In a situation like this, who's judgement do you trust?
I happen to have very definite positions about the validity of war, and I am not about to just trust a Chief of Staff's opinion over mine. For good or worse, they are in their positions largely because they do not have a particularly high degree of aversion towards warfare.
They may be very good people otherwise. But it takes a lot indeed to convince me that it is a good thing to launch missiles or wage war. And it will be that much more difficult for members of the Military High Command.
Come to think of it, I happen to believe that it is the people's duty to challenge their military officers to convince them that war is acceptable, not to trust their judgement on the matter. War is serious business and never to be taken lightly.
If you were to check back at some of my first posts on this subject, I mentioned a couple of times that I was undecided. However, my "rule-of-thumb" is to listen to those who know a lot more than I do, and then try to figure out which advice is the best. As much as I literally detest using military force, I'm convinced that doing nothing but whining about what a mess it is, is not only not going to help anything but will most likely just make it worse.
No doubt the JCoS have access to more and better intelligence than I do. But how critical are they of it, and how reliable is that intelligence in the first place?
And how free are they to speak sincerely about their judgements, anyway? Not a whole lot, I think. Whatever they say, they will be heavily criticized for it.
Interesting discussion though, and I do appreciate where you're coming from, and would prefer you to be more right than I.
Thanks. So do we all, I hope.