Judging from his Tweet (or whatever) he doesn't seem to know the first thing about "these matters."
And the scary thing about that, is that the billionaires he tends to surround himself with either don't know the first thing about it either, or they are too afraid to tell him.
Another option, off course, is that they all know very well what they are doing, including Trumpty Trump, and are simply planning a massive money grabbing scheme by the example of Russian Oligarchs. If you are on the "inside" and know what's coming and own businesses.... you can actually make a boatload of money by riding the back of inflation. All at the expense of consumers and workers, off course. They get into massive debt and meanwhile the billionaires at the top are raking in monster profits and interests.
There are many ways by which this can be done. It's like insider trading.
An obvious and easy to understand example is for instance when you own a chain of retail stores in say, clothing.
Knowing that in 2 months a 60% tariff is coming to chinese goods... You could buy a massive amount of chinese clothes at pre-tariff prices and stack warehouse after warehouse with it. Say the stock is worth 1 billion in retail price. Then the 60% tariffs hit. Now you do a price correction on that stock and its value suddenly becomes 1.6 billion. You just magicked 600 million dollars of value out of nowhere. And that's just the small scale stuff.
You can do the exact same with shares of companies etc. Oligarchs were / are experts at such things. During times of heavy inflation (which they knew was coming), they for example would delay paying salaries of workers. Sometimes for several months. Meanwhile, inflation was ongoing. The money they didn't spend on salaries was then invested strategically which was earning them interest. Meanwhile, the workers were getting into debt. Then when they finally paid the salaries, that money was worth a lot less then it would have been if paid on time. Essentially, this means that the oligarchs ended up paying them less (in proportion) to what they normally would have. And meanwhile, they used that money to earn more money through insider trading.
It's quite diabolical.
And to be honest.... when I look at Trumpty Trump, Musk, and the other billionaires in their circle........... I can't just shake the feeling that they are planning to do the exact same thing.