Exegesis associated with the thread,
Jesus on Same Sex Marriage (which became the essay by that name), pointed out that Jesus inferred and prophesied that his followers could know the end of the age, and of the imminence of his post apocalyptic return, when, as was the case in the antediluvian civilization, and Sodom and Gomorrah, same-sex coupling became normalized to the point of allowing marriages of persons of the same sexual gender.
Whereas Jesus said nothing about homosexuality but that when it was normalized it would be the primary sign of the end of the age, his disciple, St. Paul, put forth a theological treatise in the first chapter of his letter to the Roman's that takes a stab at why homosexuality will be the final sign marking the final decades of the end of civilization as we know it. In his deconstruction of homosexuality, he implies that a homosexual mind and mentality comes before, and is the root cause concerning, rampant biological homosexuality. Exegesis of the mid to latter part of Romans chapter one justifies the fact that St. Paul explicitly makes this claim. What he's implying is that a mind and or a society that doesn't distinguish between binary-reality versus an infinite anything goes (or merely non-binary) state of affairs, is a mind (and or society) with fatal flaws and fatal liabilities.
In Paul's thinking "male/female" is binary-reality codified in human biology (tragic though that codification, Genesis 2:21, may be).
1 He's implying that rampant homosexuality is the canary in the coal-mine concerning a society or civilization that's about to implode or explode because it's opened the Pandora's box containing a kind of thought that no longer confines itself to the binary realities of the current world order. In Paul's parlance, and thinking, non-binary thought denies the limitations and realities of the current world order as though the mind, which in some sense really does transcend these limitations and liabilities, can ignore the body, and the world, and storm the gates of heaven bull-at-a-gate, ignorant, and ignoring, the realities of the body and its world.
The great irony, or paradox, is that Paul himself claims that in Christ's resurrected Church, there will be no binary gender, no male or female, such that one might wonder why a movement to be inclusive toward same-sex relationships, and non-binary identification, would be in the cross-hairs of Paul's buggy-whip rather than something he would applaud? Why does Paul demonize something that appears to be an evolutionary advance toward the state of perfection he himself dangles in front of Christians as the goal?