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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid


Veteran Member
What a bunch of retrobate made up nonsence .. denying your previous claims .. you were the one saying you didn't get covid .. unable to figure out the phrase "Near everyone has had Covid" ... pretending that phrase means "everyone"

You claimed the Vax and Lockdown/masks amd prevented transmission .. You claimed the Vax was effective at reducing hospitalization ... now you change your tune and claim I was talking such nonsense .. Glad you finally figured out your error.
Your utter lack of response to anything I said in my post is noted.
This just sounds like whining.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Lockdowns were what medical experts recommended for considerable periods at the peaks of surges in infections during the pandemic. What would you have had them do instead? The execution was flawed at some points and in some places, but were you against the lockdowns themselves?
The lockdowns were inconsistent.
Allow going to a store to buy booze, but not paint.
Allow travel to a state park, but not to a vacation home.
This wasn't just "flawed".
It bespeaks an agenda of preserving income to the
state at the expense of public health....that is, if
we're to accept that officials really believe that
the lockdown was appropriate.

I'm OK with reasonable restrictions. But total
lockdowns are a cure worse than the disease,
especially when imposed with self serving &
dangerous inconsistency by corrupt officials.
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Veteran Member
I don't mean only physical force .. develop some reading comprehension.

What part of "Jab or lose Job" = Forced medical Treatment .. are you having trouble understanding ?

If " Vax or lose Job" becomes a workplace regulation while you are already working there .. this is forced medical treatment. Such is a violation of "My body my Choice" just like anything else that violates bodily integrity. "violate bodily integrity or lose Job" is force-coercion.

"Do this or lose job " is coercion - regardless of what Job is .. crying out "They could just quit" does not change the fact that it is coercion .. and is idiotic to think everyone can easily quit job and find another of equivalent compensation (so no they can't just quit .. without terrible consequences such as not being able to afford medical care for children. This is similar to the moronic "She can just leave the state for an abortion" - as not everyone has the means to Just leave the State - or the Country of the whole nation adopts an abortion ban.

The question here is not whether or not "Jab or lose Job" is "Forced Vaccination" .. there is no question whether or not this is a violation of bodily integrity. The question is whether or not the Forced medical treatment measures introduced by the Blue Nazi's was legitimate -- and it was not.
Sorry but your son's personal desires don't get to trump public health measures in response to a global pandemic that were put in place by an employer to protect its employees and customers, just because it makes him sad.

I had to go into work every day during the pandemic with some people who thought it was a hoax and wouldn't wear masks or social distance. I ad to remind them to step back every 10 seconds. Selfish people, basically.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I don't mean only physical force .. develop some reading comprehension.

What part of "Jab or lose Job" = Forced medical Treatment .. are you having trouble understanding ?

If " Vax or lose Job" becomes a workplace regulation while you are already working there .. this is forced medical treatment. Such is a violation of "My body my Choice" just like anything else that violates bodily integrity. "violate bodily integrity or lose Job" is force-coercion.

"Do this or lose job " is coercion - regardless of what Job is .. crying out "They could just quit" does not change the fact that it is coercion .. and is idiotic to think everyone can easily quit job and find another of equivalent compensation (so no they can't just quit .. without terrible consequences such as not being able to afford medical care for children. This is similar to the moronic "She can just leave the state for an abortion" - as not everyone has the means to Just leave the State - or the Country of the whole nation adopts an abortion ban.

The question here is not whether or not "Jab or lose Job" is "Forced Vaccination" .. there is no question whether or not this is a violation of bodily integrity. The question is whether or not the Forced medical treatment measures introduced by the Blue Nazi's was legitimate -- and it was not.
Let's not distract with histrionics like "Nazi" & abortion issues.
"Forced medical treatment" is ridiculous.
Would you deny my business the right to protect my customers
& workers who face a deadly disease running rampant?
If any of them refuse to accommodate reasonable requirements
to protect each other, then it becomes their choice to seek
other venues for shopping & employment.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
The lockdowns were inconsistent.
Allow going to a store to buy booze, but not paint.
Allow travel to a state park, but not to a vacation home.
This wasn't just "flawed".
It bespeaks an agenda of preserving income to the
state at the expense of public health....that is, if
we're to accept that officials really believe that
the lockdown was appropriate.

That's why I said that the execution was flawed in some places. The recommendation of lockdowns itself was based on expert advice in most cases I know of, however.

I'm OK with reasonable restrictions. But total
lockdowns are a cure worse than the disease,
especially when imposed with self serving &
dangerous inconsistency by corrupt officials.

At certain points, hospitals were so overwhelmed that total lockdowns slowed down infections so that the medical infrastructure and staff could have more room to cope and handle cases, a measure that did save many lives in many countries.

The corruption of some officials doesn't negate the evidence behind the measures themselves. I think total lockdowns are a drastic measure that should be reserved for absolute emergencies, and the surge of infections constituted such an emergency at multiple points during the pandemic.


Well-Known Member
How is "serious side effect" defined?
Did you compare the deleterious effects of
vaccine side effects with Covid 19 effects?

Again, back to personal experience of all I know,
the unvaccinated have been hospitalized & died.
Not one vaccinated person I know endured side
effects remotely near that severe.

The term is Serious Adverse Reaction (SAR) although for some reason they are now calling it SAE Serious Adverse Event -- but in any case -- there is a big distinction between this and an adverse reaction .. such as Covid side effects .. which don't matter anyway case you gonna get this whether or not you are vaxed.

An event is considered serious if it:
  • results in death
  • is life-threatening (an event/reaction in which the patient was at real, rather than hypothetical, risk of death at the time of the event/reaction)
  • requires in-patient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization
  • results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, or
  • results in a congenital anomaly/birth defect

Your claim about effects is anecdotal nonsense .. sorry .. but, when we had our New Years Party .. .. most of us unjabbed .. a bunch of us got Covid from one of the guests "Jim" who was a double vaxed super spreader.. and the 6 of us unjabbed had a way easier time of it than Jim did .. who should not have even be getting covid being all vaxed up .. but even for Jim was a moderate flue .. had far worse in the past.. and most of the people I know say similar..

But enough of the dueling anecdote .. what is the reality ?? the fact of the matter is that "NO One" showed up at the hospital with Covid who wasn't really old and morbidly obese and severely immune compromized with 3 comorbidities.

Do you understand what the quotation marks on "NO One" means ? It means no significant number of people .. a normal flue season has far more healthy people show up in the hospital than Covid .. and Omnicron was a joke..

So all this inane BS about the vax lessening the symptoms .. is just that. This data applies only to the extremely unhealthy / severely immune compromized. The odds of a healthy child dying from covid are in the millions .. ridiculously low .. way way way lower than a normal flue. For what ever reason .. this thing targeted almost exclusively Old and weak in the begging .. by the time to Omicron which infected anything that moved alive or dead (60% of the population in 6 weeks in my region of 5 million) it was a mild flue.

Now someone without an immune system will benefit from the vax .. which produced a single spike protein .... as opposed to 20 or so different ones in a normal immune reaction .. with a real vax. And so ... it is a case of something is better than nothing .. and lasts only a short period of time so really these folks should be getting jabbed every 3 months.. but for a normal person .. with functioning immune system this producing these extra protiens is not doing that much .. not nearly as good as natural immunity ... and there was little to worry about to begin with for a healthy person .. so your are not saving anyone from anything .. The vax is not a vax .. you will still get the virus .. and your symptoms will be pretty much the same on a relative scale .. not saving anyone from the hospital because no one was going to the hospital to begin with .. sans the aforementioned group.

So the benefit to a healthy person very little if any -- the risk of harm on the other side of the equation is very high up to and including death for one out of every 50,000 lucky individuals .. as opposed to the one in 3 million unlucky healthy Children who die from Covid .. that the vax would not likely have saved in any case.

Thats death we are talking .. if you are talking "Serious" adverse effect "near death" .. serious long term effects such as scarring in the liver and brain .. we are talking more like 1 in 1000 .. which is massively high .. The swine flue vax in the 70's was taken off the market "Too dangerous" when it hit an SAR of 1 in 100,000 ... so for those not mathematically adept .. thats not "Safe" that is "Dangerous" x 100.

100 times more dangerous. and if you isolate certain groups such as males 16-30 .. having a 300% higher incidece of myocharditis and such .. we are talking a risk of 1 in 300 .. Jab 3 times a year for 10 years and you have a 1 in 30 chance of a severe adverse reaction.

Thanks friend .. but I will take my chances with the 1 in 1 million chance of dying from Covid .. not that the vax would have helped me any way .. being healthy


Well-Known Member
Your utter lack of response to anything I said in my post is noted.
This just sounds like whining.

You are the one whining .. posting nothing but personal invective .. projecting your "utter lack of response to anything I said in post" onto me.

Sorry Friend .. the Gov't lied to you .. for moderately healthy people the Jab is neither safe nor effective .. a massive risk of harm in fact 100 times greater than the Swine flue vax taken off the shelf because was too dangerous in the 70s when it hit an SAR of 1 in 100,000.

The vax doesn't prevent transmission .. and doesn't provide any measurable benefit to a healthy person.

Your claim the lockdown and masking as practiced in the US was effective in slowing the rate of transmission an obvious falsehood.

There .. everything you have said has been addressed :) now go and learn !


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
That's why I said that the execution was flawed in some places. The recommendation of lockdowns itself was based on expert advice in most cases I know of, however.
Flaws are one thing.
But one should recognize when the flaw is intentional
& harmful. There was no "expert advice" that showed
it's safe to buy liquor, but not caulk.
At certain points, hospitals were so overwhelmed that total lockdowns slowed down infections so that the medical infrastructure and staff could have more room to cope and handle cases, a measure that did save many lives in many countries.
I understand the reasons for restrictions to limit
expansion of the pandemic. This is not in dispute.
Take care to not cast me as opposing reasonable
The corruption of some officials doesn't negate the evidence behind the measures themselves.
You seem to hint at my claiming that
corruption does negate the evidence.
I find it proper to address government
corruption when it happens. This is the
discussion you jumped in on.


Veteran Member
You are the one whining .. posting nothing but personal invective .. projecting your "utter lack of response to anything I said in post" onto me.
Projection sprinkled with some "I know you are but what am I?"
Sorry Friend .. the Gov't lied to you .
Which government? Where?

. for moderately healthy people the Jab is neither safe nor effective .
BS. Already refuted.
. a massive risk of harm in fact 100 times greater than the Swine flue vax taken off the shelf because was too dangerous in the 70s when it hit an SAR of 1 in 100,000.
BS. Already refuted.
The vax doesn't prevent transmission .. and doesn't provide any measurable benefit to a healthy person.
Already addressed.
Your claim the lockdown and masking as practiced in the US was effective in slowing the rate of transmission an obvious falsehood.
I didn't say "as practiced in the US," you tacked that on.

I provided evidence for my claims.
There .. everything you have said has been addressed :) now go and learn !
You've just repeated yourself again.

The facts don't align with your claims. No matter how many times you repeat them.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The term is Serious Adverse Reaction (SAR) although for some reason they are now calling it SAE Serious Adverse Event -- but in any case -- there is a big distinction between this and an adverse reaction .. such as Covid side effects .. which don't matter anyway case you gonna get this whether or not you are vaxed.

Your claim about effects is anecdotal nonsense .. sorry .. but, when we had our New Years Party .. .. most of us unjabbed .. a bunch of us got Covid from one of the guests "Jim" who was a double vaxed super spreader.. and the 6 of us unjabbed had a way easier time of it than Jim did .. who should not have even be getting covid being all vaxed up .. but even for Jim was a moderate flue .. had far worse in the past.. and most of the people I know say similar..

But enough of the dueling anecdote .. what is the reality ?? the fact of the matter is that "NO One" showed up at the hospital with Covid who wasn't really old and morbidly obese and severely immune compromized with 3 comorbidities.

Do you understand what the quotation marks on "NO One" means ? It means no significant number of people .. a normal flue season has far more healthy people show up in the hospital than Covid .. and Omnicron was a joke..

So all this inane BS about the vax lessening the symptoms .. is just that. This data applies only to the extremely unhealthy / severely immune compromized. The odds of a healthy child dying from covid are in the millions .. ridiculously low .. way way way lower than a normal flue. For what ever reason .. this thing targeted almost exclusively Old and weak in the begging .. by the time to Omicron which infected anything that moved alive or dead (60% of the population in 6 weeks in my region of 5 million) it was a mild flue.

Now someone without an immune system will benefit from the vax .. which produced a single spike protein .... as opposed to 20 or so different ones in a normal immune reaction .. with a real vax. And so ... it is a case of something is better than nothing .. and lasts only a short period of time so really these folks should be getting jabbed every 3 months.. but for a normal person .. with functioning immune system this producing these extra protiens is not doing that much .. not nearly as good as natural immunity ... and there was little to worry about to begin with for a healthy person .. so your are not saving anyone from anything .. The vax is not a vax .. you will still get the virus .. and your symptoms will be pretty much the same on a relative scale .. not saving anyone from the hospital because no one was going to the hospital to begin with .. sans the aforementioned group.

So the benefit to a healthy person very little if any -- the risk of harm on the other side of the equation is very high up to and including death for one out of every 50,000 lucky individuals .. as opposed to the one in 3 million unlucky healthy Children who die from Covid .. that the vax would not likely have saved in any case.
If the term isn't defined, then we lack info
to compare the side effects with the primary
effects of Covid 19 infection.
Thats death we are talking .. if you are talking "Serious" adverse effect "near death" .. serious long term effects such as scarring in the liver and brain .. we are talking more like 1 in 1000 .. which is massively high ..
How do you know that SARs are
all that serious? You've presented
no definition of the term.
Could it be merely feeling sick for
a day?
The swine flue vax in the 70's was taken off the market "Too dangerous" when it hit an SAR of 1 in 100,000 ... so for those not mathematically adept .. thats not "Safe" that is "Dangerous" x 100.

100 times more dangerous. and if you isolate certain groups such as males 16-30 .. having a 300% higher incidece of myocharditis and such .. we are talking a risk of 1 in 300 .. Jab 3 times a year for 10 years and you have a 1 in 30 chance of a severe adverse reaction.

Thanks friend .. but I will take my chances with the 1 in 1 million chance of dying from Covid .. not that the vax would have helped me any way .. being healthy
What's the source for your 1 / 1,000,000, mortality rate for Covid 19?
Have you considered that more often than death, the non-vaccinated
infected suffer Long Covid, which can include fatigue, breathing difficulty,
mental health problems, joint pain, digestive problems, heart problems,
rashes, fertility issues, & who knows what else could crop up as more
info comes in.

To repeat...
If your statistics show that vaccination is more dangerous
than Covid 19, How is it that of the many many people I
know, only the non-vaccinated endured hospitalization
& death? Random chance doesn't apply to a group of
acquaintances well over 100.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Its just you -- the Triggered ones are those who post only personal invective .. "Shooting the messenger" rather than addressing the message. This is a funtion of not being able to handle the message which is what triggers the nonsense response of deflection and denial -- similar to how you responded when you were shown that your own link proved the Gov't was lying to you .. that the Vax is not Safe. This is in addition to not being effective .. which is another lie.

That the Gov't is lying to you pricked your necessary illusion bubble .. which triggered a "thought stopping" response .. unable to deal with the "bad thought"
Oh my. More projection from the only triggered one here.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Projection sprinkled with some "I know you are but what am I?"

Which government? Where?

BS. Already refuted.

BS. Already refuted.

Already addressed.

I didn't say "as practiced in the US," you tacked that on.

I provided evidence for my claims.

You've just repeated yourself again.

The facts don't align with your claims. No matter how many times you repeat them.
I wouldn't mind debating with him if he reasoned consistently. He makes extreme demands from others but seems to only cite refuted sources for his claims that have no discernable evidence for their claims.


Well-Known Member
If the term isn't defined, then we lack info
to compare the side effects with the primary
effects of Covid 19 infection.

How do you know that SARs are
all that serious? You've presented
no definition of the term.
Could it be merely feeling sick for
a day?

What's the source for your 1 / 1,000,000, mortality rate for Covid 19?
Have you considered that more often than death, the non-vaccinated
infected suffer Long Covid, which can include fatigue, breathing difficulty,
mental health problems, joint pain, digestive problems, heart problems,
rashes, fertility issues, & who knows what else could crop up as more
info comes in.

To repeat...
If your statistics show that vaccination is more dangerous
than Covid 19, How is it that of the many many people I
know, only the non-vaccinated endured hospitalization
& death? Random chance doesn't apply to a group of
acquaintances well over 100.

What are you talking about .. I gave you a definition .. posted from a Gov't Covid site .. you blind ?

An event is considered serious if it:
  • results in death
  • is life-threatening (an event/reaction in which the patient was at real, rather than hypothetical, risk of death at the time of the event/reaction)
  • requires in-patient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization
  • results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, or
  • results in a congenital anomaly/birth defect

  • is life-threatening (an event/reaction in which the patient was at real, rather than hypothetical, risk of death at the time of the event/reaction)
What part of major risk of death did you not understand ? nonsense about not presenting a definition. ??

Show me number of healthy people died from Covid -- in any western first world population .. any stat will do should be simple simon .. readily available .. were the Gov't not so desperate to lie to you .. this time via the sin of ommission .. making the info difficult to find. .. but its there .. go hunting friend .. since you clearly have absolutely no clue of your risk of harm from Vax or Covid is .. you could use the research time .. try to pop that "I trust the Gov't" necessary illusion bubble.

and this link showing risk of harm from the Vax has been posted many times .. again this self induced blindness .. in fact person who posted it wasn't me .. but a person arguing your side of the fence LOL .. shot his own legs out .. Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults - PubMed

What part of 1 in 1250 did you not understand ? "Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000"

Problem reading and understanding ? ... been over this a number of times now .. did you forget .. selective memory loss ? What is the deal.

Now get to work .. tell me the risk of harm the average healthy individual from Omicron .. how many dead per 100,000 ..


Well-Known Member
Oh my. More projection from the only triggered one here.

Brother D .. something other than name calling por favor .. what has you so spun up that you can't adress the topic or put forth a coherent thought.

Look Friend from your own study " Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000"

and think hard .. remembering this is your data .. and tell us "Is this Safe" ? Would you give this garbage to your healthy 18 year old boy .. who already has natural immunity .. having beat that bug easily last xmas season ? subject the poor kid to "life-threatening (an event/reaction in which the patient was at real, rather than hypothetical, risk of death at the time of the event/reaction)" and possible life altering afliction

Is this Safe Sparky ? Should I be Jabbing my son .. wno in fact was forcefully Jabbed .. against his will .. that or quit school =-= but that is another story.

Pathetic this desperate clinging to that cherished necessary illusion .. but we shall continue in the effort to extrat the poison lizard .. why are you avoiding this question and reality so hard friend ... simple question .. Yes/No followed by explanation rational of somekind supporting your choice .. what we call an argument in the adult room :)


Veteran Member
Brother D .. something other than name calling por favor
Says the guy who just said everybody else is triggered.
Then you go on to call someone "sparky." :rolleyes:

And then just repeat the same claims over again.

.. what has you so spun up that you can't adress the topic or put forth a coherent thought.

Look Friend from your own study " Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000"

and think hard .. remembering this is your data .. and tell us "Is this Safe" ? Would you give this garbage to your healthy 18 year old boy .. who already has natural immunity .. having beat that bug easily last xmas season ? subject the poor kid to "life-threatening (an event/reaction in which the patient was at real, rather than hypothetical, risk of death at the time of the event/reaction)" and possible life altering afliction

Is this Safe Sparky ? Should I be Jabbing my son .. wno in fact was forcefully Jabbed .. against his will .. that or quit school =-= but that is another story.

Pathetic this desperate clinging to that cherished necessary illusion .. but we shall continue in the effort to extrat the poison lizard .. why are you avoiding this question and reality so hard friend ... simple question .. Yes/No followed by explanation rational of somekind supporting your choice .. what we call an argument in the adult room :)
While you're going on about "coherent thoughts' I though I'd take the time to point out that in the "adult room" we like to write in sentences with proper punctuation so our posts make some kind of sense. ;)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Brother D .. something other than name calling por favor .. what has you so spun up that you can't adress the topic or put forth a coherent thought.

Look Friend from your own study " Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000"

and think hard .. remembering this is your data .. and tell us "Is this Safe" ? Would you give this garbage to your healthy 18 year old boy .. who already has natural immunity .. having beat that bug easily last xmas season ? subject the poor kid to "life-threatening (an event/reaction in which the patient was at real, rather than hypothetical, risk of death at the time of the event/reaction)" and possible life altering afliction

Is this Safe Sparky ? Should I be Jabbing my son .. wno in fact was forcefully Jabbed .. against his will .. that or quit school =-= but that is another story.

Pathetic this desperate clinging to that cherished necessary illusion .. but we shall continue in the effort to extrat the poison lizard .. why are you avoiding this question and reality so hard friend ... simple question .. Yes/No followed by explanation rational of somekind supporting your choice .. what we call an argument in the adult room :)
Oh my! The person that started the name calling is now objecting to it and using name calling in the same post! Irony meter alert!!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind debating with him if he reasoned consistently. He makes extreme demands from others but seems to only cite refuted sources for his claims that have no discernable evidence for their claims.

Just a massive lie from the peanut gallery .. the source I cited was your own Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults - PubMed The evidence you provided is all that was needed to show your "Vax is Safe" claim to be false.. 12.5 per 10,000 Severe Adverse Effect

I don't understand why having position crucified turns some folks to such nasty mind bending falsehood
Oh .. and the old backslap Pud Pull .. winke winke woo .. Oldy but a goodie that one aye mates .. hearkening back to the 3 stooges videos , funny stuff .. got two cases of hurtebutt .. gossiping like young girls out backside the shed in the mennonite communitie :) har har har

1) Vax not Safe very high risk of harm.
2) Vax not efficient .. no significant prevention of transmission .. no benefit to healthy people ..

Point form .. make real simple for you two .. If you don't want your neighbor Jabbing you through force or coercion .. then don't Jab your neighbor ? Now skepticize on that !


Well-Known Member
Says the guy who just said everybody else is triggered.
Then you go on to call someone "sparky." :rolleyes:

And then just repeat the same claims over again.

While you're going on about "coherent thoughts' I though I'd take the time to point out that in the "adult room" we like to write in sentences with proper punctuation so our posts make some kind of sense. ;)

I didn't say "Everyone else is triggered" quit lying .. and do something other than personal invective .. address the topic rather than hiding out in tree tops .. calling out rude names.

1) Vax not Safe 12.5 in 10,000 Risk of Serious Adverse Effect .. Near death experience ..
2) Vax not efficient --- no significant transmission prevention .. not significant benefit to healthy people.

See that nice summary for you --- now address the topic like a good debater .. show us your skills rather than diving into the gutter.


Veteran Member
Just a massive lie from the peanut gallery .. the source I cited was your own Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults - PubMed The evidence you provided is all that was needed to show your "Vax is Safe" claim to be false.. 12.5 per 10,000 Severe Adverse Effect

I don't understand why having position crucified turns some folks to such nasty mind bending falsehood

Oh .. and the old backslap Pud Pull .. winke winke woo .. Oldy but a goodie that one aye mates .. hearkening back to the 3 stooges videos , funny stuff .. got two cases of hurtebutt .. gossiping like young girls out backside the shed in the mennonite communitie :) har har har
Rambling, insulting projection not worthy of a serious response.
1) Vax not Safe very high risk of harm.
2) Vax not efficient .. no significant prevention of transmission .. no benefit to healthy people ..
Point form .. make real simple for you two .. If you don't want your neighbor Jabbing you through force or coercion .. then don't Jab your neighbor ? Now skepticize on that !
Yep, that was easy.