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The bible and gays


Active Member
According to the New Covenant, that law is love. Period.
If you believe that is all the whole of the New Testament has to say on why we are here, then there are a lot of wasted words within its pages. The New Testament cannot be interpreted outside of things the Old testament has to say, but the New Testament by itself enjoins the idea of repentance and self discipline concerning a plethora of things aside from love. Love itself is to be disciplined. So, it is not a "period!"


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The only place where God's law allows a sexual expression of love is between one man and one woman who are married. God's law does not recognize marriage between same sex couples.
How do you know? Apparently God changed God's mind about plural marriage at some point. Some quarters of the church (which is the body of Christ) have affirmed that God has, indeed, "changed God's mind" and recognizes same sex marriage. Who died and made you the curator of "all things Christian?"
forcing people of faith to perform such marriages will not make it any more acceptable to God.
No one's forcing people of faith to solemnify marriages. However, apparently it is acceptable to God, for the body of Christ is embracing it.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
If you believe that is all the whole of the New Testament has to say on why we are here, then there are a lot of wasted words within its pages. The New Testament cannot be interpreted outside of things the Old testament has to say, but the New Testament by itself enjoins the idea of repentance and self discipline concerning a plethora of things aside from love. Love itself is to be disciplined. So, it is not a "period!"
"'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and soul, and mind.' This is the first and great commandment. A second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and prophets hang on these two." -- Jesus


Active Member
How do you know? Apparently God changed God's mind about plural marriage at some point. Some quarters of the church (which is the body of Christ) have affirmed that God has, indeed, "changed God's mind" and recognizes same sex marriage. Who died and made you the curator of "all things Christian?"

No one's forcing people of faith to solemnify marriages. However, apparently it is acceptable to God, for the body of Christ is embracing it.
I know because of what has been revealed about what God's desires for His children after this life. Plural marriage is sanctioned by God on some occasions and only on those occasions. He allows it for reasons of His own but for now, it is one man and one wife. Nowhere in scripture has God ever sanctioned same sex unions. Quite the contrary; any sexual activity between same sex couples has always been spoken against.

That some Christians have accepted same sex activity as ok, I believe to be mistaken. Christianity is not homogeneous. There are many diverse doctrines which is why there are so many denominations. Of course they cannot all be right because of such disagreement. While I make no claim to being curator of all things Christian, I do believe I have made the right choice of all the denominations extant. If I didn't believe it, I wouldn't believe it would I?

I just about guarantee you that attempting to forcing religious organizations to solemnize same sex marriages through legal means is next on the agenda. The reason being is that after all is said and done, it is acceptance that the homosexual community is after. And they think they can get it through legal pressure as if God would recognize the laws of men.


Active Member
"'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and soul, and mind.' This is the first and great commandment. A second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and prophets hang on these two." -- Jesus
My point is not to deny the truth of that statement, but that that is not all the New Testament has to say. Surely you do not suggest that repentance is not spoken of as well or that sins of various types were not spoken against. Perhaps it should be asked what does it mean to love God? John 14:15: "If ye love me, keep my commandments." You are attempting to reduce loving God to a feeling rather than an action. The same with loving one's neighbor. To tell a neighbor that his sin is ok when it is not, is not loving him. Again you are attempting to reduce love to a mere feeling.


Active Member
I'm content that there is no "right" or "wrong." There is only God's grace on the matter.
You are attempting to suggest that God's laws are not objective (applicable in all places and at all times). By saying there is no right or wrong, you are saying that all right and wrong is purely subjective and that depending who is in power, you could be right today and wrong tomorrow. God's grace will not save people in their sins; but only from their sins. If you believe that God will save everyone no matter what they do in mortality, I think will are sadly mistaken. If, on the other hand you believe that God will save you for simply verbally confessing His name, you are mistaken. For He says that not everyone that says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. If you think it is by grace alone without any effort towards repentance on your part, you are mistaken.
James 2:17-20:
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
Do you think God is a partial God? That He will save some and not others capriciously? That there is no criterion for His judgments? His law is just a eternal as He is and it is by His law that He judges. And the thing that He judges is sin. And the activities declared as sinful are declared in scripture.


Well-Known Member
You are attempting to suggest that God's laws are not objective (applicable in all places and at all times). By saying there is no right or wrong, you are saying that all right and wrong is purely subjective and that depending who is in power, you could be right today and wrong tomorrow. God's grace will not save people in their sins; but only from their sins. If you believe that God will save everyone no matter what they do in mortality, I think will are sadly mistaken. If, on the other hand you believe that God will save you for simply verbally confessing His name, you are mistaken. For He says that not everyone that says Lord, Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. If you think it is by grace alone without any effort towards repentance on your part, you are mistaken.
James 2:17-20:
17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
Do you think God is a partial God? That He will save some and not others capriciously? That there is no criterion for His judgments? His law is just a eternal as He is and it is by His law that He judges. And the thing that He judges is sin. And the activities declared as sinful are declared in scripture.

Save for people or your religion..You need it.


Active Member
Well Ben I can tell you from personal experience I was told by the priest that my ex had us go to told me that I had to put up with Keith beating the snot out of me, to the point of hospitalization, because if I divorced him I would be excommunicated and never be allowed back into church or the graces of God. So saying that God would not want us to stay in that kind of marriage is just your opinion. All well and good but one not held by the RCC. And btw, if those laws were only for the Jews, why do you believe that gay marriage is wrong because I can tell you, Christ never said a word about gay relationships. Paul did but Paul never knew Jesus and Jesus did speak of a man and a woman in marriage but he never spoke about gays. Not once.
When people tell you that you have to stay married to that, thastr not from God but Religion.


Active Member
The bible also teaches us that the sky is a solid dome covering a disc-shaped earth. Science has taught us otherwise. The bible "teaches us" that homosexuality is a "sin," but science shows us that it's a sexual identity of who one is. A person cannot be "sin."
I truly believe science is used by Satan to tell people there is no God


Active Member
Do you also, as a Christian, "follow what God says" in matters of cosmology? If so, space flight isn't biblically possible. Or do you embrace science on the matter? What's the difference between that and embracing science on the issue of homosexuality as a normal and healthy sexual identity?
Never have caress for science. I finds it to be boring. I used to fall asleep in my science class in school. Never been my style or something I even like or listen to.