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Stuff Republicans say.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
GOP Partner David Lane Calls For Christianity As 'Official Religion' of US | Right Wing Watch

David Lane - Did you realize that America's Founders established Christianity as the official religion of America in the 13 Original state Constitutions? ... Then suddenly, following three and half centuries of meteoric rise and cultural distinction, a secular U.S. Supreme Court in 1963 pronounced that the Bible would no longer be the fixed point in which to structure and judge community."

These people who talk nostalgic about the founding fathers actually habeas no idea what many of themalfunctions had to say and how they felt about religion or Christianity....


Bodhisattva in Recovery
These people who talk nostalgic about the founding fathers actually habeas no idea what many of themalfunctions had to say and how they felt about religion or Christianity....
Strangely, I get your drift, but seriously, "What?" Hehehe. Was this a pocket-dial post?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
That's what people call it around here. But I don't know why because I don't know anyone who keeps their phone in their back pocket.
Maybe the terminology comes from the idea that most of our relatives and friends are butt-heads? Oops, but what does that say about us? :(

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony

The self professed libertarian Koch brothers funded group "ALEC" caught on video running the government.....


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

The self professed libertarian Koch brothers funded group "ALEC" caught on video running the government.....

It's rather ironic that they helped to start a group, the Tea Party, who claims to be against that very sort of thing. And then they put in politicians who were bought-and-paid-for by many of the same supporters of both groups.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
It's rather ironic that they helped to start a group, the Tea Party, who claims to be against that very sort of thing. And then they put in politicians who were bought-and-paid-for by many of the same supporters of both groups.
Irony and hypocrisy are brothers and sisters of politics today. Some are worse than others but if 10% of politicians are well motivated and honest, I'd be a bit surprised.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
When President Clinton did something wrong, there was an absolute uproar from Republicans. Now? Do you hear the crickets?
I am curious about where the lynch mob went when Tea Party guy from Florida got busted for drugs (crack if I remember right). Or where it went when anyone else since has been caught having "inappropriate relations."

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I am curious about where the lynch mob went when Tea Party guy from Florida got busted for drugs (crack if I remember right). Or where it went when anyone else since has been caught having "inappropriate relations."

Well in the case of Mark Sanford who was going off to another country to see his mistress while lying to his employees and constituents telling them he was hiking the Appalachian Trail and was doing it on the taxpayer's dime.....well they wound up after all that electing him to congress. So we see where some of them have placed their "family values"....

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Well in the case of Mark Sanford who was going off to another country to see his mistress while lying to his employees and constituents telling them he was hiking the Appalachian Trail and was doing it on the taxpayer's dime.....well they wound up after all that electing him to congress. So we see where some of them have placed their "family values"....
I forgot about him.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
When SCOTUS makes decisions that benefit republicans they're fine with the courts and you never hear a peep out of these people but as soon as the courts make a ruling that is actually in line with a majority of the people including many young conservatives then that's when republican talking heads and politicians alike start questioning wheter or not we need a SCOTUS and how they want to make changes to the courts.....That's where supposed presidential candidate and "Mr. I love the Constitution" comes in.

Ted Cruz calls for judicial retention elections for Supreme Court justices - The Washington Post
“I am proposing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would subject each and every justice of the United States Supreme Court to periodic judicial retention elections," Cruz said Saturday, during a speech in Des Moines, Iowa. He also called for such elections in the National Review on Friday.

"This week's assault was but the latest in a long line of judicial assaults on our Constitution and Judeo-Christian values that have made America great," he said. The Supreme Court "has now forced the disaster of a health-care law called Obamacare on the American people and attempted to redefine an institution that was ordained by God."

And on the "Today" Show that airs on NBC he was being interviewed and said the problem with SCOTUS is that there are no Protestants or Evangelicals on the bench. Really...!?!

We don't need lawyers/judges interpreting law based on their religios beliefs or moral convictions. That's the problem with these people and the voters that vote for them...They'll have no problem voting or lesgislating their religion into government and not realize that it's just about the same thing as voting for and running the country similarly to countries with Sharia Law.
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