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So, who died for our sins before Jesus? JW.


Well-Known Member
It says in the bible and many may have heard that Jesus died for our sins. Being crucified on a cross for his beliefs in order to keep Gods people safe, from sin... So what was going on before Jesus, before the bible was even written? I'm just a curious soul looking for the truth.
The Holy Scriptures tell us that through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because they had all sinned, Rom 5:12. Consider verses 13,14, where we are told that sin was in the world but sin is only charged against a person when there is law, that death ruled as king down to Moses, even over those who had not sinned after the likeness of Adam, who bears a resemblence to the one who was to come. The one who was to come was Jesus. Jesus was the second Adam, the only other perfect man, 1Cor 15:45.
Under the Mosaic Law Covenant, God made a way for men to cleanse thheir consciences, by the sacrifice of animals. This was especially carried out on ATONEMENT DAY, Lev 16:32-34.
BUT, The scriptures tell us that we cannot be forgiven of our sins by the blood of animals. This is the reason that Jesus came to earth, to give his perfect life as a ransom for us, a perfect life for the perfect life that Adam ruined by disobedience, 1Tim 2:5,7, Matt 20:28, John 3:16,17.
As for the sins before Jesus came, we have his addressed at Rom 3:23-26. The sins before the New Covenant were not forgiven COMPLETELY, but are forgiven by Jesus ransom, Acts 13:38,39. God does not charge our sins to us any longer, but to Jesus because he died for all our sins. This is IF we remain in his word and obey his commandments, John 8:31,32, 15:9,10, Heb 10:11-18, Heb 8:6-13.