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Symptoms vs Cause


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
They will try, it is in prophecy. They will find it does nor work.

Regards Tony
So far its been working for 200 million non-religious to disbelieve in the Baha'i God, compare that to 5 million Baha'i and id say it is working better for the non-religious than for Believers in the Baha'i God in my view.


Veteran Member
So far its been working for 200 million non-religious to disbelieve in the Baha'i God, compare that to 5 million Baha'i and id say it is working better for the non-religious than for Believers in the Baha'i God in my view.
Oh? Who is solving the world's policies?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
They will try, it is in prophecy.
Religions have prophecies about a new world/new Earth/new humanity which typically about their religion being correct and the rest falling away. I don't find such attractive.
Is there a religious equivalent to the UN human rights declaration (which is based on secular humanistic principles)?
I'm most familiar with Judaism and Christianity. The UN Declaration is a set of principles of behavior. To me they rest on the same foundation as some religious principles which to me is the "golden rule". From Judaism, this was expressed thusly Rabbi Hillel, Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a "What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Go, learn (it)!" Because I want freedom, justice etc for myself means that I really should want them for everyone.

For Christians, if you subtract the religious aspects, the Sermon on the Mount speaks of what individuals should do. It rests on the same base but is expressed differently. In this case, to me following these precepts would lead to a world where the UN Declaration was honored. Some examples:
  • Don't be angry without just cause. Further try to reconcilewhere there is a dispute.
  • Don't treat women as lust objects.
  • Love everyone, even your enemies
  • Don't make a public show of charity and prayer.
  • Avoid greed.
  • Avoid judging others remembering your own shortcomings could be worse than the ones you'd criticize
  • Don't assume you are virtuous because of doing a few apparently good deeds.


Veteran Member
A dear friend, a wonderful soul, a very loving heart and may God bless him always. I did meet him in 2016 for a short visit when I drove from Perth WA to Normanton in Far North Queensland.

I have decided not to beat around the bush. If one pursues the Baha'i Writings, one will find many comments about the athiest mind and its corresponding negative influence on humanity. I would just be hiding those passages if I did not honestly offer they exist.

Likewise the mind stuck in the dogma of religion has the same negative influence.

What a quandary we face, we and how will change unfold?

Regards Tony
Show us your capacity to unstuck your own
mind from dogma.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
If it is so obviously incorrect, it would be easy to list a few instances of religions uniting people (without at the same time separating other people).
Is there a religious equivalent to the UN human rights declaration (which is based on secular humanistic principles)?
Of course, there was unity. In some religions they killed heretics, so that was left were people that were unified in their beliefs.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Religions have prophecies about a new world/new Earth/new humanity which typically about their religion being correct and the rest falling away. I don't find such attractive.
I think the Baha'i prophecy is that their guy will get rejected, the world will fall apart, and people will realize that they need the teachings of the Baha'i Faith to fix things.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Personally I see what will fail is a godless world, as a lasting unity is not able to be built.
But we have a majority of people that believe in a God. But they believe different things about that God or believe in a totally different God. What the Baha'i Faith expects to happen is that someday all people will believe in the same God and the same things about that God. In other words, everyone will accept the Baha'i Faith as the fulfillment of their old religion, which will lead to the most great peace.

Baha’u’llah envisioned a time in the future when the peoples of the world will live together in peace and unity as members of one faith. Universal justice will be established based on adherence to the law of God. A new civilization based on spiritual values will come into being. He referred to this as the Most Great Peace.​
Abdu’l-Baha later explained that the Lesser Peace would be established over the course of time as the peoples of the world grow gradually more conscious that the world is our common homeland and that a system of international governance is indispensable for world stability. But He also made clear that political unity alone would not guarantee peace and prosperity in the long run. A higher level of unity must be achieved—one possible only through adherence to the spiritual verities taught by Baha’u’llah.​