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Some new age beliefs that I believe is wrong


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
I try not to believe things that I can't possibly know to be so. I can only hope and act as if. I call that faith, though, not belief.

I think love is divine because it transcends the dictates of physicality. I think that's also true of forgiveness, kindness, and generosity. Beauty, too, I think.

Is justice divine? I don't think it is. The problem for me is that it's the weaker, trailing little brother of all the injustice in this world. It's both unsatisfying and ineffective. Always too little and too late. So I don't think of it as being divine.
Can you explain it again? I did not understand what you believe about divine justice


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
In order for 'God' to be 'God' by classical traditional definition, then 'God' must be the full sum and perfection of all divine attributes, so that naturally includes governing life with love and wisdom, maintaining a system of perfect justice/recompense (the karmic law of compensation).....no one or nothing gets away with anything, since all actions have their consequences, cause/effect, seedtime/harvest, action/re-action, etc. I think its more that many 'new agers' might emphasize 'God' being LOVE, and 'God' definitely IS. - all other attributes and universal actions, adjudications are ministered in the spirit of love and wisdom, so love always allows the full allottment of mercy as long as sentient beings are willing to accept such and meet the demands of justice, which also offers forgiveness, restitution, repentance, restoration, etc. Mercy tempers justice, 'God' ministers the affairs of universes and individuals in perfect balance and execution of all his divine attributes. Since this is how love governs there is nothing ever to fear about 'God', but the law is what each thinker and doer must contend with , because no soul in the space-time matrix is unaffected by karma.

Karma always has its place, wherever there is action of any kind which produces effects, its a univesal law innate to life itself in any realm of conditional existence affected by our free will choices and actions. Salvation therefore must always be available by love as long as one can respond to love and repent returning to love (divine law, unity, wholeness, sanity).

Karma is the same law in any and all worlds where there is 'action' (thoughts, words, deeds) that have effects, so even in the afterlife (other worlds) karma maintains, albiet with different nuances and duration in any given context. We can only conjecture, but the very passage attributed to Paul as saying 'God is not mocked, whatever a man sows that also will he reap', speaks of karmic law, a law of true compensation. Only when ones entire being, nature and will is wholly imbibed and pervaded by love, can he fulfill love's law, which is a law unto itself, since love is the fulfilling of the LAW. Any transgression or falling short of love is 'sin' more or less, because it misses the mark of divine wholeness/perfection. So love itself is salvation, the WAY of the kingdom. :blush:

I agree with you

You have good wisdom and knowledge


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
I maintain that God is your own personal mental creation , and can be whatever you desire it to be in your personal realm. Loving or as hateful as you like.
Your belief is that God is a mental creation. Thats your belief

My belief is that God is real


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
Whether it's self love or love of all as self, it's still love. One is slightly lacking tho. So one has to determine what is divine for self, in order, to understand what is god like to self. People tend to mirror other as self either as selfishness, or love to all as self. you reap what you sow
I agree with your sentence 'You reap what you sow'


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
How does consequences for our own actions negates God's Love? Unconditional Love does not mean not consequences. However, a vindicate, vengeful God does negate Unconditional Love. It makes it a fear-based, conditional love.

I believe the idea of God's love being conditional is wrong. I believe the idea that Unconditional Love means you suffer no consequences for your own actions is also wrong. It is a mistaken idea about what Unconditional Love means. It does not mean anything goes and mom and dad will let you get away with murder. That's not love on their part if that's the case. That's unloving.

It's not a case of no consequences or the getting the belt, where God beats for your own good because that's how love acts, somehow. Yet that seems to be a lot of people's mistaken ideas of what love means. It really comes down to their upbrings at home, I've come to believe.

Hell the way people believe it to be, is tortue, even if it's for a few hours. That's like an abusive parent only burning little junior with his lit cigar on his arm for a few minutes, "for his own good". That's not love at all. That's domination and control of other and a complete lack of actual love. "I love you dad!! I do! I do! Just please don't burn me again!!!" :(

Yes. Unconditional Love is just, for sure.

Too complex for a single post.
i think we believe the same, but explain our beliefs different. I agree with you that uconditional love not mean not consequences. I agree that divine justice is part of God's love. If God was not just, then God is not love. To be loving you have to be just.

I do not believe God's love is conditional. I believe God is uconditionally love.


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
That suggests that justice is not love.

How does that justice is not love imply that actions do not have consequence? I'm not seeing the connection.

I believe that God is only and that God is love. Hence love is relationships between "things."

The world is made of things.

All things relate to all others.

God is love.

There is no afterlife, there is only now.
Divine justice is part of God's love. If God was not just, then God is not love. To be loving you have to be just.


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
In polytheism, this is in some ways an uncomplicated question.

There are deities that are love (e.g. Eros).
There are deities that are justice (e.g., Themis).
There are deities that are just about anything else in reality you can point a finger at and name (and not, for that matter - the gods are not limited by human perception and naming of things).

After life there is more life. Also in some ways an uncomplicated question that some humans make complicated for some reason.
What do you believe happen after death?


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
I believe actions have consequences in the material realm imposed by society, but I do not believe it is just to make a pot black then destroy it for being black.

So since our harmful behaviours stem from our nature and environmental influences - none of which are selected by us - it would be as ridiculous and unjust of a God (especially a creator God that gave us those natures and environments) to give us a sinful nature then punish us for being sinful as it would be to make a pot black then destroy it on account of it's colour in my view.

Thanks for asking.
I believe this life is a test from God. We have our human nature and environmental influenses because of this test. Earth is like a school for the soul to learn lessons.


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
You can believe whatever you want. Someone else can believe differently.

I suppose the value of belief is that you can believe whatever makes you happy regardless of the reality.

I'd rather not put any faith into personal beliefs lacking the evidence to support them.
I agree all people should believe in what they want


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
You can believe whatever you want. Someone else can believe differently.

I suppose the value of belief is that you can believe whatever makes you happy regardless of the reality.

I'd rather not put any faith into personal beliefs lacking the evidence to support them.
What is good enought evidence according to you? I am just curious :blush:


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
Something that can independently verified.
I believe this life is a test from God. Earth is like a school for the soul to learn lessons. I believe that is why God we will not show himself. Because if God had shown himself to everyone then the earth would no longer be a school because then everyone would automatically do everything God wanted and no one would learn anything new


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
People can believe in almost what they want. But they can not believe in everything. It is bad to believe in evil. If a person have evil beliefs I hope that person never act on his beliefs


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
What do you believe happen after death?
It's not really a belief as much as an observation. Change is fundamental to how the universe operates (or perhaps more accurately, how it is perceived and experienced by humans in the constant flow of time and space). When something "dies" according to the human understanding of things, existence continues regardless of such labelings by humans. It's not complicated. I mean, I guess the processes of change - the mechanics of it all - can be somewhat technical and complicated. But it is not that hard to understand that the rotten veggies I toss out into my yard break down into compost to become part of what I plant next year. So it is with everything else, more or less.

It's only when you start timebending that things get... weird. There are uses to such things, but given our day-to-day is embedded in the flow of time and space, such things are irrelevant to all but the mystics and shamans of our realm. The mystic learns how to stand at the center of the wheel, moving between currents of time and space, accessing times that aren't now, spaces that aren't here. In these no-times and no-spaces, everything is more or less immortal and eternal. But that's getting into a level of wibbly that words are a poor conveyance for, and I'm probably not doing a justice to it.


Spiritual but not religious, new age and omnist
It's not really a belief as much as an observation. Change is fundamental to how the universe operates (or perhaps more accurately, how it is perceived and experienced by humans in the constant flow of time and space). When something "dies" according to the human understanding of things, existence continues regardless of such labelings by humans. It's not complicated. I mean, I guess the processes of change - the mechanics of it all - can be somewhat technical and complicated. But it is not that hard to understand that the rotten veggies I toss out into my yard break down into compost to become part of what I plant next year. So it is with everything else, more or less.

It's only when you start timebending that things get... weird. There are uses to such things, but given our day-to-day is embedded in the flow of time and space, such things are irrelevant to all but the mystics and shamans of our realm. The mystic learns how to stand at the center of the wheel, moving between currents of time and space, accessing times that aren't now, spaces that aren't here. In these no-times and no-spaces, everything is more or less immortal and eternal. But that's getting into a level of wibbly that words are a poor conveyance for, and I'm probably not doing a justice to it.
So you believe we have eternal souls?

Since you wrote: The mystic learns how to stand at the center of the wheel, moving between currents of time and space, accessing times that aren't now, spaces that aren't here. In these no-times and no-spaces, everything is more or less immortal and eternal