There has appeared a steady stream of 'missing links' to humans that come and go with surprising regularity. "Ida" was presented by The Guardian newspaper as: "Fossil Ida; Extraordinary find is 'Missing Link' in Human Evolution." Just days later,
UK science journal New Scientist said: "Ida is not a 'missing link' in human evolution.
There is considerable controversy surrounding 'Hobbit'. The point being, don't swallow the kool-aid. Examine the facts for yourself, and don't believe everything you hear, no matter what scientists may claim.
Ida, was a small primate and I don't think you understand Ida. Ida is 47-million-year-old.
Dr Seiffert and his colleagues say that both Afradapis and Darwinius were in a sister group to the so-called "higher primates", which includes humans.
[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]extinct[/COLOR][/COLOR] sister group, they say, was more closely related to lemurs and lorises.
"The suggestion that Ida was specifically related to the higher primates, namely monkeys apes and humans, was actually a minority view from the start. So, it came as a surprise to many of us who are studying primate palaeontology," said Dr Seiffert.
"Ida, which is a member of this genus called Darwinius, is in a fossil group called the Adapiforms which have traditionally been seen as more closely related to the lemurs and lorises - which live today in Madagascar, Africa and Asia - than to monkeys, apes and humans," he added."
"Ida" not missing link in human evolution, claims scientist
This in no way invalidates human evolutionas we have many fossil links, in fact it supports evolution. Ida was a part of the primate missing links.
"There is considerable controversy surrounding 'Hobbit'"
Yes and what would that be? The hobbit man is still a human ancestor.
"The point being, don't swallow the kool-aid. Examine the facts for yourself, and don't believe everything you hear, no matter what scientists may claim."
The facts are evolution is a scientific fact.
There have also been five mass exitintion events and life evolved back. The one before the dinosaurs killed off 95% of all life on earth.
Then came the dinosaurs and they got it by a meteor.
Then came us much much later.
Its a bigger picture and you are just NOT seeing and talking about the small picture.
So tell me after the permian extinction, when 95% of all life on earth died off, how did we get all the new lifew forms we have today? where did they come from?
Your also not going to tell me man walked with the dinosaurs I hope.