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Struggling to come to terms with something I have read in the bible.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Thank you! I thought I was going mad for a moment! (well since Sunday) :D The worst of the situation was that it wasn't the minister that gave me a talking to it was a member of the church.

I have to agree that Jesus would be appalled if he was to walk the earth today and see what most religious "leaders" have become (or "are").

One more thing: whats WWJD? I'm not very good with abbreviations, hee hee.

WWJD=What Would Jesus Do. :p


Admiral Obvious
Wow. That's unfortunate.

I'm not sure what I would've done in that situation. Maybe something involving shouting Matthew 23 at them while storming out.

Edit: or maybe quoting Romans 14:4 at them while telling them to butt out of God's business.
The problem with using Matthew 23 is that far to many people use it out of context and even more believe that it is a command to not judge.

The thing is, Matthew 23 is not a command about judging.
It is a warning that the standards you use to judge others will be the same standards used to judge you.

I would also likely mention James 4:12, Romans 2:1, 1 Peter 4:15, John 10:29...just to name a few.

James 4:12
There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?

Romans 2:1
Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

1 Peter 4:15
But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.

John 10:29
My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
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Well-Known Member
Not much of a NT reader but after reading that particular chapter it appears to be a condemnation of the Greek way of life. not just the all inclusive orgies that were abound but the general attitude and mentality of the populace. Greece, and Rome, were full of that activity even before Paul decided to be a missionary.

As for where it is stated to a rule against homosexuality, that law is in Leviticus. But, I have always been under the impression that those laws(i.e. the Mosaic laws) were set for the Jews only and don't apply to any gentile.

Enlighted...one further thing... remind them of something Jesus said... "Let those without sin throw the first stone." He was speaking to Jews at the time but it makes a good argument toward anyone.


Well-Known Member
Enlighted...one further thing... remind them of something Jesus said... "Let those without sin throw the first stone." He was speaking to Jews at the time but it makes a good argument toward anyone.

Good point, we are all born into sin so who are we to judge anyone that "sins".


As a non-believer I do not regard the Bible or any other sacred text to be anything other than a product of the minds of men, though I doubt that's any comfort. Even so, I'd like to argue that the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, but it does. In Genesis, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because their people practiced homosexuality, sodomy to be precise, the very word is derived from Sodom.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
As a non-believer I do not regard the Bible or any other sacred text to be anything other than a product of the minds of men, though I doubt that's any comfort. Even so, I'd like to argue that the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, but it does. In Genesis, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because their people practiced homosexuality, sodomy to be precise, the very word is derived from Sodom.
Only a moral defective could read the story of Sodom & Gomorrah and conclude that the crime was homosexuality, as opposed to gang rape.


Well-Known Member
That is just the excuse used. Sodom and Gemora's destruction had more to do with self-righteousness than it did sodomy.


Only a moral defective could read the story of Sodom & Gomorrah and conclude that the crime was homosexuality, as opposed to gang rape.

Wrong, Lot (a "righteous man") offered his daughters to the mob so that they would leave the angels alone, which they refused. Their crime was attempted sodomy not rape.



Meaning that Lot (or the author of Genesis) had no problem with Lot offering his daughters to the mob, so that they could be raped. So clearly rape itself was not the issue, but the homosexual aspect of the crime. Regardless, the Bible is very clear in it's condemnation of homosexuality, as is only to be expected given the culture it originated within.

Are you denying they were rapists, or asserting that homosexuality is worse than rape?

To the morality of Genesis, homosexuality is worse than rape.


Well-Known Member
Again it is the excuse used to justify what was done. Read the chapter prior to the destruction. Chapter 18 to be precise.

Add: if you are going to condemn acts done in biblical history, at least understand what you are condemning.
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I'm not condemning it I'm just describing it. Anyway, if you're going to deny that the Bible condemns homosexuality then you've got quite a job on your hands!


New Member
The bible is very clear regarding Homosexuality. Still theoriginal question deals with the way soceity sees homosexuals.
it is not simple for me since Im a devoted Roman Catholic yet believe on basic human rights - including the right of every person to love and be loved. I think this way of life is not to be promoted, but not to be condemn as well. Family and friends is most important. You should be there for them constantly. Thats being Christian as well!


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Another reason I am struggling with this as I have a few cousins of mine who are openly gay (and I must say I am close to them so dont want to offend them in anyway by posing this question to them) and they attend church but according to my church they are living a lie, then again maybe I should just come right out and ask what their thoughts are.....

This underlined is what bothers me. If you have sinned, which I know you have, then you are at church tainted with sin as well. All humans are. If a gay person can come to terms with God and homosexuality, then kudos to them, for figuring out Jesus forgives :eek:. Just because they are gay does not automatically doom them, no more than a fat person for being fat, or a vain person spending 5 hours to get ready to go out in public. These are sins just as much as being gay, but none of which equals a certain doom, as they are forgivable.