We all have our subjective reality.
Above all that, we have an objective reality.
subjective reality can be a belief in prayers.
it can be a belief in angels and other non-scientific concepts.
Along the years, humans objective reality became more understood and some subjective realities have been forsaken.
To me it seems, that the more one learns about the objective reality, the better he understand what is objective and what is subjective, and i assume that is why the majority of genuine scientists are atheists (these days).
would you say this suggests that the more we will be able to explain how things work, the less the need for subjective reality will become?
Objective verses objectivity! The objective reality (should it exist) is a black box. It is unknowable in the sense of absolute knowledge. But if our assumptions are true then we can examine the input and the output.
1. What are our assumptions?
2. What is the output? (Notice I placed this second above input. We all have an output, but few understand input.)
3. What is the input?
Our paradigm of reality (objective reality) is a model. All existence, as far as we can prove, is within our mind. All is subjective. A map is a model that leads from Houston to Austin. There 1000s of such maps. Some are more accurate than others, some more complicated than others. Our unerstanding is a model, like a map. We have components (Houston, Austin) and relationships (distance, turns, elevtion, etc.).
All knowledge, thinking, understanding, is subjective modeling...based on INPUT, OUTPUT on an ASSSUMED OBJECTIVE RE
1. Assumption.....An Objetive Reality Actually Exists!!!!! This is an assumption. Furthermore, I assume that objective reality is basically as it appears to be, that it operates in a way that can be precisely and accurately described (natural laws), and that if the descriptions fail to accurately describe a phenomena, the explanations are in need of adjustment (unexplained phenomena imply a needed correction (or tweak) to our description of the internal workings of the black box (natural laws).
2. Output..We relate to the objective reality through our senses. RELATE!!!! Our conscious mind is a component of the model, and it relates to all other components. That relationship is our senses. Sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell, and many other senses for other organisms (fish have sensors that detect pressure and changes in presssure, in effect giving them motion detection.) We are part of the objective reality, but only a single component. Knowledge is based on OUR BEST UNDERSTANDING of the RELATIONSHIPS (senses) connecting us to other parts of the reality.
Some people hear a claim, and believe it. Some hear a claim, and consider it. Some hear, and test. Which brings us to input.
3. Input...We have limited control over input into the black box. If we consider the output, devise explanations on the working of the black box, we can set up tests. These tests never prove anything positive. They can prove that out tentative explanation was wrong, or that our tentative explanation was consistent, with the working of the black box.
As long as there are minds, subjective reality will be prime. The components of any model may or may not be objective reality. The relationships between them are nothing more than mental concepts. There may be an Austin and a Houston, but what is a mile? What is NorthEast?
No, the more we understand the presumed objective reality, the more we need subjective interpretation. Science really is nothing more than creating the most accurate, precise, and consistent (agreed upon) models of objective reality. And at it's heart science is sifting through subjective models.