aah balls! great intelligence their my friend! Religion is a man made institution which is as corrupt as politics, an Osho quote
"Priests and Politicians are the Mafia of the Soul".
I myself came very close to suicide, so I have been very close to the exit door, what stopped me from leaving is something I may answer later. But, if I want to end my life, then that is MY choice, and no one else has the right to forbid me from doing so. As for those left behind, well, that is their problem to deal with! Whether it be a mother, father, sister, brother or partner. For a person to want to end their life then obviously something/someone in their life is not right/good; and so those people around who are close to the person must have some inkling that something is not right! Their are occasions when the suicide does come as a surprise/shock, but generally people know something isn't right. Religion has no place to interfere in a persons life, after all look at the mess it causes when it does! No same sex marriages for starters! No women priests! No abortions! But this is about suicide, so I'll not digress!!!
Fairies wear Pink Boots!