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The 50th Article Has Been Triggered

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I expected it to be triggered but I think they're making a mistake. We'll see.


A Free Man
The only thing about Brexit that I find annoying is all the negativity that we are getting from the Remoaners.

If they put as much effort into helping us to get a good deal we would be onto a sure-fire winner.

If they can’t say anything helpful, they should keep quiet.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
A couple of positives: Hal Lindsay is shown again to be completely wrong. He and his vacuous tribe of money-grubbing scary-book writers are shown to be just that and not prophets of any kind. There's no chance of a 'World Order' appearing as a result of diplomacy. The stream of 700 Club guests talking about Satan's plans for a World Order were totally wrong. Yay!

I'm in the USA, but I think Brexit is good since it returns sovereignty to the British and provides an impetus for the EU to improve. I do not think the EU is currently feasible. I watched what happened with Greece as the EU chose austerity for the country, but the EU knew very well Greece was in trouble way ahead of time and was partly responsible for the housing bubble. Maybe the EU can work through its monetary issues and its weird top-heavy government structure and attract Britain back in. Maybe it can streamline.


Well-Known Member
since it returns sovereignty to the British

Someone, anyone, please make it go away. This is so stupid. Just so incredibly stupid.

I watched what happened with Greece as the EU chose austerity for the country, but the EU knew very well Greece was in trouble way ahead of time and was partly responsible for the housing bubble.

Everyone is at fault, except the Greeks who lied to get into the EU and Euro and lived far above their means.

Such a simple world we live in.

attract Britain back in

Or we don't and leave that horrible Island alone?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Someone, anyone, please make it go away. This is so stupid. Just so incredibly stupid.
Gee whiz!

Everyone is at fault, except the Greeks who lied to get into the EU and Euro and lived far above their means.

Such a simple world we live in.
Excuses. Greece has a history of doing this before joining the EU. Its a Greek thing, and the EU married it. It was only a matter of time. This is like the 5th time Greece has exploded its currency. Its a pattern, so please don't give me this "They lied to us!" stuff. The EU wanted Greece, consequences or no. It got consequences.

Or we don't and leave that horrible Island alone?
I'm speechless. Its really improved since the 12th century, and it fixed France's language. That's +2 for Britain.


Well-Known Member
Gee whiz!

Because it is incredibly stupid.
So now they regain their sovereignty? Well how did they get it? Through a free election you say? And the EU did nothing to stop it from happening?

Wow such Dictatorship.
Which is why its absolutely ridiculous. The Brits like any other EU member had its elected officials in the Parliament while their Government which THEY ELECTED was in the council.

Wow such Dictatorship. Boo hoo!

Excuses. Greece has a history of doing this before joining the EU. Its a Greek thing, and the EU married it. It was only a matter of time. This is like the 5th time Greece has exploded its currency. Its a pattern, so please don't give me this "They lied to us!" stuff. The EU wanted Greece, consequences or no. It got consequences.

Greece had the chance to quit the Euro and return to the Drachma. They didn't so they don't get to whine about their horrible horrible fate.

I'm speechless. Its really improved since the 12th century, and it fixed France's language. That's +2 for Britain.

No Britain never had the good of Europe "in its mind" since it joined. It was always about keeping the continent divided. Now the US Aircraft Carrier finally buggers off.


Oldest Heretic
No one has the least idea how this will end up, or what the ramifications for everyone will turn out to be.
Personally I think it is a sad day.

The liklihood of a deal in two years is pie in the sky. With 27 other nations involved as well as the european parliament all wanting their penny worth. Agreement on anything at all will be difficult, even if there was unlimited time.

A lot of large shareholders are going to take fright along the way. And businesses hedge their bets.
Some will make lots of money, and others fail, but people are going to suffer the most.
And that will be on both sides of the channel, as well as globally.


RF's pet cat
I dislike today. Not a great day, tbh, I recommend skipping it and just proceeding to tomorrow.

I didn't want this and I think it's a massive mistake but only time will tell. I'd much rather be wrong, I hope I am wrong. :expressionless:

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Somebody has to get the ball rolling on dismantling a poorly-conceived, failing experiment that should have been shut-down or completely overhauled a long time ago.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Because it is incredibly stupid.
So now they regain their sovereignty? Well how did they get it? Through a free election you say? And the EU did nothing to stop it from happening?

Wow such Dictatorship.
Which is why its absolutely ridiculous. The Brits like any other EU member had its elected officials in the Parliament while their Government which THEY ELECTED was in the council.

Wow such Dictatorship. Boo hoo!
I think the EU could still put the brakes on it. You could write to your representative to sue against Brexit, but you seem to be in favor of getting rid of the UK. I wonder why the UK wanted to leave? I guess the only explanation is that the EU is too wonderful, and that must be why.

Greece had the chance to quit the Euro and return to the Drachma. They didn't so they don't get to whine about their horrible horrible fate.
The EU wanted to get Greece out of the Euro as soon as it started having problems except that Greece was already in so deep that it would not have been able to pay pensions. A referendum was put forward, and the Greeks voted to stay in and accept being told what to do. Win win for everybody. The EU is a dream boat.

No Britain never had the good of Europe "in its mind" since it joined. It was always about keeping the continent divided. Now the US Aircraft Carrier finally buggers off.
Another aircraft carrier for us. Yay! Yes, the USA is certainly responsible for Brexit.


Well-Known Member
I think the EU could still put the brakes on it. You could write to your representative to sue against Brexit, but you seem to be in favor of getting rid of the UK. I wonder why the UK wanted to leave? I guess the only explanation is that the EU is too wonderful, and that must be why.

The main argument for the Brexit was the supposed millions for the NHS who are proven to be fake and of course the evil EU immigrants who steal their jobs.

And no the EU can't put the brakes on it. Its the individual decision of the United Kingdom. Because you know, democracy and stuff.

And most people are happy the Brits go because of the way the Brits have acted throughout their membership and Brexit campaign.

The EU wanted to get Greece out of the Euro as soon as it started having problems except that Greece was already in so deep that it would not have been able to pay pensions. A referendum was put forward, and the Greeks voted to stay in and accept being told what to do. Win win for everybody. The EU is a dream boat.

Long story short: The Greeks are okay with what the EU does. Neat.

Another aircraft carrier for us. Yay! Yes, the USA is certainly responsible for Brexit.

No but the UK was your way to steer the EU compared to the Anglophobic French and resurgent Germans.

De Gaulle called it in the 50s and 60s.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I deeply believe that the case of Brexit has clearly showed to the world that the EU stands for the tangible destruction of the most fundamental principles of International Law, like sovereignty and Independence of states.
The concept of sovereign state (which is the the foundation of European identity) has been definitively vilified in Europe.
When a supranational entity wants to replace itself to states, states don't exist any more. The two things are juridically incompatible. I also understand that the sovereign state (whose exclusive goal is the common good of its people) is a huge obstacle to the economic interests of a certain élite that the EU technocrats blindly serve.

I would like to remind people discussing here what the fundamental principles of International Law are:
1) The main subjects of International Law are states (like the UK). The fundamental features of a state are : sovereignty (meaning a power which is by definition not subordinate to any other power), and independence (that is, its power doesn't derive juridically from any other sovereign entity).

2) So therefore, no state can be subordinate to any supranational entity.

3) The treaty is a mere contract concluded by juridically equal parties (states or other entities equivalent to states according to the International Law). The Vienna Convention is free to state the definition of treaty, but it has no juridic value, since conventions are just instruments to regulate International relations.

4) People can withdraw from contracts, especially when they are not satisfied with the behavior of other parties. So can states.

To conclude: I think that the ethical duty of all the European member states is to use all our means to help the United Kingdom put the process of withdrawal from this Treaty into action, so there will be no significant consequences neither for the British people, nor for other EU states.
If the group of EU technocrats refuses to do this, or worse, make this process difficult on purpose, this will be the proof that the EU is a supranational entity that has never served the interests of the member states. But someone else's interests.
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While Britain will probably suffer in the short-medium term, it could be for the best in the long term.

The 20th C trends of increasing centralisation of powers alongside political globalisation will likely start to be reversed.

I'm not sure that the ideologically motivated centralisation of power that drives the EU (and stupid decisions like the Euro) will find a welcoming environment in the 21st C.


Veteran Member
The only thing about Brexit that I find annoying is all the negativity that we are getting from the Remoaners.

If they put as much effort into helping us to get a good deal we would be onto a sure-fire winner.

If they can’t say anything helpful, they should keep quiet.
Expect it to continue, as a committed Remoaner (Have you ever known the winning side be so upset by the losing side? You WON, you are in the driving seat, tell us about all the great benefits we are about to inherit, stop complaining about us who don't want this)
I just await all the extra money for the NHS, as we were promised, and full employment as all those foreign people stop crossing onto our shores.
I'd also like to know how much Nissan and the likes have been given not to clear off.

So, I await the great days ahead when everything will be roses.
What will the brexit bunch have to blame all the ills on then?


Outstanding Member
While Britain will probably suffer in the short-medium term, it could be for the best in the long term.

The 20th C trends of increasing centralisation of powers alongside political globalisation will likely start to be reversed.

I'm not sure that the ideologically motivated centralisation of power that drives the EU (and stupid decisions like the Euro) will find a welcoming environment in the 21st C.





The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
The only thing about Brexit that I find annoying is all the negativity that we are getting from the Remoaners.

As long as the smug, self-righteous sanctimony of Brexiteers continues then so will this. As long as you keep on braying for us to sit down & keep quiet, we'll continue to do the exact opposite. I've never in my life seen winners as ungracious as the Brexiteers. After Article 50, a lot of us have been worried for the future, worried about the various ways life is going to get worse - because the experts you lot are sick of hearing from have said so. What have our concerns & fears been met with?
"We won, get over it!"
"Suck it up, buttercup!"
"Remoaner, Remoaner, REMOANER!!!".

How can you honestly expect anyone to get on board with people who treat them like this?

If they put as much effort into helping us to get a good deal we would be onto a sure-fire winner.

If you put as much effort into doing actual research instead of believing things on the side of ****ing buses & blaming literally everyone else for the consequences of your actions then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

Not only am I not obligated to get on board with something I believe is a terrible ****ing decision made for just about the worst reasons possible, but every time a Brexiteer demands I get on their side while they continue to call me a Remoaner and tries to bully me, my friends & my family into silence, I will actively tell them to **** off.

**** off.

If they can’t say anything helpful, they should keep quiet.

Pointing out problems in a plan of action is trying to be helpful. You know what's not helpful?
  • Brexit Secretary David Davis not performing any kind of analysis on what a 'no-deal' exit from the EU would do to the UK despite it being his job to plan for that sort of thing;
  • Brexit MPs walking out of the reading of a Commons report because they don't like hearing anything that conflicts with their single-minded, baseless jingoism;
  • Enflaming public sentiment to such a degree that someone feels it's necessary & justified to murder an MP in broad daylight because she holds a dissenting political position;
  • Voting to restore parliamentary sovereignty, to then declare judges the 'Enemy of the People' for ensuring that the Government isn't allowed to subvert that sovereignty by preventing Parliament from scrutinising its Brexit plan (which it didn't have one of);
  • Calling us all 'Remoaners' because we won't just blindly go along with this un-thought out cluster****;
  • Calling us all Remoaners because the Brexit vote disenfranchised those who will have to live with this decision the longest;

Brexiteers calling into LBC can't even name a single EU law they're looking to be rid of. Before you write the link of as biased because it's the Independent; watch the video on its own (you can find more like it), don't read a word of the article around it.

I could go on but I think you get my point. Or maybe you don't because it's not the blind jingoism you demand :rolleyes:
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A Free Man
This man - Michael Heseltine: Germany will 'win the peace' because of Brexit - seems to be modelling himself on this man - Lord Haw-Haw - Wikipedia

I hope he is not privy to government tactics.

Margaret Thatcher had him weighed up all those years ago and he has been bitter ever since.

Unfortunately, he is not the only one amongst us that could harm their country.

I heard something yesterday that went something like this.

‘The Remoaners have been likened to a bunch of passengers on a plane that they believe is heading for the wrong destination and they are hoping that it will crash before it gets there.’