What? Me worry?
Sorry, but deniers of AGW are quickly approaching deniers of evolution on a crank level. And no one has claimed that sea level change will come from melting Arctic ice, nice strarwman. It is the melting of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets along with thermal expansion that will cause sea level rise.
But one cannot deny the melting of Arctic ice. For the last couple of thousand years or so the Antarctic ice mass has been slowly increasing and warming is still not quite strong enough to reverse that. That is not the case with Greenland:
Greenland's ice sheet is driving global sea level rise. One section is melting 80% faster.
You know this has "GW melting ice is going to kills us all" nonsense has been going on for the last twenty years and there is still no definitive proof of any damage whatsoever from this pseudo-catastrophe. It was so disingenuous that "global warming" had to replace by "climate change" which, of course, is waaaay more nebulous and esoteric.