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Sorry Gay People, This Country Failed You Again


Sorry, I got no ties with jebus or alah or osiris or joseph smith or molech or the bush family ............ No made up god has ever made up my mind about anything.

I don't know what God is....I'm just slowly making up my mind what God isn't. That's a dif thread though.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I think that just makes us even don't it?

I work for myself, You don't have to come in my business, that's fine, that's legit. Heck, that's the way it is.

Um...no, that's not the way it is. The way it is, gay people can be fired from their jobs in the military if they are found to be gay. Since you say that's because homosexuality is disgusting, and we find your attitude disgusting, shouldn't we be able to fire you?

No matter how you cut it a disgusting additude is still just an abstract idea....A disgusting physical addiction is far worse.

What is this physical addiction you're talking about? I didn't realize sexuality was an addiction. Why do you have the disgusting addiction to having sex with members of the opposite sex? I mean, you couldn't possibly be implying that only homosexuality is an addiction while heterosexuality isn't, could you? You're not that ignorant, right?


The hetro addiction is an addiction too, sure it is....it's just not disgustingy mingled with fecal matter

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Ok.....Honestly, as bad as it may sound.....Straight soldiers don't want gay guys watching their backs....

Honestly, The Strongest Fighting Force in the world would be slightly de moralized if it were to become the worlds first openly gay brigade.

I have a feeling there aren't a bunch of buff baddass super soldiers who are also gay trying to get a chance to fight....I think rather there are simply gay's trying to show the world it's ok to be gay and using the millitary as a vehicle for their agenda.

Honestly, there are still a great deal of people who just aren't down with it.
Dude, seriously. Plenty of straight solders don't really care who is watching there backs, as long as someone is. Only someone who is extremely immature and insecure would worry if the guy watching his back is going to mount and hump him. In that case that individual probably isn't fit for military service.
And there are several nations that allow openly gay soldiers (and some nations even allow transsexuals to serve). So we, like many other issues, are FAR from being the first. And for every "macho ******" straight guy you find, I'll find a gay one. And for every feminine gay guy you find, I'll find a straight one.
And it is ok to be gay. If you look at any credible psychological or psychiatric books or journals, they make it clear that being gay is just as normal as being straight.

When I see or meet a gay man it's all i can think about....it truly disgusts me. I think it's vile and filthy. Perhaps I'm the one who's sick, guess I have a Brown phobia. Whatever....there's alot of us and we think it's disgusting.

What if you found out that one of your friends went home at night and killed small woodland animals with kitchen utinsils and masturbated with their guts "in the privacy of his own bedroom"

He could be funny and flamboyant or stone cold cool as hell during the day....but in the privacy of his own bedroom he's SICK.

As disgusting as that is....That's bout the same way I classify "brown sex".

And I don't care what anybody says...I have that right.
Asides from the obvious that killing an animal to masturbate with it's organs is no where close to being a valid comparison, as a serious question, why do you obsess over it? You said when you see or meet a gay man it's all you can think about. Why is that? Do you maybe have some unresolved childhood issues, possibly abuse from a male adult? Or are you gay yourself and in denial? You don't just find it disgusting, you find it disgusting for some very good reason that you aren't letting out.

it's just not disgustingy mingled with fecal matter
Well, there usually isn't that much fecal matter involved. But that put aside, even alot of straight people enjoy having anal sex. There are even male dildos and vibrators that are designed for anal penetration and prostate gland stimulation. Actually, the prostate gland, which is stimulated from anal penetration, is the male version of the g-spot. The anus is an erogenous zone (and real science, not just Freud, acknowledges this), and people can and do get pleasure out of anal sex.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Why is it so important for gays to inform the world of their gayness.

it would seem to me that anyone could be a great soldier for their whole lives without their sexual preferance ever coming into play.

Ok.....Honestly, as bad as it may sound.....Straight soldiers don't want gay guys watching their backs....

Honestly, The Strongest Fighting Force in the world would be slightly de moralized if it were to become the worlds first openly gay brigade.

I have a feeling there aren't a bunch of buff baddass super soldiers who are also gay trying to get a chance to fight....I think rather there are simply gay's trying to show the world it's ok to be gay and using the millitary as a vehicle for their agenda.

Honestly, there are still a great deal of people who just aren't down with it.

I'm a simple minded bigot......cus I hate poo.

Look I'm just being the devils advocate here....I'm sorry gay folks have such a hard time.

It's friggin gross, and that's the way ALOT of people feel.

We still up for majority rule?

My thoughts on the matter have absolutely nothing to do with religion BTW.

No...I simply think it's gross..... heck, I don't even really care if men kiss men....I don't care if the blow one another....I got no problem with gay women.(in fact they should be better that regular women in the army)

So my friend is straight, but I find out he goes home every night and rubs poo on himself....I don't wanna hang out with him anymore either.

I'm not hip to hetros who partake in hiney love either.(they are harder to spot though)

It's disgusting ..... that's all

I'd try to get myself away from him one way or another.
I'm sorry:
When I see or meet a gay man it's all i can think about....it truly disgusts me. I think it's vile and filthy. Perhaps I'm the one who's sick, guess I have a Brown phobia. Whatever....there's alot of us and we think it's disgusting.

What if you found out that one of your friends went home at night and killed small woodland animals with kitchen utinsils and masturbated with their guts "in the privacy of his own bedroom"

He could be funny and flamboyant or stone cold cool as hell during the day....but in the privacy of his own bedroom he's SICK.

As disgusting as that is....That's bout the same way I classify "brown sex".

And I don't care what anybody says...I have that right.

I think that just makes us even don't it?

I work for myself, You don't have to come in my business, that's fine, that's legit. Heck, that's the way it is.

No matter how you cut it a disgusting additude is still just an abstract idea....A disgusting physical addiction is far worse.

Sorry, I got no ties with jebus or alah or osiris or joseph smith or molech or the bush family ............ No made up god has ever made up my mind about anything.

I don't know what God is....I'm just slowly making up my mind what God isn't. That's a dif thread though.

The hetro addiction is an addiction too, sure it is....it's just not disgustingy mingled with fecal matter

Whatever....believe that one if you like.



first openly gay brigade.

Ignorance is a terrible shame.

I have a feeling there aren't a bunch of buff baddass super soldiers who are also gay trying to get a chance to fight....I think rather there are simply gay's trying to show the world it's ok to be gay and using the millitary as a vehicle for their agenda.

Are you ******* serious?

Honestly, there are still a great deal of people who just aren't down with it.

And, honestly, they can shove their M-14's up their ***. I hope the ************* die in a suicide bombing.


No...I simply think it's gross..... heck, I don't even really care if men kiss men....I don't care if the blow one another....I got no problem with gay women.(in fact they should be better that regular women in the army)

So my friend is straight, but I find out he goes home every night and rubs poo on himself....I don't wanna hang out with him anymore either.

I'm not hip to hetros who partake in hiney love either.(they are harder to spot though)

It's disgusting ..... that's all

You would think after stepping in the carcasses and guts of a civilian child, gay sex would be the last of your worries involving disgust.


I'd try to get myself away from him one way or another.
I'm sorry:
When I see or meet a gay man it's all i can think about....it truly disgusts me. I think it's vile and filthy. Perhaps I'm the one who's sick, guess I have a Brown phobia. Whatever....there's alot of us and we think it's disgusting.

What if you found out that one of your friends went home at night and killed small woodland animals with kitchen utinsils and masturbated with their guts "in the privacy of his own bedroom"

He could be funny and flamboyant or stone cold cool as hell during the day....but in the privacy of his own bedroom he's SICK.

As disgusting as that is....That's bout the same way I classify "brown sex".

And I don't care what anybody says...I have that right.

No one said you didn't have the ride to be a complete and utter *********. Personally I find your attitude towards gay people to be one of the most immediately sickening things I can imagine.


I think that just makes us even don't it?

I work for myself, You don't have to come in my business, that's fine, that's legit. Heck, that's the way it is.

No matter how you cut it a disgusting additude is still just an abstract idea....A disgusting physical addiction is far worse.

I know, and what every one else is telling you is that that 'abstract idea' is so much far more sickening than anything involving physical bodies could possible be.


I'm hopeful that one day, this will be looked at as a non-issue, and people will wonder why there could have existed such blatant intolerance in the military and in the general population. Kind of like how most civilized people view interracial marriage or the right to freedom for any race or gender today as being fairly obvious.

Don't worry, it will. Eventually people who don't care to pick up a book will die off.


I think you have to feel a little sorry for any person who is 100% anus but believes such stupid things about anal sex. What is such a person to do?

Apparently his desire for anal sex has never been fulfilled, so he imagines all kinds of fantasies regarding it, and then projects on internet forums how he finds this disgusting to help convince himself his fantasies aren't pointing to a deeper emotion.


Premium Member
Silly really. I mean if you look at the UK military, where you are allowed to be openly gay, it doesn't seem to have had an effect on our straight servicemen and women. Found an interesting BBC article about this here


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Honestly, there are still a great deal of people who just aren't down with it.

And, honestly, they can shove their M-14's up their ***. I hope the ************* die in a suicide bombing.
I feel bad about singling you out, and I like your thread, but I kind of feel like responding to ignorance with intense anger and hatred is only fueling the fire. This is certainly an important issue, with the constant intolerance and segregation and all that, but I don't think it ever helps to lose one's cool. I don't think it's ever ok to wish for someone to die in a suicide bombing.

I feel sorry for 142857. He apparently has some pretty weird fantasies or terrible experiences or something, and is ignorant about a lot of things. People that have responded by educating him about things he doesn't understand have done a good service.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Does anyone else here see the irony in this OP? The article is from a Muslim news source. Gays are persecuted and even publically stoned in many Muslim countries.

Kinda the pot calling the kettle black, wouldn't you say?

Sorry, but I had to point that out.

Now back to the topic. My daughter who is in the Air Force visited me last week. We had several discussions about gays in the military. She said that in her unit, it's pretty common knowledge when it comes to who is gay. There are many lesbians serving in her unit and battalion, and they basically don't hide that fact at all, nor do they suffer any ramifications from their lifestyle choices.

Now - she and I both are all for repealing DADT - in our opinion it is totally useless, divisive, ridiculous legislation. I for one support ANY individual who signs up to serve our country in the military, regardless of gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, creed, etc.

I think Obama's position is absolutely absurd - I think he's straddling the fence and has let a large segment of his supporters (the gay community in general) down. But I didn't expect much more than double speak and legal jargon coming from him on this issue anyway.

My elected officials will certainly hear from me regarding DADT and I hope they listen, though I doubt they will.

I don't know what the answer is - but I can say that I am glad that my daughter's fellow airmen and women who are gay are not being mistreated or punished within their unit. That at least is a small step in the right direction.