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Supreme Court has banned abortions

We Never Know

No Slack
I did not make that claim, but it was a reasonable conclusion. You claim to be a moderator at Christian forums. To do that you have to swear to their statement of faith. At least that was the way it was the last time I checked. Which would mean that you would have to follow the Bible. Of course a person could lie about that and become a moderator there. I would hate to accuse you of lying.

Ok lol

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
So I should be able to legally kill someone born mentally incapable?
If the person is mentally incapable of breathing….
Mentally incapable of maintaining a steady heartbeat….
mentally incapable of knowing even if they exist or ever existed….
Could only live by being hooked up to a set of machines, and had no outlook to ever come off those machines….then yes. You really would be morally obliged to let them go, rather than forcing them to “live” on like that.

If you want to kill them, you need to be put in jail or executed.
If you feel morally obliged or otherwise to kill someone just because they’re a little “slow”, then you need to be “removed”.
The level of incapability that we’re talking about here is a complete lack of a functional brain, and no stored memories from a life ever lived, and not just some coma that they might “snap out of”, but rather no recovery is possible. Think Terry Schiavo. Only the deluded and emotional more distant wanted to keep her hooked up. Her loving husband knew that even if she regained consciousness, she would not want to “live” on as a vegetable, so he demanded that they disconnect her from life support.

Now then. If you want to argue that the pregnant woman should have the same rights as life support machinery, or plant grow lights, and therefore she should be forced to maintain “life” signs until the fetus is capable of survival after disconnection…..that argument could be made. As long as you have a completely funded, and maintained receptacle for all of the freshly disconnected fetuses; including raising these youngsters with good food, a good education, and unabashedly loving households, through to the ages of adulthood with no exceptions, now and for all time. AND you’re willing to argue that women’s bodies are machines, belonging to the state, with no inherent rights of their own. OK. Go ahead and make that argument to your senator or congress-person, and DEMAND that they put forward a bill to that effect. TODAY, and every day from this date onward, until it passes unanimously.

Until then, allow US citizens freedom of choice. o_O Eh?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
We are allowed to drink a good wine, but we are not allowed to get alcoholism.

But you were suggesting that we need to drink alcohol in order to know Jesus better, and even quoted "but he came drinking wine" (Mt. 11:19) as proof of that. Do you believe everyone should at least have some booze or drugs in order to know God? What of those who abstain from all alcohol and drunkenness? Will they become atheists?

There is only one God. And God is Truth, hence, there cannot be disagreements in a better world.

There are different types of truth. While God is Truth, with a capital T, that is different than propositional truths, with a small t. Propositional truths are what we "think" to be true and are relative to our perceptions as they are at the time. The Truth of God however, is not a proposital truth, but Truth itself that exposes all relative truths as finite and limited.

You can't call upon God to settle arguments between individual's different perspectives of truth in order to claim your own perspective as right over another. It doesn't work that way. That's abusing the nature of the Divine itself.

There is word TRUST. It is decision to take a risk.

So, if you TRUST someone who is wrong, does that make it true? If you TRUST the priest who says that to get closer to God, you must let him touch you where he shouldn't be, will this lead you to peace or injury?

Simply trusting someone because they are said to represent God, does not necessarily lead you to truth. It may in fact lead you to great confusion, harm, or even death. There is a better way than just handing over your will to the power of another.

We are soldiers of satan when we do sins like abortions. If God would vanish the satan, we will resurrect him again by doing sin. Because satan is sin and sin is satan. The satan is spirit. Hence, he is abortion itself. His name is Abortion.
I would say we are soldiers of Satan when we judge others in God's stead. Isn't that the sin of Satan itself, to usurp the role of God? Isn't that why Jesus admonished you as a Christian not to judge others like this?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Does that mean that I agreed to it?"

You knew there is a possibility/risk that it could happen. You accept the risk when you walk knowing what could happen.
OK, so you accept the risk that when you get into your car, you could get into an accident and be injured. Does this mean that ultra-conservative Republicans should deny you the right to get help for those injuries in a hospital because you knew the risks getting into that car?

We Never Know

No Slack
OK, so you accept the risk that when you get into your car, you could get into an accident and be injured. Does this mean that ultra-conservative Republicans should deny you the right to get help for those injuries in a hospital because you knew the risks getting into that car?

Is a pregnancy an accidental injury?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I am a child.

And you, My child, will be called a prophet of the Most High;
for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for Him,
to give his people the knowledge of salvation
through the forgiveness of their sins,
because of the tender mercy of our God,
by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven
to shine on those living in darkness
and in the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the path of peace.”
And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel. Luke 1:76-80
So you believe you are the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ? You believe that you are the Chosen One?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is a pregnancy an accidental injury?
To some it is. Yes. They get pregnant by accident, not intentionally. And it can in fact be quite injurious to them, depending upon their situation. Financially, emotionally, psychologically, relationally, and even physically, etc. When that is a major problem for them, then "treatment" for that injury by accident might be necessary, like setting a broken bone.

But the other side by extremists, absolutists, black and white thinkers, is all treatments for all accidents is ethically wrong and should be denied. So that should then apply to all accidents, both great and small, that occur in cars as well, because you chose that activity, according to such narrow thinking.

We Never Know

No Slack
To some it is. Yes. They get pregnant by accident, not intentionally. And it can in fact be quite injurious to them, depending upon their situation. Financially, emotionally, psychologically, relationally, etc. When that is a major problem for them, then "treatment" for that injury by accident might be necessary, like setting a broken bone.

When they diagnose a pregnancy as an accidental injury then the discussion will change.

People don't accidently fall on a penis and get pregnant.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
When they diagnose a pregnancy as an accidental injury then the discussion will change.
Bull. We already know that they got pregnant unintentionally. That means they got pregnant accidentally. That is a settled matter.

And should it be considered an injury? Of course it is in some cases, as I have explained. Why else would someone even go to have that condition corrected medically, if it were not causing an injury to them? It's irrational to not recognize this.

So your argument about knowing the activity has risks, and therefore no treatments for accidental pregnancies should be allowed, would go just as much for getting into your car, riding your bicycle, or even walking down the street.

The point is, your argument does not hold up. You can't use it selectively like that and ignore the clear implications that all human activates puts people at risk of accidental things happened that may harm them. And a unwanted, accidental pregnancy does in fact harm some people. That's why they want a corrective procedure to address that.
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We Never Know

No Slack
Bull. We already know that they got pregnant unintentionally. That means they got pregnant accidentally. That is a settled matter.

And should it be considered an injury? Of course it is in some cases, as I have explained. Why else would someone even go to have that condition corrected medically, if it were not causing an injury to them? It's irrational to not recognize this.

So your argument about knowing the activity has risks, and therefore no treatments for accidental pregnancies should be allowed, would go just as much for getting into your car, riding your bicycle, or even walking down the street.

The point is, your argument does not hold up. You can't use it selectively like that and ignore the clear implications that all human activates puts people at risk of accidental things happened that may harm them. And a unwanted, accidental pregnancy does in fact harm some people. That's why they want a corrective procedure to address that.

And thats your entitled opinion and how you see it.




Veteran Member
Premium Member
And thats your entitled opinion and how you see it.
It's a well informed, intelligent, and rational opinion that holds up to scrutiny. Your opinion does not.

And how in the heck is it an "entitled opinion", You think I'm "entitled" somehow, and I haven't earned the basis for my informed opinions? :)

Why do you even bother to say crap like you do, if you can't defend it? The honorable thing for you do to would be to admit it wasn't a good argument, rather than this path of non-integrity.

We Never Know

No Slack
It's a well informed, intelligent, and rational opinion that holds up to scrutiny. Your opinion does not.

And how in the heck is it an "entitled opinion", You think I'm "entitled" somehow, and I haven't earned the basis for my informed opinions? :)

Why do you even bother to say crap like you do, if you can't defend it? The honorable thing for you do to would be to admit it wasn't a good argument, rather than this path of non-integrity.
