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The Annual RF "Santa Is Evil" Thread!

Does the myth of Santa distract from the real meaning of Christmas?

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Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Sunstone said:
Does Santa's red suit signify the fires of hell?
Actually, it's far more likely to signify the re-formation of the Communist bloc, and with it the emergence of a second cold war. Let's look at the evidence...

Where do most of our toy's come from? China!
What is China made of? Communism!
What other country sounds suspiciously like China whilst drunk? Greenland!
Is Greenland cold, and thus a vital asset in any 'cold war'? Yes!

By providing toys at low low prices, Santa not only has a cunning deception to deal with concerned western nations, but also facilitates the theoretical progression of a Capitalist society towards a Socialist one through increasing the comparative wealth of a nation and promoting social inequality by concentrating that wealth and assets within an ever-diminishing circle.

Not to mention that under Santa's regime there exists mass collectivisation, a regimented social hierarchy, a planned central economy with a huge emphasis on raw production and an authoritarian dictatorship. As well as the coldness. It's only a matter of time before he begins making vague announcements concerning pig iron and occasionally invading bits of eastern Europe.

Watch the skies people; Santa's coming...


Charismatic Enigma
Sunstone said:
Does Santa's red suit signify the fires of hell?

depends what religious persuasion the owner of coca cola is i suppose and whether or not you like coca cola, personal preference really! damn corperations!


Through the Looking Glass
Santa in our culture is a healthy introduction to mythological methodology in my opinion. Kids should start asking questions or get curious about the world outside themselves and the Santa myth is a harmless way to do that. It's a fairly harmless and fun story that they get to sleuth, dissect it's mythological nature and grasp its meaning for them. As long as they understand they don't have to stop with Santa . . .

Santa is good people.


Sweet n Spicy
I chose "No". Santa is something that makes children happy at Christmas. I think that it's children who enjoy Christmas the most. Look at the joy on their faces when they get gifts. It breaks my heart to know that there are some poor children out there who will be starving for Christmas. Oh my God, I'm making myself cry. Anyway, if the concept of "Santa" brings smiles to little children's faces, it can never be evil. :no:

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Sunstone said:
Last, do you think the myth of Santa distracts from the real meaning of Christmas (as Satan intended it to), or does the myth promote the real meaning of Christmas?
The real meaning of Christmas according to whom?


Veteran Member
Mestemia said:
This site is merely preaching to the chior.

Anyone with a lick of sense, who is actually using it, I should say, can tell they are grasping at straws.
Possibly, but Santa Claus does add up to 666 Numerlogicaly and the numerelogical system is pretty accurate.

The Key - The English Alphabet Numeric Letter Values

A=06 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 G=42 H=48 I=54 J=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W =138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156

Mark of Beast=666 | Bio-Implant=666 | Sorceries=666 | Necromancy=666
Witchcraft=666 | Confucius=666
Horrors=666 | Treacheries=666 | Slaughter=666 | Corrupt=666 | False Market=666 Monetary=666 | Stubborn=666 | Unruly=666 | Insanity=666 | Illusion=666
Book of the Dead=666
Son of Sin=666 | Geneticist=666 |
Quarrels=666 | Lustful=666 | Falling Away=666 | Obliterated=666
Dishonored=666 | Outlaws=666 | Harshness=666 | Brutally=666
Santa Claus = 666

Jesus Christ is the Messiah

Jesus = 444 | Messiah = 444 | Yshua = 444
Joshua = 444 | Jewish = 444 | English = 444
Cross = 444 | Gospel = 444 | Obedient = 444
Forgave = 444 | Increase = 444 | Fruit = 444
Chariot = 444


Veteran Member
FFH said:
Possibly, but Santa Claus does add up to 666 Numerlogicaly and the numerelogical system is pretty accurate.

The Key - The English Alphabet Numeric Letter Values

A=06 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 G=42 H=48 I=54 J=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W =138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156

Mark of Beast=666 | Bio-Implant=666 | Sorceries=666 | Necromancy=666
Witchcraft=666 | Confucius=666
Horrors=666 | Treacheries=666 | Slaughter=666 | Corrupt=666 | False Market=666 Monetary=666 | Stubborn=666 | Unruly=666 | Insanity=666 | Illusion=666
Book of the Dead=666
Son of Sin=666 | Geneticist=666 | Vaccination=666
Quarrels=666 | Lustful=666 | Falling Away=666 | Obliterated=666
Dishonored=666 | Outlaws=666 | Harshness=666 | Brutally=666
Illiterate=666 | Santa Claus=666

So illiterate people and vaccinations are of the devil as well?


Lacking Common Sense
Sunstone said:
It's time for the Annual RF "Santa Is Evil" Thread. Expose Santa for what he is! Show us how Santa is the Spawn of Satan! Warn the world about his diabolical reindeer! This is the thread for it!

it is said santa climbs down chimneys and eats small pets or feeds them to his reindeer. Someone said it in a bad movie once but they got killed so who knows, i only know we are not to talk about it or else.

Should eggnog be a controlled substance?

only commies would suggest such a thing. mixing eggs and nogs may be unnatural but you have no proof. unless it is the alcoholic kind which is somewhere around 80 proof.

Does Santa's red suit signify the fires of hell?

no i am sure to you it signifies the CPNP (commie party north pole)

Do reindeer emit dangerous thought altering radiation from their hoves?

reindeer don't hove hoes i mean hoves. But yes. if you are evil or communist i believe the emissions could be toxic or fatal. this is how santa knows if you are commie or evil, if you are dead you don't get a present. Period. Except for coal.

Are Santa's elves engaged in forced slave labor?

only a socialist commie pinko would suggest the happy little people eating candy canes all day and performing hilarious cut ups and hijinx and playing in the snow with reindeer and such is slave labor.

Last, do you think the myth of Santa distracts from the real meaning of Christmas (as Satan intended it to), or does the myth promote the real meaning of Christmas?

I believe as it has already been pointed out *not* by me mind you but other subversi..er other posters, there is telling the truth and there is treading on thin ice if you get my drift, and we know wazzup wit dat. It is not a very healthy thing to question, imo. The walls have ears, and i'm not talking about pointy elves ears either mister. So no it is none of yr business, thankyew.:cool:

merry frickin christmas by the way, hoho.


Veteran Member
beckysoup61 said:
So illiterate people and vaccinations are of the devil as well?
I wouldn't go so far as to say that. I was going to edit those two from the chart so as not to cause a reaction such as yours, which would cause us to become off subject, like we usually do. I pulled this chart off another site and will edit those two off the chart so as not to get off subject again.

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
He looks like an ok guy to me:


Lacking Common Sense
FFH said:
I wouldn't go so far as to say that. I was going to edit those two from the chart so as not to cause a reaction such as yours, which would cause us to become off subject like we ususally do. I pulled this chart off another site and will edit those two off the chart so as not to get off subject again.

the evil commie killing hoof emissions I spoke of earlier also apply to smart alecks.


Admiral Obvious
FFH said:
Possibly, but Santa Claus does add up to 666 Numerlogicaly and the numerelogical system is pretty accurate.

The Key - The English Alphabet Numeric Letter Values

A=06 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 G=42 H=48 I=54 J=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W =138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156
The English-language alphabet originally had only 24 letters. One missing letter was J, which was the last letter to be added to the alphabet. The other latecomer to the alphabet was U.

The Phoenicians were the first to create an alphabet - symbols that represent sounds, not pictures or ideas. The Greeks modified the Phoenician alphabet about 500 BC and it is a lot like the alphabet we use today. The word alphabet comes from the first two Greek letters - alpha and beta. The Romans changed the alphabet when they conquered Greece.

The English alphabet still uses the same letters, but has added the letters J, U and W. The Romans were the first to link the letters together to make a flowing kind of writing, or cursive.



Veteran Member
Moon Woman said:
the evil commie killing hoof emissions I spoke of earlier also apply to smart alecks.
That's interesting, do you always go around insulting people ???... because I don't see anything remotely smart alecky about my last comment.


Lacking Common Sense
FFH said:
That's interesting, do you always go around insulting people because I don't see anything remotely smart alecy about my last comment.

O man I thought... I thought this was a FUNNY thread!

My bad!



Won't happen again!

HTG, i thought you were being funny...

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Veteran Member
Moon Woman said:
HTG, i thought you were being funny...:angel2:
It's all good, and funny, to a certain extent, but the statistics on suicide, during this time of year, are higher than at any time of the year. More people commit suicide during the holidays than at any other time of the year....which makes one think that we might be doing something wrong....

:cross2: Put Christ back into Christmas. :cross2:

Edit: The average suicide rate rises to 41 per million, on New Year's day, which is up from 30 per million, on an average day.


Veteran Member
Mostemia said:
The English-language alphabet originally had only 24 letters. One missing letter was J, which was the last letter to be added to the alphabet. The other latecomer to the alphabet was U.
The gematria system is consistent using our current Greek, Hebrew and English lettering system. This is enough to add credence in my opinion.

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
What is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the original meaning, or what it has come to mean over the last two thousand years? Is it the Winter Solstice?