You seem to think that there is just one version of each religion and that is just simply not the case. Some Buddhists are atheistic but religious, with a ritual belief about the universe and afterlife, especially Buddhism which fused with other beliefs such as Zen Buddhism and Shinto Buddhism (which is not only religious but theistic.)Buddhism is not a religion but a way of life. Hinduism has belief in about 30 million gods, therefore not atheist. Satanist worship the god satan, you may not consider satan a god but satanist do. Yu-huang is the great High God of the Taoists, there are several other god of the faith. There are are course groups of individual's who gather to discuss their atheism, some even sarcastically call these gathering places temples or chuches.
Similarly there are Hindu who don't believe the pantheon are literal beings but qualities of humanity and the natural world. We have a Hindu atheist here on RF even.
LaVey Satanism does not believe Satan is a real being but an icon representing their belief. They call themselves atheist.
Same thing with Taoist. Jade Emporor belief is only present with Chinese traditional religion, and not all Taoists.