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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
the world is only about 6000 yrs old; there is nothing on the face of the earth that can be proven to be billions of years old because nothing lasts that long. there is no grain of sand, no pebble, no stone, no rock, no hill or mountain or anything that can be proven to billions of years old. since there is nothing on the face of the earth that can be proven to be billions of years old there is no reason to believe that the earth is billions of years yet this is what is taught to naive young people in "science" class. curious. there is no immense deep space deep time universe out there. copernicus sold his soul to the devil for fame, the earth does not orbit the sun and it does not rotate at 1.3 times the speed of sound. the sun orbits the earth and the planets orbit the sun and the celestial sphere rotates once every 24 hrs. when you look at the night sky you are looking at the inside of an immense sphere which is called the celestial sphere and is inside of the first heaven. 9 concentric spheres: hell, earth and the seven heavens each one superior to each other in sanctity and the presence of God.
Ouch. That's medieval at best. I'm not sure how much of that the typical person would have known was wrong then. You're certainly in the same boat with the ancients, who also didn't know where the rain came from or where the sun went at night. Medieval people might have been able those questions.

I've long said that the more of that religion one imbibes, the worse it is for him and often his neighbors as well. You won't harm your neighbors with these antiscientific beliefs, and probably not yourself much, either, if this is the limit of your deficit, but if you've also bought into all of the bigotries (misogyny, homophobia, atheophobia), then you likely will harm your neighbors. Also, if you vote for people like Trump because of your religious beliefs, you also harm your neighbors as well as yourself.

Look at @metis , a fellow Christian, who has avoided both sets of pitfalls and got himself an education.

chris baron

Ouch. That's medieval at best. I'm not sure how much of that the typical person would have known was wrong then. You're certainly in the same boat with the ancients, who also didn't know where the rain came from or where the sun went at night. Medieval people might have been able those questions.

I've long said that the more of that religion one imbibes, the worse it is for him and often his neighbors as well. You won't harm your neighbors with these antiscientific beliefs, and probably not yourself much, either, if this is the limit of your deficit, but if you've also bought into all of the bigotries (misogyny, homophobia, atheophobia), then you likely will harm your neighbors. Also, if you vote for people like Trump because of your religious beliefs, you also harm your neighbors as well as yourself.

Look at @metis , a fellow Christian, who has avoided both sets of pitfalls and got himself an education.
people havent become wiser over the past centuries, they have become knowledgeable about technology but they have not become wiser. the wicked have learned to lie more subtly and to use technology to spread their deception but they have only brought humanity down further. humanity has fallen and has continued to fall into spiritual darkness for millennia. we are in a spiritual dark age and humanity is demented; people don't know the difference b/w a man and a woman anymore and children are being encouraged to undergo "gender-affirming" surgeries.

we are living in an age of spiritual darkness.

God is near, time is short and there is more to reality than the present.

God punished the world with a massive global flood 4400 yrs ago which should be a warning to people.

chris baron


this thread is titled "Suppression of free speech ..." " When you hear something you don't like to hear that is exactly when you don't censor someone.

do whatever you think you need to do, God will judge between us.


Veteran Member
people havent become wiser over the past centuries, they have become knowledgeable about technology but they have not become wiser. the wicked have learned to lie more subtly and to use technology to spread their deception but they have only brought humanity down further. humanity has fallen and has continued to fall into spiritual darkness for millennia. we are in a spiritual dark age and humanity is demented; people don't know the difference b/w a man and a woman anymore and children are being encouraged to undergo "gender-affirming" surgeries.

we are living in an age of spiritual darkness.

God is near, time is short and there is more to reality than the present.

God punished the world with a massive global flood 4400 yrs ago which should be a warning to people.
Okay, so you're just ranting and not responding to posts.
Got it.


Well-Known Member

this thread is titled "Suppression of free speech ..." " When you hear something you don't like to hear that is exactly when you don't censor someone.

do whatever you think you need to do, God will judge between us.
You are still posting so I don't see any suppression, but you are getting close to threatening harm, a generally recognized exception to free speech rules.

We don't worry, if there is a god, I'm sure she won't hold it against us that we didn't believe fairy tales.


Well-Known Member
South African purchase agreement:


It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
people don't know the difference b/w a man and a woman anymore
Sure they do. I do.

Your problem is not recognizing that there are now two words spelled "woman" and pronounced alike (or, if you prefer, two definitions for the same word), one biological and the other psychological. And it is quite easy to define and identify both kinds of women. There is considerable overlap. Most people who are women by either definition are women by both, but there are people that are only one of those.
children are being encouraged to undergo "gender-affirming" surgeries
Not to my knowledge. Encouraged suggests that they are being exhorted to do something they don't want to do.
we are living in an age of spiritual darkness.
I think that zealous Abrahamics are, but the polytheists, the monotheistic humanists, and mindful atheists aren't.

The zealous Abrahamics are the antithesis of spiritual as I define it. Spirituality is a state of mind one attains through connection with earth and the life on it, often accompanied by a sense of mystery, awe, and gratitude.

The Abrahamic's worldview does violence to that. It deflects attention from the here and now to imagined realms, spirits, and afterlives. It tears that vital connection to our world. Spiritualty isn't about believing in spirits.

Living your life like you're waiting at a bus stop to be transported somewhere else better than earth while imagining spirits and their commandments is as far from spiritual as one can be as I understand and use the word. One becomes as alienated and disconnected from Mother Nature as possible.

Speaking of disconnected, not surprisingly, none of what you wrote related to my post that you quoted.
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Well-Known Member
From a South Korean study:

The association between BP and mRNA vaccination remains to be elucidated, however, the vaccinated female population shows a 2.67-fold higher risk of BP development than the non-vaccinated female population in the subgroup analysis stratified by sex. The US case series of subepidermal blistering eruptions (including BP) following mRNA vaccination reported it to be more common in women and after the age of 4025. Similarly, our study tended to a higher risk of BP in women and in patients over 40 years of age following mRNA vaccination than in historical controls. This result may suggest the need to monitor BP development in females who have received mRNA-based vaccines.



Well-Known Member
From a South Korean study:

The association between BP and mRNA vaccination remains to be elucidated, however, the vaccinated female population shows a 2.67-fold higher risk of BP development than the non-vaccinated female population in the subgroup analysis stratified by sex. The US case series of subepidermal blistering eruptions (including BP) following mRNA vaccination reported it to be more common in women and after the age of 4025. Similarly, our study tended to a higher risk of BP in women and in patients over 40 years of age following mRNA vaccination than in historical controls. This result may suggest the need to monitor BP development in females who have received mRNA-based vaccines.

"Overall, we conclude that mRNA-based vaccinations are not associated with an increased risk of most AI-CTDs, although further research is needed regarding its potential association with certain conditions."

I'm scared their prime candidate for further research into a possible connection is BP
"Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is a rare, chronic autoimmune skin disease that causes large, fluid-filled blisters to form on the skin. It occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the proteins that attach the top layer of skin to the bottom layer. BP is most common in people over 60 years old, but rare cases have been reported in infants and adolescents.

Symptoms of BP include:

  • Itchy, raised rash that can look like hives or eczema

  • Tense blisters that can appear on or without a rash

  • Blisters that are usually solid-feeling and can be clear, bloody, or discolored

  • Blisters that often appear along skin creases, such as in the armpits, upper thighs, or lower abdomen
BP symptoms come and go, nd the condition often goes away within five years. However, it can sometimes cause serious problems, and there is no known cure. Treatment with steroid pills and topical creams and ointments can help relieve itching and promote healing. In most cases, treatment is only needed for a few years, and after a few months it's possible to reduce medication doses. BP often has a pattern of remissions and flare-ups, so it's important to be patient and follow treatment instructions carefully.

Researchers have also found an association between BP and neurological disorders, such as dementia, Parkinson's disease, stroke, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. Between a third and half of all BP patients have these conditions, which usually occur before the onset of BP. "

I'l start worrying when they do the studies of this potential inconvenience and in the mean time, I will take the risk over the risk of dying from a Covid infection. BTW, all your study says is 2 years down the road, here are a few observations that suggest areas for further study. There is certainly no indication that this study is reason not to get a Covid vaccine.


Well-Known Member
We studied all-cause mortality in 125 countries with available all-cause mortality data by time (week or month), starting several years prior to the declared pandemic, and for up 2 to and more than three years of the Covid period (2020-2023). The studied countries are on six continents and comprise approximately 35 % of the global population (2.70 billion of 7.76 billion, in 2019).


Our calculated excess mortality rate (0.392 ± 0.002 %) corresponds to 30.9 ± 0.2 million
excess deaths projected to have occurred globally for the 3-year period 2020-2022,
from all causes of excess mortality during this period.


Large differences in excess all-cause mortality rate (by population) and in age-andhealth-status-adjusted (P-score) mortality are incompatible with a viral pandemic spread hypothesis and are strongly associated with the combination (product) of share of population that is elderly (60+ years) and share of population living in poverty.



Well-Known Member
We studied all-cause mortality in 125 countries with available all-cause mortality data by time (week or month), starting several years prior to the declared pandemic, and for up 2 to and more than three years of the Covid period (2020-2023). The studied countries are on six continents and comprise approximately 35 % of the global population (2.70 billion of 7.76 billion, in 2019).


Our calculated excess mortality rate (0.392 ± 0.002 %) corresponds to 30.9 ± 0.2 million
excess deaths projected to have occurred globally for the 3-year period 2020-2022,
from all causes of excess mortality during this period.


Large differences in excess all-cause mortality rate (by population) and in age-andhealth-status-adjusted (P-score) mortality are incompatible with a viral pandemic spread hypothesis and are strongly associated with the combination (product) of share of population that is elderly (60+ years) and share of population living in poverty.



Well-Known Member
More politically incorrect facts.

Gab is an American alt-tech microblogging and social networking service known for its far-right userbase.[2][3][4][5] Widely described as a haven for neo-Nazis, racists, white supremacists, white nationalists, antisemites, the alt-right, supporters of Donald Trump, conservatives, right-libertarians, and believers in conspiracy theories such as QAnon,[6][7] Gab has attracted users and groups who have been banned from other social media platforms and users seeking alternatives to mainstream social media platforms.

Meanwhile the "doctor" featured in the video Paul Thomas has lost his medical license due to multiple cases of malpractice.
This includes the case of a 6-year-old patient of Thomas's who developed acute tetanus after sustaining a deep wound on his scalp. Thomas refused him a tetanis shot prescribing fish oil capsules instead. He spent almost two months in the ICU at Oregon Health & Science University's Doernbecher Children's Hospital. During his stay, the patient required intubation, a tracheotomy, and a feeding tube.