In the USA, though not elsewhere, yes it seems there is. And you know why? Trump.
It is Trump who has given his supporters licence to indulge in and express hatreds that in the past people were encouraged to be civilised enough to repress and repudiate. Trump himself radiates hatred, seeking to use every issue to sow division and get one half of the country hating the other half. This, I'm sorry to say, is a large part of his appeal. People feel liberated that Trump creates a climate in which is it OK to hate the blacks, it is OK to hate the "elites" (a.k.a people with more knowledge or education than yourself), it is OK to hate the homosexuals, it is OK to hate the Mexicans, etc, etc.
This is the key to Trump's genius as a politician: you can find "other" types of people to blame, for whatever predicament you find yourself in......and then you can find relief in hating them and expressing that hatred in public - or he'll do it on your behalf.
This kind of appeal has been used before. In 1930s Germany, for example.