Can you point me to that thread? It sounds interesting (honestly, not just because of the "scantily-clad" part).

As far as smoke goes, it's tough. Ideally, your neighbor shouldn't be able to do anything that affects you on your own property. Hence the reason you can complain about the volume of noise coming from a neighbor, and the police will do something about it.

However, it is kind of tricky when you're talking about smoking on your own property. I can see both sides equally. The part that makes it even trickier to me is other things like grilling.
"Neighbor boys peep at my scantily clad daughters. Should I have them cover up?"


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Scenario: I open my house windows because it's a beautiful day, and instead of getting a nice, fresh breeze, the construction worker building the house next door lights up and now my house smells like an ashtray.

I'm all for personal choice, but where do his rights to smoke end and my husbands, children's, and my rights to fresh air in my own smoke-free home begin?

Edit: I forgot to mention that my neighbor across the street smokes cigars and we get that smell in our house too. So what do you think?

Like Ymir, i'm struggling to imagine how did that happen. Was he standing in their own lawn, but still too close to your window?

If thats the case then of course you could tell him about it and perhaps he can stand as far as he could. I'm pretty sure its not that simple though, according to your other example. So, if he wasn't standing at all close to your window, and in fact is as far as its possible to be (without leaving the other house entirely), i'm not sure what else he can do. If he can't smoke inside the other house as to not bother other workers, and he can't smoke in the open neither, where is he going to smoke?

He won't obviously. Perhaps if this is just a case of the wind being strong in certain times, he could refrain from smoking then. But if its supposed to be the normal condition, there'd be pretty much nowhere left for a person to smoke. Except in their own house (inside) if they happen to either live with people who don't mind, or live alone.

So, i'll assume this is not the normal condition. In that case, you can close the window in those times, and open it all the rest. In other words, i'm sure he doesn't spend all day smoking, and that its not always breezy, so whenever you're aware of him smoking (either through the smell or whatever), you can close the window. Or you can also tell him about it, and he should refrain from smoking in those times.

If its the normal condition, i'm simply astounded by that, and not sure whats left. All i'm thinking of is that there has to be a place for him to smoke without anybody being bothered. Is there another area around the house, where it would be less likely for the smoke to come over to your house or anybody else's?
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Ok, I'm going to start this out by stating the fact that I am not a smoker. In fact my wife has asthma and is quite sensitive to smoke.

One, I hear the talk of choices. Honestly smokers are out of choices. Smokers can't smoke within 10-15 feet of a public entrance. Otherwise they get fined. Some apartments put it in their lease that you can't smoke IN YOUR OWN RESIDENCE. You can't even smoke in bars, where people are destroying their bodies with another kind of poison anyway.(yes I drink occasionally, I know its bad for me)

Also I would like to point out, a lot of the smell you likely perceive is psychosomatic. You may see the guy across the street, and your brain perceives a smell that is not there. In that aspect you're not alone. Many people have this reaction, everyone experiences it sooner or later. You'd be surprised how many people start waving their hands in front of their face when someone else uses the electronic cigarette. There is NO smoke. NO cigarette smell, but until they are educated on this fact... they SWEAR that the smoke is bothering them.

Also, I've lived in Chicago and surrounding area. Doesn't get much more windy. The smoke is carried by wind, but it spreads out. I don't doubt you MAY get a whiff or two of smoke. But because of the dissipation, I don't believe the smell lingers.
Before you start talking about smokers and their choices. Keep in in mind that non smokers have taken all of those choices away. They can only do so much. Since everyone wants these anti smoking laws in place, you have to deal with the consequences.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Ah, well two can play that game...

So what if it is her house?

Not sure where you are going with this.

At that point I might make some nasty comment about their perfume or cologne. :D
That is just low :D.

Now now, I do could embrace this approach. I mean I just say do what makes you happy as long as you are not bothering other people.

Remeber the scantily clad daughters thread? Seems to me that when it's something YOU disapprove of, you side with the neighbor....

The high difference on this is that it is not that I don´t "like" having sex impulses, is that the smoke that is causing unhealthy effects to your lungs because you decided to smoke it is becoming even more damaging to MY system than to yours.

I think it is pretty reasonable to say that when it is not the matter of even just "bothering" but when it comes to ACTUAL damage to health, this is something that the one who is the causant of the damage must take responsability of.

Some people may want to see "Scantily Clad" others may dislike to see it, but to EVERYONE smoke is unhealthy. those who don´t care may do as they wish with their biology and at least I hope they enjoy it if they are going to be at it anyways (it is you choice :shrug: ) but it is your responsability the direct damage than the smoke you caused provokes.

I must repeat, it is even worst for non-smokers and theyaren´t even the ones making the choice.


She rules her life like a bird in flight
I'm a pipe smoker and whenever I'm anywhere near other people I go out of my way to make sure the wind is blowing away from them (or doorways or windows).

I do this partly out of consideration, and partly because that way when someone walks up to me and tells me my smoke is bothering them, I can point to the fact that my smoke isn't getting anywhere near them, that it is in fact drifting off in the other direction away from them, and that my smoke isn't bothering them so much as my smoking is.

At that point I might make some nasty comment about their perfume or cologne. :D

*Coughs, chokes, dies. Somewhere between choking and dying, wishes she didn't tick off Quag earlier by bathing in perfume.*

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Scenario: I open my house windows because it's a beautiful day, and instead of getting a nice, fresh breeze, the construction worker building the house next door lights up and now my house smells like an ashtray.

I'm all for personal choice, but where do his rights to smoke end and my husbands, children's, and my rights to fresh air in my own smoke-free home begin?

Edit: I forgot to mention that my neighbor across the street smokes cigars and we get that smell in our house too. So what do you think?

If you cook up some food that your neighbor think smells bad, do you think you shouldn't have the right to cook that food?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I must repeat, it is even worst for non-smokers and theyaren´t even the ones making the choice.

You mean its worse in comparison to a smoker passive smoking?

Or do you mean its worse for a non-smoker than the person smoking himself?

Me Myself

Back to my username
You mean its worse in comparison to a smoker passive smoking?

Or do you mean its worse for a non-smoker than the person smoking himself?

I mean that we are not using the filter so we inhale directly the smoke without a filter.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I mean that we are not using the filter so we inhale directly the smoke without a filter.

But i mean you're saying that this means it results in more damage to the passive smoking non-smoker than the person smoking himself?

I hear that claim made a lot, so i'm just trying to make sure thats the one your making or not. I'm not sure if its true or not, i don't think it is, but if you have any source clarifying the matter i'd be grateful.

Me Myself

Back to my username
But i mean you're saying that this means it results in more damage to the passive smoking non-smoker than the person smoking himself?

I hear that claim made a lot, so i'm just trying to make sure thats the one your making or not. I'm not sure if its true or not, i don't think it is, but if you have any source clarifying the matter i'd be grateful.

I´ll be 100% honest and say I haven´t lookd it up personally :D

But I do´ve heard from people who´s relatives had one smoking and the other one not, but because they were married the non-smoker had problems and the smoker had to quit it because of what I am saying (alegedly said by the doctor)

Honestly I think it makes sense, but as said I haven´t looked it up, I do would be surprised if it AT LEAST weren´t as much damage to one than the other because well, as said the non-smoker isn´t using filter when breathing, just direct contact.

BTW other difference to the Scantidly clad is that it is literaly healthy to look at SC women :D testosterone is pretty good for a lot of functions and guess which hormone says hi when you look at this kind of human specimen? :D. So one the action o other is biologicaly unhealthy, and this one it is biologically, a favour :D


Veteran Member
i know what you mean, i don't smoke either and i hate the smell of it too.
but i also have to ask, what about sneezing in an airplane...
or shaking some ones hand which hasn't been washed?
coughing in the elbow isn't going to solve the problem either.
air born germs are going to be invading my space too...

Me Myself

Back to my username
i know what you mean, i don't smoke either and i hate the smell of it too.
but i also have to ask, what about sneezing in an airplane...
or shaking some ones hand which hasn't been washed?
coughing in the elbow isn't going to solve the problem either.
air born germs are going to be invading my space too...

all of those are things that can happen because of negligence in normal activities. What happens with the smoke of a cigar happens with neggligence on someone who knowingly is participating in an activity that is unhealthy to themselves and the enviroment.

It´s not like they can accidentaly smoke xD. Now they can accidentaly leave the somke into other people´s faces, but they should know that at least when they are smoking there should be a reasonable care o were the sickness go.

I think it should be the best if Sainhu cuold just talk to the guy and he polietely apologizes and says he is gonna be more careful with his smoke from then on. (*and actually indeed tries to be more careful*)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Ok, I'm going to start this out by stating the fact that I am not a smoker. In fact my wife has asthma and is quite sensitive to smoke.

One, I hear the talk of choices. Honestly smokers are out of choices. Smokers can't smoke within 10-15 feet of a public entrance. Otherwise they get fined. Some apartments put it in their lease that you can't smoke IN YOUR OWN RESIDENCE. You can't even smoke in bars, where people are destroying their bodies with another kind of poison anyway.(yes I drink occasionally, I know its bad for me)

Also I would like to point out, a lot of the smell you likely perceive is psychosomatic. You may see the guy across the street, and your brain perceives a smell that is not there. In that aspect you're not alone. Many people have this reaction, everyone experiences it sooner or later. You'd be surprised how many people start waving their hands in front of their face when someone else uses the electronic cigarette. There is NO smoke. NO cigarette smell, but until they are educated on this fact... they SWEAR that the smoke is bothering them.

Also, I've lived in Chicago and surrounding area. Doesn't get much more windy. The smoke is carried by wind, but it spreads out. I don't doubt you MAY get a whiff or two of smoke. But because of the dissipation, I don't believe the smell lingers.
Before you start talking about smokers and their choices. Keep in in mind that non smokers have taken all of those choices away. They can only do so much. Since everyone wants these anti smoking laws in place, you have to deal with the consequences.

I live in the Windy City vicinity too, so I do know about that wind. I don't, however, "perceive" smell. :p

If you cook up some food that your neighbor think smells bad, do you think you shouldn't have the right to cook that food?

If it endangers the health of their children, yes.