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Stuff Republicans say.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I just saw on CNN that Indiana's speaker is "open" to "clarifying" this issue with additional legislation.
I honestly believe they didn't believe how much negative feedback they'd get, and yet they were warned of this by the Chamber of Commerce. The leaders there, as in so many Republican-dominated states, are pretty much just slightly warmed over fascists. All they care about is power and ramming their discriminatory agenda down everyone's throat, plus they have the more moderate Republicans deathly afraid of them to the point of pretty much silencing them.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I honestly believe they didn't believe how much negative feedback they'd get, and yet they were warned of this by the Chamber of Commerce. The leaders there, as in so many Republican-dominated states, are pretty much just slightly warmed over fascists. All they care about is power and ramming their discriminatory agenda down everyone's throat, plus they have the more moderate Republicans deathly afraid of them to the point of pretty much silencing them.
I've been guilty of it myself, but the ability of some to ignore what is in front of their noses is breathtaking.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Jeez, there's a place where Blue Laws still exist???? And I thought we were backward here in the South because we can't buy wine in a grocery store.

Wow...my state, Va, is a dry state on Sunday. You can't buy hard alcohol in grocery stores or convenience markets but you can buy beer and wine. We have stores called ABC stores that sell all the harder alcohol and they're regulated by the state. While it's a dry state, per se, on Sunday you can still buy beer and wine in the grocery store and convenience markets.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Who cares if it's not new. You post this as if we've been accepting other iterations of this law enacted in other states. Thus is far from the truth.
And as it turned out the "Weekly Standard" was far from the truth. I admit to have made the mistake of assuming that a right-wing propaganda "news" story was accurate. And the business wing of the Republican party was taught a lesson that the religious wing of the party was not their friends based on the business blow-back.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
"Taxed Enough Already"....!

Actually, that's not what they believe at all but they do believe in authoritarianism through legislation.....

GOPer Pushing Abortion Restrictions Wants More Little Taxpayers
"We are multi-taskers here in the General Assembly," McElcraft told local stationWRAL, when asked why she was pushing the bill instead of focusing on economic issues facing the state. "I am absolutely an advocate for jobs, but we can do lots of the things. And actually, when we can have a few more little taxpayers born, why not?"


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
"Taxed Enough Already"....!

Actually, that's not what they believe at all but they do believe in authoritarianism through legislation.....

GOPer Pushing Abortion Restrictions Wants More Little Taxpayers
"We are multi-taskers here in the General Assembly," McElcraft told local stationWRAL, when asked why she was pushing the bill instead of focusing on economic issues facing the state. "I am absolutely an advocate for jobs, but we can do lots of the things. And actually, when we can have a few more little taxpayers born, why not?"

More "little taxpayers"? Good grief.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
From the party that purports to be all about the sanctity of the Constitution...'Yea right..!'

Another State Agency Just Banned the Words "Climate Change" | Mother Jones
The climate change language police just struck again.

Last month it was in Florida, where former staffers with the state's Department of Environmental Protection alleged that senior officials, under the direction of Gov. Rick Scott (R), had instituted an unwritten ban on using the phrases "climate change" and "global warming." Scott denied the claim.

This week's incident is much less ambiguous. Yesterday, the three-person commission that oversees a public land trust in Wisconsin voted 2-1 to block the trust's dozen public employees "from engaging in global warming or climate change work while on BCPL time."

The ban was proposed by newly elected State Treasurer Matt Adamczyk, a Republican who ran on the unusual campaign promise to swiftly eliminate his own job. At a public meeting on Tuesday, according to Bloomberg, Adamczyk said he was disturbed to learn that the agency's director, Tia Nelson, had spent some time co-chairing a global warming task force in 2007-08 at the request of former governor Jim Doyle (D).

Adamczyk was joined in voting for the ban by State Attorney General Brad Schimel (R), also newly-elected. Schimel is handling Gov. Scott Walker's lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency over President Barack Obama's new climate regulations.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
From the party that purports to be all about the sanctity of the Constitution...'Yea right..!'

Another State Agency Just Banned the Words "Climate Change" | Mother Jones
The climate change language police just struck again.

Last month it was in Florida, where former staffers with the state's Department of Environmental Protection alleged that senior officials, under the direction of Gov. Rick Scott (R), had instituted an unwritten ban on using the phrases "climate change" and "global warming." Scott denied the claim.

This week's incident is much less ambiguous. Yesterday, the three-person commission that oversees a public land trust in Wisconsin voted 2-1 to block the trust's dozen public employees "from engaging in global warming or climate change work while on BCPL time."

The ban was proposed by newly elected State Treasurer Matt Adamczyk, a Republican who ran on the unusual campaign promise to swiftly eliminate his own job. At a public meeting on Tuesday, according to Bloomberg, Adamczyk said he was disturbed to learn that the agency's director, Tia Nelson, had spent some time co-chairing a global warming task force in 2007-08 at the request of former governor Jim Doyle (D).

Adamczyk was joined in voting for the ban by State Attorney General Brad Schimel (R), also newly-elected. Schimel is handling Gov. Scott Walker's lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency over President Barack Obama's new climate regulations.

Seriously, they claim to be in favor of freedom but act like Soviet Commissars putting forth the party line about what is politically correct and acceptable speech. I would not be surprised to learn that they love how China is run today with an all powerful party enforcing their whims.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
And this is why I so often have to use the terminology "pseudo-conservatives", as Barry Goldwater lamented decades ago. They talk the conservative talk, but once in power, they try and ramrod their national agenda through, typically spending profusely as they go along-- only on the projects they want, of course. The Terri Sciavo case is a classic whereas the Pubs assembled in D.C. to try and ramrod through a decision that would have taken away the wishes of her parents, her doctors, and the hospital.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
And this is why I so often have to use the terminology "pseudo-conservatives", as Barry Goldwater lamented decades ago. They talk the conservative talk, but once in power, they try and ramrod their national agenda through, typically spending profusely as they go along-- only on the projects they want, of course. The Terri Sciavo case is a classic whereas the Pubs assembled in D.C. to try and ramrod through a decision that would have taken away the wishes of her parents, her doctors, and the hospital.
The phrase "pseudo-libertarian" also applies. Rand Paul is now singing a different tune than he did before he started running for President. If 10% of members of Congress mean what they say and say what they mean, I'd be surprised. And of that, say, 10%, I know I'd disagree with a bunch of them. That to me is a big reason why they've earned the low ranking they've achieved in national polls.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The phrase "pseudo-libertarian" also applies. Rand Paul is now singing a different tune than he did before he started running for President. If 10% of members of Congress mean what they say and say what they mean, I'd be surprised. And of that, say, 10%, I know I'd disagree with a bunch of them. That to me is a big reason why they've earned the low ranking they've achieved in national polls.
I now have to give credit where credit is due - to Ron Paul for his statements on the Senate:
Ron Paul criticizes Iran position taken by his son, Rand Paul

Former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul on Saturday dismissed as a "joke" the demand by U.S. senators of his celebration that they will have to approve a possible agreement over the Middle East country's nuclear capabilities.

"I strongly disagree with the motivation of that statement made by so numerous members of Congress, particularly in the Senate," the longtime Lake Jackson congressman stated at a conference on liberty at the University of Texas at Austin, presumably referring to an open letter senators sent to Iranian officials describing any deal not authorized by them as informal.

Paul stated Congress need to have a role in reviewing agreements, but he questioned irrespective of whether the senators really cared about the constitutional questions or just wanted to undermine the deal.

"They're out to stop peace," he stated. "They are terrified that peace may well break out."...

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
"They're out to stop peace," he stated. "They are terrified that peace may well break out."...
I can't argue against that one. Peace would be devastating to profits.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
"They're out to stop peace," he stated. "They are terrified that peace may well break out."...
I can't argue against that one. Peace would be devastating to profits.
And they certainly wouldn't want to see Obama getting any credit for not getting us into one conflict after another.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
So let me get this straight....conservatives and even some libertarians have been going on and on for years that democats are in favor or immigration because if they can get it then it'll mean more new voters voting Blue....

So even though there's no truth to this why is it that republicans and the libertarian Koch brothers actually doing what they've been accusing progressives for doing for years....

Koch brothers make push to court Latinos, alarming many Democrats - The Washington Post
"On a recent morning, inside the Eastern Indoor Swapmeet Las Vegas, a group funded by the billionaire Koch brothers helped 250 Latinos — some of them undocumented immigrants — pass the Nevada driver’s test."

Oh but I'm sure there's a rational explanation for this hypocrisy....

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
So let me get this straight....conservatives and even some libertarians have been going on and on for years that democats are in favor or immigration because if they can get it then it'll mean more new voters voting Blue....

So even though there's no truth to this why is it that republicans and the libertarian Koch brothers actually doing what they've been accusing progressives for doing for years....

Koch brothers make push to court Latinos, alarming many Democrats - The Washington Post
"On a recent morning, inside the Eastern Indoor Swapmeet Las Vegas, a group funded by the billionaire Koch brothers helped 250 Latinos — some of them undocumented immigrants — pass the Nevada driver’s test."

Oh but I'm sure there's a rational explanation for this hypocrisy....
There is really no hypocrisy. Hispanic voters tend to lean conservative, but American conservatives tend to lean anti-immigration. If the American conservatives could get over themselves the Hispanic vote should, theoretically at least, be easy to snatch.
The Hispanic vote, however, also tends to be very aware that the Democrats only use them as a pawn in their struggle for power.
If anyone wants to win the Hispanic vote, serious changes to party policy must be made. The Republicans, who do tend to be more focused on getting **** done, are trying to claim this particular demograph that Democrats are taking for vantage.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
There is really no hypocrisy. Hispanic voters tend to lean conservative, but American conservatives tend to lean anti-immigration. If the American conservatives could get over themselves the Hispanic vote should, theoretically at least, be easy to snatch.
The Hispanic vote, however, also tends to be very aware that the Democrats only use them as a pawn in their struggle for power.
If anyone wants to win the Hispanic vote, serious changes to party policy must be made. The Republicans, who do tend to be more focused on getting **** done, are trying to claim this particular demograph that Democrats are taking for vantage.

But isn't it one thing to do all that if your focus was on "legal immigrants"..? It seems that Koch money is backing the efforts of getting driver's licenses in the hands of "undocumented workers"...something they're spent loads of money backing republican opponents who are against undocumented workers. To me that sounds hypocritical.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
But isn't it one thing to do all that if your focus was on "legal immigrants"..? It seems that Koch money is backing the efforts of getting driver's licenses in the hands of "undocumented workers"...something they're spent loads of money backing republican opponents who are against undocumented workers. To me that sounds hypocritical.
Hypocrisy is widespread - sadly on the left as well as the right.