When I was young, electric bills were cheap. Later on in life, electric bills were killing me. I was upset like many of you are right now about gasoline prices. Instead of crying about it, I put my income tax refund in the stock market with the utility company that was gouging me. I bought 100 shares. The Dow was below 2000 then.
I rolled my dividend back into more shares of stock. I get a dividend check now and it pays my electric bill. Because I did not take a vacation with the tax refund and let the stock ride for 20 years, I can retire not worrying about paying my utility bill now.
I did not rest on my investment. I added insulation and bought a more energy efficient heating system. There are ways to fight back. If you can't beat them, join them. For me it was turn down the thermostat and install a solar water heater. I hang clothes on a line.
I'm thinking that we all should figure out a way to use less gasoline right now and I am looking at oil stocks seriously.