Veteran Member
Not comparable, and by the way Terri Schiavo should have not been killed. She wasn't hooked up to a machine to keep her alive, only for feeding. She could have regained consciousness.If the person is mentally incapable of breathing….
Mentally incapable of maintaining a steady heartbeat….
mentally incapable of knowing even if they exist or ever existed….
Could only live by being hooked up to a set of machines, and had no outlook to ever come off those machines….then yes. You really would be morally obliged to let them go, rather than forcing them to “live” on like that.
If you want to kill them, you need to be put in jail or executed.
If you feel morally obliged or otherwise to kill someone just because they’re a little “slow”, then you need to be “removed”.
The level of incapability that we’re talking about here is a complete lack of a functional brain, and no stored memories from a life ever lived, and not just some coma that they might “snap out of”, but rather no recovery is possible. Think Terry Schiavo. Only the deluded and emotional more distant wanted to keep her hooked up. Her loving husband knew that even if she regained consciousness, she would not want to “live” on as a vegetable, so he demanded that they disconnect her from life support.
Now then. If you want to argue that the pregnant woman should have the same rights as life support machinery, or plant grow lights, and therefore she should be forced to maintain “life” signs until the fetus is capable of survival after disconnection…..that argument could be made. As long as you have a completely funded, and maintained receptacle for all of the freshly disconnected fetuses; including raising these youngsters with good food, a good education, and unabashedly loving households, through to the ages of adulthood with no exceptions, now and for all time. AND you’re willing to argue that women’s bodies are machines, belonging to the state, with no inherent rights of their own. OK. Go ahead and make that argument to your senator or congress-person, and DEMAND that they put forward a bill to that effect. TODAY, and every day from this date onward, until it passes unanimously.
Until then, allow US citizens freedom of choice. Eh?
But we know that fetus will continue to develop, unlike a person in a coma that could go either way.