Almost every denomination (or religion) that stands "outside" the culture to critique it from a self-styled position of holiness is either laughably steeped in the very culture they claim to criticize or, alternatively, a separatist authoritarian cult. What does a marauding pack of gluttonous misogynists, racists and homophobes have to teach us about holiness as perceived by the likes of the zealous Hebrews or the early world denying acolytes of Paul of Tarsus? They'd find them bizarre and repulsive, albeit not for the reasons that people in this country find them bizarre and repulsive. These people didn't repudiate their formative and eager defense of slavery, segregation, white supremacy and racism until 1995. Recent lawsuits and high profile scandals have shown remarkable hypocrisy on the issue of child sexual abuse within the SBC, revealing the existence of a clergy protection racket as bad as anything found within the RCC. A decade ago, they were bombastically proclaiming their culture war triumph and chastising the mainline denominations, pointing to bleeding membership rolls. Today, the SBC is on the verge of its own great recession.
Southern Baptists seem to love capitalism, so people who cannot change the denomination will simply vote with their feet. That's the market for you.