Well, it does not take some medical degree to understand that there are only 2 genders.
1. Male
2. Female.
Well that's wrong right off the bat.
Gender is a social construct.
Perhaps you mean sexes. And if you do, well, you're still wrong because there are more than 2 of those.
All the other so called genders are figments of immagination of psycological illness.
That's just like, your opinion, man.
OK, you get Male, Female, Gay and Lesbian.
But guess what, still only 2 genders.
Your forgot bisexuals. But "gay" and "lesbian" aren't genders anyway.
Gender is a social construct so there can be as many as we want.
Some Native American tribes, for example, have recognized transgendered, intersex and other alternative gender status human beings for a long time now.
Just because you don't personally recognize them and want to live in the distant past where men are supposed to act a certain way and women are supposed to act a certain way, doesn't mean nobody else does. Times change, thankfully.
Any doctor or psycologist telling me otherwise, should go back to school, and get back here on earth.
Well, since those people would be much more educated than yourself on the subject, you should probably listen to them, instead of telling them you know more than they do when you clearly don't.
I dont care at all if you are trans Women or Trans Male, but once these people wants to push their skew perspective of reality down my throat, I have the right to tell them to back off, especially if what they say is not only bizare, but blatant lies!
It really, really seems like you do care.
Nobody is pushing anything down your throat. You are confusing the push for equal rights and treatment from a group of people with "pushing it down your throat." I bet they really don't care what you think about any of it.
Like that bearded castrated man in New Zealand who became the first trans woman "sports WOMAN" of the year.
What BS!!!
That poor creature should be told he is still a man, and should not go around as if he is some sport hero!
he was too flippen useless to compete against real men...
I'm just going to leave this here because it's bizarre and condescending.