You don't even understand why, who or what about the past. Your the type of guy that thinks a model T was junk compared to what we have today even though in its time the model T was top of the line.
Stone hence, the pyramids, the walls of Saksaywaman, etc. They were built with master precision and reason we don't even know about. You call them goat herders, I call them masters of their time. They created things that in reality were beyond their time. We don't even know why they crested them and we only have theories how they did it.
Those many thousands pounds stones cut and fitted liked a jigsaw puzzle at the Saksaywaman walls where a feat of nothing but knowledge and skill, not goat herders.
You live for today and don't understand yesterday. Without a witness, it didn't happen. Without evidence, it didn't happen. Get out of your box and realize even science says anything is possible.