There IS no scientific evidence either way. There is layers and evidences that are interpreted BY beliefs. The evidence of written records agrees with me in the ages and nature of the past. Nothing agrees with you, except your inbred beliefs.
Do you think anyone checked the 900 meter (or whatever length) little core from under a lake for truly uniform layers?? Ha. Do you think that when our present nature came into place that tree rings, for example suddenly no longer existed, or that we should have some giant red or blue gap between rings that year, or that anyone ever really checked?? Do you think that layers were no longer being deposited in many areas all of a sudden? No. All we would see is that the new nature would result in a new process or way or timing that layers were made. In much the same way, people were alive back then. (what science claims was 65 million years ago or so) But in the former nature we read that they lived about a thousand years! The also probably returned to dust too fast to be able to leave fossil remains. So after the nayure change, in the days of Peleg, we see man only started to live about 230 years. Then it leveled off over centuries to modern life spans.
I am glad it is accurate because the last several posts you claimed 440,000 (or was it 400,00?)! Ha. It is still easily explainable also in a different past nature.
Great. So??
Are you saying there are an additional 1.6 million layers under there? Be clear on HOW this is dated.
False. It is religiously assumed that the layers all represent ones laid down as we see them now laid down in this nature. That is not 'dated'. That is religious delusional dreaming.