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South Carolina OKs ban on gender affirming care.


Not of this world
"White culture" doesn't exist.

There is no common culture across white people generally. "White culture" is a racist trope by people who seek to divide humanity along racial lines... i.e. racists.
According to institutions governed by the Leftist elite, it does. Of course, it means something else to those people: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/RSJI/GRE/whiteculturehandout.pdf

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It answered the question you asked: "White culture? English? American? French? German? Are we including Middle Easterners and Hispanics who are white but not Caucasian?

If you want questions answered, don't move the goalpost after asking the question.
I didn't move anything. You have not answered the question of what white culture is supposed to be.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
(predominantly) White culture:

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Why should any white person have to justify their culture to you?
And yet many do expect me to explain. Explain my hair, explain my piercings, explain being trans, explain my sexuality, explain why I do things the way I do them and why I roll with the Juggalos. And ya know what? It's mostly white people who have the instrusive demands of explaining why.


Not of this world
And yet many do expect me to explain. Explain my hair, explain my piercings, explain being trans, explain my sexuality, explain why I do things the way I do them and why I roll with the Juggalos. And ya know what? It's mostly white people who have the instrusive demands of explaining why.
Dude, I wouldn't care for an explanation of any of those things. I'm not the least bit interested.
But again, why should a white person have to justify their culture?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Dude, I wouldn't care for an explanation of any of those things. I'm not the least bit interested.
But again, why should a white person have to justify their culture?
I didn't ask you to justify. I didn't mention anythint about it. You brought it up because reading comprehension apparently isn't your strong point. I asked you to define what white culture is and apparently you don't know either because you haven't done this.


Not of this world
I didn't ask you to justify. I asked you to define what white culture is and apparently you don't know either.
It's whatever we say it is and want it to be. Same as black culture, Native American culture, or Hispanic culture. If we say something is part of our culture, who is someone else to say it isn't?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It's whatever we say it is and want it to be. Same as black culture, Native American culture, or Hispanic culture. If we say something is part of our culture, who is someone else to say it isn't?
Is sweet tea a part of white culture? Is the pub lifestyle white culture? Are we more superstitious like America or less superstitious like Norway? Is white culture having purity standards and other rigid laws regarding beer? Is white culture walking up your friend and saying "what's up ****?" Do we all value maple syrup? Do we whites say Tsee or Zed? Are we typically monolingual or are there polyglots among us? Again, does white culture include white, non-Caucasian Latin Americans and Middle Easterners?
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Not of this world
Is sweat tea a part of white culture? Is the pub lifestyle white culture? Are we more superstitious like America or less superstitious like Norway? Is white culture having purity standards and other rigid laws regarding beer? Is white culture walking up your friend and saying "what's up ****?" Do we all value maple syrup? Do we whites say Tsee or Zed? Are we typically monolingual or are there polyglots among us? Again, does white culture include white, non-Caucasian Latin Americans and Middle Easterners?
Let me break it down for you with an example. Here's how Wikipedia defines BLACK culture:

"African-American culture, also known as Black American culture or Black culture in American English, refers to the cultural expressions of African Americans, either as part of or distinct from mainstream American culture. African-American culture has been influential on American and global worldwide culture as a whole."

Ok, so white culture, by definition, would be cultural expressions of white people that are distinct from black culture, or Native American or Hispanic culture.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Ok, so white culture, by definition, would be cultural expressions of white people that are distinct from black culture, or Native American or Hispanic culture.
That still isn't an answer. You didn't even describe black culture from what you posted, just posted it's something that exists.
Again, what is white culture?


Not of this world
That still isn't an answer. You didn't even describe black culture from what you posted, just posted it's something that exists.
Again, what is white culture?
It's obvious that you're going to claim that every answer I give you isn't an answer. Is that how you participate in conversations?


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
I know, it's a gift.

Fortunately, I am not alone. Hence why you seem to run into a lot of disagreement on here.
I run into a lot of disagreement here because there is a strong woke mob ;) (as it says under your avatar)