muhammad_isa said:
I see yout 'title' is "the lost one" .. looks like you will remain that way, unless you change your narrow understanding of the meaning of evidence..
"The Lost One" is simply a playful title for my "agnostic" stance. It doesn't really have much meaning.
However, I preferred being "lost" because it is what I feel comfortable in. Life is much about the journey than the destination.
Religions like Christianity and Islam, the people are more interested about the destination than journey, trying to reach God and its reward, Heaven or Paradise, so they become obsessed with death, ignoring what's important at the present and what they have now. To me, that's a selfish attitude. You are only being "good" for the reward (the promise of afterlife) and doing "right" because of the fear of hell.
But I shouldn't be hard on Christians and Muslims. For some people, they need a pair of crutches to do what's right or being good. They need instruction, commandment or law, because without these codes, they themselves become lost, not knowing what is right and wrong, good or bad. They don't have instinct to know what is good or right.
I don't have religion, and yet I know what is good and right, without the needs for reward or fear of punishment. I tried to the right thing, because of the way I live my life.
As to your accusation of having limited (or "narrow" as you put it) understanding of "evidence". You and I have different understanding about evidence.
I preferred "evidence" as used in science: Empirical evidence.
Evidences that can be observed, measured, tested (repeatedly), and most importantly, verified independently.
In science, such gathering of information and evidences completely ignore what a person's belief is. Science also tried to explain the natural world (as well artificial world, created by man, like electronics, computers, automobiles, architecture, bridge-building, etc), so it ignored the supernatural, like spirit, God and angels. Because beyond the superstitious imaginations and writings of ancient & medieval people, there are no empirical evidences to be found that can be tested and verified.
In science, every hypotheses and theories can be refuted or disproved (hence, they are refuteable). So it is best considered to each proposition, hypothesis or theory to be "false" at the beginning, until proven (or disproved) otherwise, with verifiable evidences. So in Scientific Method, FALSIFIABILITY is of uttermost important.
For a (theist) believer, faith is a needed requirement, not evidence. You have reach the conclusion (to believe) without requiring any evidence that support God exist. That's not evidence, it's faith.